Grenzo, Dungeon Warden - The Slot Machine of Value

Commander / EDH snowfox54119


Trepsik says... #1

I love it! I play a Grenzo tribal deck that is sorely in need of a revamp and as much as it pains me to kill the tribal aspect of it I'll be taking a page from your book and going the slot machine creature heavy with a focus on ETB effects route.

Have you considered Flayer of the Hatebound ? Granted he has a 4 power but his ability plays REAL nice with Grenzo's

I'm looking to experiment with the various Arcbound artifact creatures as well. Thornbite Staff Goblin Welder and a few of them could lead to some shenanigans.

April 16, 2018 10:37 p.m.

snowfox54119 says... #2

Glad to hear you enjoy the deck! :) I actually followed a strict philosophy of creatures with 3 power or less for the deck so Grenzo could be cast on Turn 3 and could initiate two flips at minimum on turn 4.

Flayer is a fun card and does have a lot of synergy with Grenzo, but I'd prefer to keep my current speed and adding an additional 1 to Grenzo's X cost will severely slow this deck down.

April 19, 2018 9:37 a.m.

Trepsik says... #3

Your philosophy is definitely understandable. My deck strays a bit so far.

I've found that Cloak and Dagger plays since, auto equips Grenzo, provides protection, and bumps him up another +2/+0

With my deck in transition from goblin tribal I played last night with good success. Had Purphoros, God of the Forge out and Illusionist's Bracers on Grenzo. Managed to pull a win despite my primary opponent making me constantly discard. Those Arcbound creatures hit hard btw.

Most fun I've ever had with Grenzo :)

April 19, 2018 12:03 p.m.

Thorbogl says... #4

whenever i see grenzo builds i automaticly think that it's a shame one can't play stuff like Wheel of Sun and Moon or Sekki, Seasons' Guide due to color identity restictions, but anyway, love grenzo!

easy +1

April 19, 2018 12:20 p.m.

Angrybeards says... #5

This deck is fantastic! I’m currently building it and am very excited to play it in my meta!

I do have one question though. My meta is control heavy, a ton of blue. I’m worried my combo pieces are going to constantly get taken out with counter spells or Cyclonic Rift

Have you had any issues with this?

August 3, 2018 12:40 p.m.

snowfox54119 says... #6

Hey Angrybeards, glad to hear you like the list! I've actually found this list pretty good against blue metas as long as you can stick Grenzo. You might consider adding Cavern if Souls if you have one.

But once Grenzo's down, most things are done through abilities, and filthy blue mages cant counter those unless they have a stifle (which does nothing but annoy us and slow us down one flip). So other than the initial casting of Grenzo, 90% of your mana investments are uncounterable.

So focus on getting Grenzo out quickly while the blue players are ramping. Especially in your first game, they'll probably underestimate him and save their counters for bigger threats. Just make sure they know you aren't playing doomsday ;)

August 22, 2018 9:48 a.m.

MugiwaraLee says... #7

I love this deck idea and I plan on building this for my next EDH commander, but I have a question. I understand you have Duplicant in the deck as flippable creature removal and with a digger loop possible repeatable creature removal, except that as soon as Duplicant imprints a creature with power greater than 3 (which it most likely will if you're using it to remove a threat) you will no longer be able to flip it with Grenzo, unless he is powered up somehow. It seems like a good one time flip for on spot removal but I don't think it will be reliably repeatable. Unless there is some ruling I'm unaware of? Regardless thank you for coming up with this deck and all of the resources to help build/explain it. c:

September 10, 2018 7:56 a.m.

snowfox54119 says... #8

Hi MugiwaraLee! Glad to hear you're excited about the deck and I apologize for my slow response. Duplicant actually completely resets and does not retain its power imprinting from the exiled creature once it leaves play. So as soon as Duplicant hits the graveyard, it's reset. Then you reflip it and can trigger it again and again, etc.

January 11, 2019 10:13 a.m.

apohl13 says... #9

I love this deck! I was building my own grenzo list when I saw this and realized this is both more fun and strangely more consistent than what I was originally going for. In my list, I took out Ancient Tomb , Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth (and Crypt Ghast ), and with unfoiled cards, got the list down to $120! Anyways, thanks for the help with my list, and +1 from me!

January 13, 2019 10:48 a.m.

apohl13 says... #10

Also, would Garna, the Bloodflame be good in the deck? He's a flippable haste enabler as well as possibly bring back some stuff you had sacrificed earlier.

January 13, 2019 6:28 p.m.

snowfox54119 says... #11

@apohl13, always happy to help a fellow dungeon delver, and I'm glad you enjoy the list! And yes, without the foils, the list is extremely affordable for anyone who wants to jump in.

As for Garna, the Bloodflame , my major issue with her is that she returns creatures to our hand which is actually the worst place for them to be in this deck. A lot of our creatures have high CMC (making their cast cut 2-3 flips we could have activated) and are much more abusable from the graveyard, so I typically prefer to keep them there.

