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Went 4-0 with these beast at FNM today, so I figured I'd share it with you folks. This is an aggressive midrange-ish shell that runs very efficient creatures, bombs (Gearhulk OP), and a butt-ton of Planeswalkers. Running a ton of walkers gives us reach and staying power against removal decks. Having multiple copies of things like Nissa is nice, because you can be more liberal in using her amazing -2 ability (which really shines in this deck).

As for my curve, I've got Oath of Nissa on one. I think it's pretty strong in this deck, since we're not entirely devoted to an aggro shell that would necessitate one-drop creatures. I considered running the 2/1 for one green, but I decided against it after the inclusion of the Walker package. This little enchantment fixes our mana, gives us something we likely needed, and can really help dig for that Gearhulk // Chandra bomb.

At two, we've got a lot of stuff. Oath of Chandra is my removal of choice in the mainboard, because three damage is pretty solid at getting rid of things that annoy us (Thalia, Gisela, aggressive dudes, Advocates, etc). We also run ten Planeswalkers, so the static ability on Oath of Chandra is the real deal. Shocking opponent's walkers or just giving us two points of extra burn pressure is very nice. As for the creatures, there's ten. Sylvan Advocate and Voltaic Brawler are pretty obvious, and then I also have Lambholt Pacifist, because it's very easy to swing with it and I like the 3/3 body against aggro.

At three, we start our walker curve with Nissa, Voice of Zendikar. She's great at flooding the board, protecting herself or other walkers, and we can utilize her -2 ability very well in this aggressive midrange shell. Since we run four, we can throw our Nissas under the bus and not be completely hosed. I'm also running Tireless Tracker, because it's a green midrange staple. Drawing cards and getting a huge guy is pretty good, so I hear.

At four, all we've got is a full play-set of Arlinn. Wolf-mama never really saw much competitive standard play last season, but I think she shines here. She's essentially our Gideon. A lot of times we just wanna make the wolf and then flip her for the versatility of her back-half (team pump, burn), but sometimes her front-side's +1 ability is very good, ESPECIALLY on a freshly played Gearhulk. Turn five swing with a 10/10 vigilance trample? Yeah. Not bad.

At five, we've got the man, the myth, the legend, Verdurous Gearhulk. This card is bonkers. It can be a huge stompy 8/8 guy with trample. It can pump your team however you'd like. It's a threat on its own, it's got trample, it can make other guys bigger; it basically does everything our deck wants to do. I understand not everyone will be lucky enough to have four of these guys right away, or maybe ever, but I strongly recommend this card.

At six, we've got Chandra, and boy is she good. Giving us access to a board wipe can really turn things around, and a lot of times, with all of our team pump, we can make that a one-sided boardwipe. Her +1 gives us a lot of pressure, and can be very helpful in taking out our opponents' walkers, if they've got any out. I never used her +0 ability, but I could see it potentially being relevant if I had like, a buncha lands I didn't need in hand.

As for the sideboard, it's completely meta dependent. I sideboarded in Blossoming Defense a lot (usually cutting Oath of Nissa), and I also found myself using Chandra' Pyrohelix a lot more than I thought I would. That card is a total blowout against a lot of the little-guy aggro decks that are floating around, and it's instant speed. Sometimes you can also just burn them for two, if you really need to, or burn a guy for one and then hit them for one as well (which can help our creatures trade up if they have to block something big and scary). It's way more versatile than it looks, that's for sure.

I think this deck is sweet, and hopefully you will too. This is an example of a crazy nut-draw hand:

T1 - Oath of Nissa T2 - Voltaic Brawler T3 - Nissa, +1, Swing for 4 trample T4 - Arlinn, +1, Nissa +1, Swing for 6 trample T5 - Gearhulk, Nissa -2, Arlinn +1, swing for 17 (Total damage across five turns: 27)


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 3 Mythic Rares

25 - 0 Rares

8 - 6 Uncommons

0 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.89
Tokens Clue, Elemental 3/1 R, Emblem Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon, Emblem Nissa, Vital Force, Energy Reserve, Human 2/2 G, Human Cleric 1/1 WB, Plant 0/1 G, Wolf 2/2 G
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