A really dumb deck idea that was floating around my noggin.
The main goal of the deck is to ramp toward a Paradox Engine, drop a monument along the way, and cast Greenbelt Rampager a whole bunch of times.
Paradox Engine with Greenbelt Rampager and Servant of the Conduit makes for a normally pointless infinite summon loop, but playing Bontu's Monument suddenly makes it a lot more relevant. Longtusk Cub acts as both a means to keep energy in control and a way to combo off should Servant of the Conduit not be in play.
Edit: Minor change to help with the consistency of the deck and buy it a couple turns. Hazoret's Monument has been replaced with Aethersphere Harvester to give me an energy sink that I can find with Trophy mage and can give me much needed life to keep the dream alive.
This deck has the potential to be explosive: turn 4 explosive. It can go off on a hair trigger and appear nigh-unstoppable with a good opening hand and little interaction from the opponent, but otherwise it's very VERY slow. Don't expect to win playing this thing if you opponent is playing anything resembling a decent plan.
Edit 2: Holy piss, when did that land get that expensive?! I swear I added them in when they were floating at ~$1.70 a piece. All they do is manage to give you a slightly more reliable turn 2; Woodland Stream is a more than okay substitute.
Edit 3: Major change to the deck, swapping Rhonas's Monument for Uncage the Menagerie. This effectively gives me 3 more elephants, albeit at 4cmc over 1. This also gives me a bit of redundancy for finding energy dumps to combo off of.