yes, shuffle effects can break the lock, but depending on when you get the soft lock down, as mentioned before, they need the lands.
The most difficult matches are aggro decks with lots of fetches, where the deck can easily function off 1-2 lands. Basically RDW creature variants, and zoo, being two of the most difficult matches for the deck.
December 16, 2015 12:21 p.m.
I'm thinking there might be a better finisher now (and maybe enough options to make it more green with less splashing), will have to see.
December 26, 2021 9:43 a.m.
youhoo2645 says... #4
Primal command + eternal witness is an insane resource loop, and when you put timeless witness into the loop it can be very fun. You don't need recross, noxious, or cylconic really, they don't add much to your overall gameplan and could do to be some solid silver bullet creatures to pull out with primal command.
January 27, 2022 5:09 p.m.
Oh yeah Timeless Witness wasn’t a card when I made the deck, thanks for the suggestion. I think I’ll stick with the cheaper version for now, since it lets me loop earlier, but I’d definitely be interested in silver-bullet suggestions if you had any specifics.
January 27, 2022 5:54 p.m.
youhoo2645 says... #6
Scavenging ooze is an insane card in graveyard matchups, not only disrupting the opponent, but also gaining you incremental life. Thrun, the Last Troll gives you a solid option against control/removal heavy strats. Ivy Lane Denizen and Scurry Oak are a fun pairing for an infinite combo. If you want more tutor abilities, chord of calling is a rather inexpensive card that allows you to pull out creatures on the fly. Kitchen Finks is a solid sideboard piece for burn/aggro decks. Obstinate Baloth is also good against burn, but serves double duty in matchups like Jund/Grixis Death's Shadow being able to recur itself when discarded. Collector Ouphe hoses hammer time and affinity lists. Endurance is a pricy option, but it's a free spell that doubles down as solid interruption.
January 31, 2022 1:58 p.m.
TheRoaringRegisaur says... #7
This is great! I love unique decks like this!
February 7, 2022 5:31 p.m.
I’m a sucker for decks that make one say: “Hold up, [insert color] can do that…?“
February 17, 2023 9:46 p.m.
zapyourtumor says... #10
What exactly is Manamorphose doing here?
Manabase is a little weird, if you really want to lean into snow then I'd run 4 Prismatic Vista. Gemstone Caverns and Boseiju aren't worth having in the sideboard, and both of those cards are basically only for spell-based combo decks like ad naus. I'd take out all 6 copies across main and side, replace the maindeck ones with 2 Boseiju, Who Endures, replace the sideboard copies with 4 Pick Your Poison.
May 16, 2024 8 p.m.
Manamorphose is just a filler card to let me run under 60 cards essentially. Boseiju and PYP both didn't exist back when I made this deck, guess it is time to update it.
Also, as far as the lands to cut, Gemstone Caverns is amazing in here, as we just want to go fast, since the sooner we get to 5 mana, the better. Boseiju, Who Shelters All is also really needed against control, and we are actually a spell based deck, the creatures are only there to ramp or eventually be a win-con, but the main goal is to get to Plow Under or Primal Command to start topdecking their lands and forcing them to redraw them.
May 16, 2024 8:22 p.m.
zapyourtumor says... #12
If you're scared of control just run 4 Veil of Summer sideboard instead of suboptimal lands
Manamorphose may be a filler card, but its not a completely free card like Gitaxian Probe is. There is a reason why not every single deck in modern in red or green plays 4 manamorphose, and its only played by stuff like storm and prowess. It gives you a random top deck so you cant factor it into mulligan decisions, and it costs 2 mana instead of 0 mana so it messes with your mana curve (I.e. you miss your 1 drop, cast it on turn 2 intending to cast sculptor of winter, instead draw into your arbor elf). The better solution is to just up your general card quality.
BloodoftheBloodMoon says... #1
that is debatable.. it still puts him turns behind because of the lack of land the opponent has. if the opponent shuffles his land away with say a fetchland, then that just puts him even further back because he now has less land to play every turn. Draw spells are also unfavorable, because when he draws, he's not really digging deeper into his deck, you already know it's a land. and same as mentioned before, if he scrys them to the bottom, that's just less land for him.
December 16, 2015 10:49 a.m.