
Modern nbarry223


-Bean- says... #1

Oh, man, this is a terrific deck! I've been wanting to build a similar deck with Plow Under and Primal Command for some time. +1 for sure! Just wondering, why did you choose Recross the Paths over cards like Search for Tomorrow or Sakura-Tribe Elder ? I usually think of those as the best ramping options in modern.

April 17, 2014 12:37 a.m.

Dr.Woodenstein says... #2

You really need 4x Aspect of Hydra . If Deus of Calamity is the only creature out when you play it, it will give him +5/+5. Now think what it will do with some more permanents out.

April 17, 2014 1:37 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #3

I chose it for the Psuedo-scry, and the fact that it can recur itself if I win (which happens a lot since I have some high CMC cards).

I originally had Search for Tomorrow in it as 4 of and Recross the Paths was a 2 of or something, but through playtesting, I found I'd much rather have Recross the Paths in almost every situation. I am playing top deck manipulation, so it lets me see what I'm hiding (if they don't scry it down), and if I have a turn I can let them draw or not. I considered Sakura-Tribe Elder too, but I'd rather have that turn 1 ramp. Sadly enough, there isn't really any space for him.

I basically choose it for the knowledge it provides, plus it can set up my draws. It's the same reason I'm running Scrying Sheets and snow-covered lands, knowledge and draw manipulation, which green lacks.

April 17, 2014 1:45 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #4

Aspect of Hydra is a bit win-more. I'd rather have a card that solidifies my position than something to make me win when I'm already winning. That's just my opinion though.

I'd throw in Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx long before Aspect of Hydra since ramping lets me put a lock on the game almost. I might go 2/2 on shrine and scry sheets, but 4 colorless lands is about as many as I can afford to have.

April 17, 2014 1:49 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #5

Oh wow, just realized Ohran Viper is a snow creature so I can actually find it via Scrying Sheets . Those coincidental synergies are the best :)

April 17, 2014 2:08 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #6

I might have to retire this deck, too many people are rage quitting already...

April 18, 2014 2:45 a.m.

Dr.Woodenstein says... #7

Is it just me or is Plow Under the only card in the mainboard that returns lands to the top of their owners deck?

April 18, 2014 7:31 a.m.

Dr.Woodenstein says... #8

Nevermind, Primal Command does it to. Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure this deck is too slow to actually be competitive. I mean how often does your Deus of Calamity get 6 damage through?

April 18, 2014 8:02 a.m.

Scorprix says... #9

I have a mono-green deck, too: Legit Mono-Green Burn (Is That Even Possible?). You should check it out.

April 18, 2014 1:07 p.m.

Haha this is epic. +1

April 18, 2014 1:10 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #11


It's actually relatively fast given the ramp. I'm often returning lands to the top of the deck turn 3, 4 at the latest. If they have no board presence at that point, it becomes game over. Once I start top decking lands, there's pretty much no way to escape. Deus of Calamity doesn't get through right away in most cases, but he eliminates whatever creatures they have because they can't afford to lose more lands.

You'd have to play the deck to understand I think. When I originally built it, I thought it was too slow too, but I've actually outraced aggro decks like affinity game 1, so it is quit the fast deck sometimes.

April 18, 2014 1:47 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #12

So I've made it considerably faster (added more ramp and card draw), and more resistant to aggro decks with the addition of Bow of Nylea

It still isn't the greatest build out there, but once it gets a lock in place, there is literally nothing the opponent can do to escape.

I'm still looking for some other way to deal with a lot of creatures, as swarms are the main thing this deck lacks answers to.

April 19, 2014 11:52 p.m.

Ultramegalord says... #13

Bit of a win more card but, what about Panoptic Mirror

April 20, 2014 9:41 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #14

Interesting concept, Might be worth it if I upped Noxious Revival mainboard, I'll toy around with the concept. I just can't make my mana curve too high, where it's at now is already pushing it.

April 20, 2014 10:16 p.m.

I LOVE where this deck is going...what a great concept with great concepts...I'm going to try to think of some synergies that may work in the deck and hopefully I'll be able to add something; but the deck is looking pretty good as is! What a neat take on ramping. +1 of course.

April 25, 2014 2:52 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #17

It seems to work fine against every deck except for super aggressive ones. Unfortunately, I can't come up with any green board wipes, so I am just running Creeping Corrosion for the affinity match. I'd much rather have something like Damnation in that slot, but I can't really come up with one in mono green...

I thought of Nevinyrral's Disk but it isn't modern legal, so I'm still stuck in the bind of control shelling in a non-control color.

The most troublesome matches are when they have 3+ beaters out while I am still ramping, before I start topdecking lands. Even if I have them totally locked out from doing anything, green really doesn't have any viable removal, so I die to the threats on the board already sometimes. There's really no removal in green, that I've seen anyway.

That's where I need the most help, thanks.

April 25, 2014 3:48 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #18

If only Bow of Nylea could hit non-flyers too, I'd be okay, it works extremely well in the control shell haha. Green has a lot of cards that are very powerful when used as control cards, surprisingly enough.

My biggest concern is definitely replacing Creeping Corrosion with something that hits more decks, but at this point, I fear there is nothing out there (yet).

April 25, 2014 3:53 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #19

All I've been able to come up with as replacements are Garruk Relentless  Flip and Thunderstaff both of which can be worked around by certain decks.

April 25, 2014 4:05 a.m.

The only things I can think of off the top of my head are Firespout (only deals with flyers without red mana), Fog -effects for damage ( but itvdiesntvgetcrid of the creatures themselves )...a few good options against such decks are:

  1. Engineered Explosives
  2. Ratchet Bomb
  3. Chalice of the Void

These three can be cast relatively quickly and de with 0, 1, or 2-drops. There's also All Is Dust as a wrath effect; but at 7-CMC it's too slow. Green just doesn't get wrath...never has. I guess the other colors have to have one thing green doesn't (even though it's the best color! :)

Hope this helps!

April 25, 2014 9:03 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #21

Actually fire spout made me realize I can step outside mono green (just a little) to get Ghostly Prison

It works really well with the decks goal, and is probably playable thanks to Utopia Sprawl and Noble Hierarch . Nonetheless I'll have to test it to find out, but it does seem like the best option right now.

April 25, 2014 1:45 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #22

I just want to say... Wildfire is a card... annnnd they will hate you forever.

another decent board wipe is Sulfurous Blast because it has the option of instant speed or just main phase for 3 dmg each.

honestly though, you have great options already.

Super fun play testing with you tonight and glad you are making the splash of red now. kessig will be brutal in this deck, for the snake and deus.

April 28, 2014 4:52 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #23

run 2 kessig, your mana base can easily afford it and don't be shy to even add some Raging Ravine , still gets you the colors and great to start finishing off the game

April 28, 2014 4:55 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #24

Yeah, I think I am happy with Firespout , simply because it is an easier casting cost.

Now it's no longer mono-green control though :(

Oh well, green just didn't have the answer for swarms that I really needed.

April 28, 2014 4:57 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #25

Well, I don't really want to dump mana into lands, since I need like 5+ every turn to stay in "control mode" where I am topdecking at least one land. I'll have to see about the two kessig, 1 is probably enough, since dues isn't really a go-to unless I need it for blocking, since he ties up a lot of mana and lets my opponent draw a card usually.

The beautiful thing about my Recross the Paths is it hits nonbasics, so hopefully 1 is enough, i'll have to find out when I playtest later. It's awfully late now though (5 am) so I am going to call it a night haha, thanks for the games though.

April 28, 2014 5:02 a.m.

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