
Hi all, thank you for looking at this - my first commander deck I have come up with myself, a Goblin Tribal focused on Grenzo, Dungeon Warden and other legends such as Krenko, Mob Boss and the utter insanity (uh, I mean Tactics) Goblins bring to a battle. I was hoping you could see any issues I'm missing, because it always seems that I am forced to start slow even though this should be a reasonably fast deck.

Anyway, the strategy is to use Grenzo's summoning abilities to thin the deck fast and grab the combo pieces for the deck's various win conditions (admittedly quite a few of them involve large hordes of 1/1 Goblin tokens).

This deck has a few combos to generate hordes:

This deck has a few cards to capitalise on the Horde:

  • Goblin Bombardment Is used for damage (can also be used as a way to get back at opponents who would destroy your tokens
  • Skirk Prospector Is used to generate mana, same with Ashnod's Altar
  • Jar of Eyeballs This will allow you to adjust the order of the top cards (combined with sacrifice)
  • Dirge of Dread Can be used to make the Horde unblockable (unless you're fighting a black-mana deck of course)
  • Archetype of Finality Has a similar effect to DoD, however there is a better combo which I'll get to later
  • Caterwauling Boggart Makes it harder to block
  • Voracious Dragon Can straight-up burn an opponent to death as soon as it hits the field, on top of that it can present an immediate threat that will catch people's attention, if you're lucky and nobody kills it you could just make it unblockable with Rogue's Passage
  • Goblin Piledriver Will also get strong if you have a lot of tokens, it's not as easy as Voracious though since they have to attack together
  • Goblin Sledder + Goblin Tunneler Is the "stealth-mode" of Voracious, the theory is that you make Sledder unblockable and then sacrifice as many tokens as you need to buff him, most players will overlook them due to their individual weakness, the main downside is that they don't have the burn of Voracious
  • Purphoros, God of the Forge Will allow you to hit EVERYBODY for 2 damage for every creature that comes in, combine it with Krenko or Chancellor and you have the potential to smite multiple opponents at once if they've left you alone to gather up 20 Goblins or so
  • Hellrider Will allow you to burn for every creature that attacks, so not as powerful as Purphoros but sometimes you may need a compromise
  • Goblin Assassin Should allow you to clear the board, if you are summoning a lot of tokens at once that is
  • Finally there's one which will lose you friends: Din of the Fireherd which should force the poor soul you target to throw away most-if not all of their lands

Now I'll go over the cards that interact well with Grenzo:

  • Viscera Seer Its a scryer, you can also re-use it with the Artifacts by putting it on the bottom since its weaker than Grenzo before you even put any +1/+1 counters on him
  • Jar of Eyeballs Admittedly this card does not work as well as some of the others listed here as it is more situational, but the theory is that you can gather enough Eyeballs you should be able to decide the order of the entire deck later on
  • Tel-Jilad Stylus This card seems odd but for Grenzo it's a hidden Gem, you can use it to reuse "enter the battlefield" abilities such as Boggart Harbinger
  • Ring of Valkas Adds +1/+1 counters to Grenzo without having to summon him again
  • Spread the Sickness Adds +1/+1 counters and acts as a more expensive Murder
  • Soldevi Digger Allows you to recover cards from the grave working with Grenzo to summon them
  • Reito Lantern Same as Digger
  • Junktroller Same as Digger except it can be summoned by Grenzo himself, the only downside is the Tapping cost
  • Epitaph Golem Junktroller MKII Hooray!
  • Mindmoil Allows you to decide what cards are on the bottom of the deck while getting rid of the dead cards in your hand, the only downside is that you have to think smarter if you want to make long-term plans and can't just hold on to the cards you want
  • Possibility Storm This one is a bit of a gamble, the idea is that it allows you to speed through the deck faster, it doesn't thin the deck but still gives you a chance to get what you need- for example you could cast a cheap goblin like Sledder and end up with Chancellor (both creatures), meanwhile this disrupts the opponent's strategies especially if they've been using searchers to fill their hands with the exact cards they wanted. All-in-all its a high-risk high-reward that can be fun when you have the opportunity, but its not essential to the strategy or anything
  • Flayer of the Hatebound This is a good combo with Grenzo since everything Grenzo summons has to go through the Graveyard first, this card can combo well in the late-game with Twilight's Call if you've been struggling to recover from the grave
  • Opal Palace This card only make a little difference but it can save you mana later if Grenzo keeps getting killed by putting +1/+1 counters on him for free
  • Frogtosser Banneret Again, only a little difference but its another way to get more counters for less

Other Combos of Note

  • There are most likely more combos to put here that I have forgotten, I may add if I remember any good ones

Okay, that's all the strategic stuff. Thanks for reading my decklist and description, and any advice you can give to improve this deck would be great just please bear in mind I play with physical cards so I am on a budget and can't just up and buy a Black Lotus or anything like that (I only got Kiki-Jiki after some patient sniping on eBay after Modern Masters).

So thanks again, and take care!


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