Grimgrin and Bear It 2.0

Modern* JRE47


JRE47 says... #1

Finally invested the funds to get a set of Gravecrawler s (helps that they're much cheaper than they used to be) and am going gung-ho in trying to make this a competitive deck. Why now in such an anti-Zombie environment? Because nobody expects it now!

Gravecrawler fuels this deck. It combines with the undying Butcher Ghoul to make for perfect sac outlets...the kind that keeps coming back! This allows for fun shenanigans with blocking (of course), aggressive attacking, dealing insta-death (Bone Splinters , Tragic Slip ) and even card draw (Secrets of the Dead . card:Altar's Reap).

But it's really all about getting the big boy himself out: Grimgrin, Corpse-Born . Build him up quick by saccing his Zombie followers, then use him to run over the remaining opposition. Equipping him with card:Accorder's Shield can help him not only stay on the attack all the time, but also negates Grimgrin's untap drawback. Ouch!

Still fiddling with this quite a bit... Any tips from those who have tried something similar? I know this lacks card:Geralf's Messenger...his all-black cost just scares me. Any other comments or +1s? Thanks in advance!

June 3, 2012 4:39 p.m.

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