Grenzo's Cabin in the Woods

Commander / EDH crowned


pauldiamond64 says... #1

i gave it +1. Check out my EDH deck that is also black/red

Olivia, hahahahahahahhaha... you lose im trying to get upvotes plz

March 5, 2017 4:29 p.m.

how does Priest of the Blood Rite sound to you? yes it high in mana but by continuously bringing it out and killing it you'll get allot of 5/5 demon tokens with flying which adds to the ETB effects. and by constantly killing the priest itself you'll lose little to no life at your upkeep.

February 25, 2018 6:26 a.m.

crowned says... #3

Priest of the Blood Rite seems like a solid grenzo goodstuff card: same power as grenzo, great cmc to cheat into play, strong beater. I went through the usual supsects when I started brewing on the deck (about a year ago) and most of them performed poorly since the deck had many other issues (manabase and ramp were very poor/greedy) - It's probably time to re-evaluate cards like priest. I will probably test it for a few games, but I don't know which card I replace yet.

February 26, 2018 6:38 a.m.

crowned says... #4

Thanks for all the upvote love, I appreciate it! New Dominaria Cards that caught my eye:

Whisper, Blood Liturgist - could be another useful recursion piece and also counts as a sac outlet

Garna, the Bloodflame - super excited for this card! You can sac your own creatures in response to her EOT trigger to play them for their ETB effects in the upcoming turn - with haste!

March 19, 2018 12:33 p.m.

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