January 14, 2019 3:16 p.m.

apohl13 says... #12

Makes sense. Also, My best friend has taken to playing Orzhov tokens. How would you recommend going against this without board wipes? I get that Goblin Sharpshooter and Deathbringer Thoctar can mass kill tokens, but what if I don't find either of them, or he buffs his tokens to more than 1 toughness? Additionally, this deck seems to be weak against fliers, so I'm slightly concerned about what will happen when he fills his board with flying spirit tokens. If you have any experience with this, I would love it if you would share. :)

January 14, 2019 4:05 p.m.

snowfox54119 says... #13

@apohl13, if you're playing in a multiplayer group, then you should be able to leverage the other players' threats to redirect attacks towards them. I've played against a lot of token decks, and typically I can either tutor for an answer with Goblin Matron or Moggcatcher , or I can beat them out by racing to one of my combos.

If you're playing 1v1 or just facing a lot of token aggro, here are some additional protection/hate pieces to help you manage your meta:

Hopes that gives you some good ideas!

January 14, 2019 4:35 p.m.

apohl13 says... #14

Thank you so much! All of those seem like great ideas, although Imperial Recruiter isn't quite in the budget. I'll definitely check out Night Incarnate and Silent Arbiter , though.

January 14, 2019 5:40 p.m.

snowfox54119 says... #15

@apohl13, I can definitely recommend Silent Arbiter as it's done wonders for me in the past. My meta has just evolved to the point where I no longer require it.

January 15, 2019 1:06 a.m.

apohl13 says... #16

After some consideration, I'm pretty sure I also want to put Pentavus in the deck. It's a flippable big creature, and paying 1 for some sac fodder or some fliers just seems real good. The problem is, it doesn't fill the same role as anything else in the deck. Any idea what to replace?

January 15, 2019 8:18 a.m.

apohl13 says... #17

Also, would Kitesail Freebooter be a good alternative for Mesmeric Fiend ? It's blinkable through a digger loop unlike Mesmeric Fiend and it flies as a nice bonus

January 15, 2019 9:05 a.m.

apohl13 says... #18

Whoops NVM about Kitesail Freebooter . I forgot that it's also temporary.

January 15, 2019 9:07 a.m.

snowfox54119 says... #19

@apohl13, Absolutely! The thing I love about the list is that it's very flexible and you can remove pieces that are less important to you very easily. Here are some one's I'd recommend looking at if you want to find room for Pentavus

  • Avalanche Riders - if you don't have much need for land destruction in your meta, this is easily replaceable. It can be a wincon in and of itself, but I know some people really like to avoid LD altogether

  • Corpse Connoisseur - I go back and forth on this card a lot. Sometimes it's amazing with a recursion engine active, and sometimes it's just an Anger fetcher. Either way, I tend to stick with it cause I like it, but I could see arguments for skipping it.

  • Gonti, Lord of Luxury - fun card that makes use of your opponent's decks, but isn't necessarily needed. Though he can be a nice backup wincon with infinite mana and a Digger Loop.

  • Pilgrim's Eye - one of the weaker mana ramp flips.

Hope that gives you some good replacement ideas. And as you mentioned, Kitesail Freebooter isn't a good replacement since you can't abuse the ETB/LTB trigger like you can with Mesmeric Fiend to permanently remove every players hand at instant speed.

January 15, 2019 10:33 a.m.

Senserazer says... #20

Just wanted to chime in and say I started building this deck. Looks amazing. I found it on mtgsalvation, but I haven't been able to log in there since that awful twitch thing. Awesome deck!

January 19, 2019 12:45 p.m.

Senserazer says... #21

Also, how about Goblin Marshal ? I've ordered a copy to try out in the one I'm making. It's 5 bodies for us to sac, and it's goblin, so can even sac to Prospector, for another infinite digger loop I think?

January 20, 2019 3:34 p.m.

snowfox54119 says... #22

@Senserazer, nice catch! I'll definitely have to test this out as well!

January 20, 2019 7:17 p.m.

SamsWrath says... #23

Have you considered running Corpse Dance as a second Nim Deathmantle effect?

January 20, 2019 11:42 p.m.

snowfox54119 says... #24

@SamsWrath, this list prefers to avoid running a lot of noncreature, nonrecurrable cards which is why there's only one sorcery in the deck. It's also the same reason that cards like Mana Echoes and Braid of Fire are passed over; the more cards we include the aren't creatures, the greater chance of a dead flip.

January 21, 2019 8:53 a.m.

Senserazer says... #25

Perhaps running Arcbound Reclaimer could be good? We have quite a few very important artifacts, and it's reusable recursion. Eot throw lantern, heartstone or similar on top, to draw next turn? And also be a body to sac.

January 22, 2019 11:12 a.m.

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