
This is an attempt at making a deck that maximizes the interaction between players, and in which we do not see our opponents as strictly adversaries, but rather players with sometimes mutual interests. As such, the deck runs several cards that requires keen negotiation to get the maximum effects from or prompt table discussions, such as, e.g., Dawnbreak Reclaimer, Council's Judgment, Mob Verdict, etc. The deck is thus focused on the political and metagaming aspects of the multiplayer format and tries to utilize this as a resource, rather than just efficiently executing its own card interactions in a vacuum. As a result, I have not leaned too much into Malik's second ability and just made a hardcore stax deck where you keep the table completely free of creatures with edict effects and cards like Grave Pact - this type of deck is sure to attract too much negative attention at the table, and killing everything is counter to our strategy of manipulating our opponents into killing each other for us.

I picked Malik, Grim Manipulator as a commander for access to Mardu colors (red and black have a lot of mind games/mutual trade cards), and also because his EtB effect is targeted removal on demand (good for stopping snowballing by one opponent). Targeted removal in the command zone is also always something that can be called out around the table when a specific creature gets too worrisome. It is also worth nothing, that Malik only targets the opponent, and thus can get around shroud and hexproof, and as his effect is a sacrifice, he beats indestructible as well.

The deck has several cards that can be used as bargaining chips in deals or to set up direct alliances with shared resources like Pendant of Prosperity, Wedding Ring, Tempting Contract, Spectral Searchlight, etc., usually intended to be used to bring the weakest opponent up to speed (someone who got targeted early or who is manascrewed). I'm not a big fan of 'overt deals', i.e., "if I kill this creature, you won't attack me the next turn". Rather, I want to emphasize spur of the moment exchanges of resources and card interactions that happen during gameplay (our allies may not even need to know we consider them as such).

Ultimately, the goal is keep as many players in the game for as long as possible, stopping any opponents from closing out the game suddenly, while using Malik's second ability to accumulate a load of treasures for an explosive turn ourselves to cinch out the win when the game has reduced to 2-3 players. Sower of Discord can be especially useful for this, as he allows us to double our damage. We run a series of creatures that benefit from sacrificing lots of treasures, such as Mayhem Devil, Juri, Master of the Revue, Nadier's Nightblade to deal damage around the table. Reckless Fireweaver can also ping the whole table when treasures come into play. Otherwise we can win with several big 'finishers' like Tempt with Vengeance, Choice of Damnations, Reverse the Sands,

Interactions and cards of note:

Malik, Grim Manipulator + Fleshbag Marauder (or any similar cards) is our main treasure engine. With cards like Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge, Mahadi, Emporium Master, and Life Insurance further amplifying the effect.

Tempt with Vengeance + Rakdos Charm. Convince one of your opponents to take the offer to give you more tokens to attack another opponent with, and then burn the first opponent if he chooses to attack you with the tokens (or, just Take the Bait them).

Sower of Discord + Ephemerate can set up some funny switcheroo tricks where an opponent ends up alpha striking themselves out (frankly, I'm considering adding more flicker effects in general).

Sower of Discord can enable a lot of nasty damage multiplication and mind games with cards like Prisoner's Dilemma, Wheel of Misfortune, or Mob Verdict. If your life total is significantly higher than your main opponent (e.g., from Reverse the Sands), it can even be in your interest to link yourself with Sower and just naming a very large number for Wheel of Misfortune to burn out your opponent (although, you can also use this to engage in mind games and get your linked opponent to burn himself).

Discerning Financier + Tempting Contract can let you trade two treasures for a card draw, potentially powering up a 'frenemy' at the table.

Share the Spoils is cheap and can be fairly disruptive. With our expectation of having a lot of mana from treasures, we should be well-equipped to utilize it better than our opponents as well.

Rain of Riches is just here to gain more value from our treasures. With a lot of cards at 3 mana causing opponents to sacrifice creatures, our more expensive spells are relatively likely to chain off and give us a load of treasures back with Malik, Grim Manipulator in play.

Board wipes can be problematic in multiplayer because they're symmetric. Make an Example has a useful hint in its reminder text: "Piles can be empty". You can use this as a player targeted board wipe by simply negotiating with the players you don't want to hit into putting all of their creatures into a pile along with an empty one, thus only asking them to sacrifice the empty pile.

Take the Bait can be used to protect ourselves, but it can equally just be used to let an opponent beat on another opponent twice (perhaps with some convenient tokens from Tempt with Vengeance).

Termination Facilitator and Mathas, Fiend Seeker only half double dibs on bounty counters: only creatures marked directly by Mathas will give card draw (due to how the ability is worded), but with the Facilitator in play, anything marked by Mathas will die to any damage. Ideal for Mayhem Devil to machine gun down several targets in a row by us sacrificing treasures.

Master of Ceremonies can be set up to give your opponents a false choice: with cards like Morbid Opportunist and Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge in play, even going for the lesser evil of the token can quickly result in you gaining more value than just giving you a treasure or card directly.

Professional Face-Breaker + Tempt with Vengeance can gives a huge influx of treasures.

Kalain, Reclusive Painter can be used in general to get value from treasures to pump up a big threat (for example, a heavily commander taxed Malik can suddenly become a massive beater). Giving someone a 8/8 Xantcha, Sleeper Agent can also be very chaotic (remember we can give other players mana with Spectral Searchlight or Tempting Contract help them activate Xantcha's ability).


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92% Casual


Revision 31 See all

(8 months ago)

+1 Lapse of Certainty maybe
Date added 11 months
Last updated 8 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

59 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.20
Tokens Citizen 1/1 GW, Copy Clone, Elemental 1/1 R w/ Haste, Spirit 1/1 WB, Treasure
Folders Fun Decks, Decks
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