Grisel Cannon, ENRAGED! (and my other fun ideas!)
SCORE: 125 | 89 COMMENTS | 23699 VIEWS | IN 43 FOLDERS
needs more loots. Id loose the pacts, nourshing shoal for even Wrench Mindjust so you can ensure getting what you need in the grave
December 14, 2015 8:52 p.m.
Great deck, but I remember there being another, even bigger creature. I think it was Autochthon Wurm
January 20, 2016 1:09 a.m.
For clarity, I was talking about what to pitch to Nourishing Shoal
January 20, 2016 1:09 a.m.
As far as something JUST for the argument of Nourishing Shoal, yea Autochthon Wurm is nuts. It's just when Worldspine Wurm sacrifices to Through the Breach it leaves behind equal power AND works really well with Shoal, just gives more consistency for the idea.
January 20, 2016 1:50 a.m.
Would Xenagos, God of Revels work here if you get him out for free alongside something else, or is that just too slow and clunky?
January 20, 2016 5:05 p.m.
It would work, but it would also be clunky and serve similar purpose to Borborygmos Enraged but I would say it's slightly possible to do in this deck. I have won games by turn 2 reanimating Bobo, Furying him, and finishing with lands, where if I were playing Xenagod, that would not be a possible play.
The Tooth and Nail strategy would work better just for that idea.
January 20, 2016 8:27 p.m.
Emracool_the_Aeons_Torn says... #10
Just asking, how come you run only 3 Nourishing Shoal?
February 1, 2016 5:08 p.m.
No problem.
I am still running Fury of the Horde, so that with Nourishing Shoal is kind of like running 6 of the same card for different situations. Most people understand what Shoal does now, but Fury of the Horde still enables insta-win situations and less wiffs when going off. Dropping Wurm or Bobo and Fury for a second combat is just as much of a win in hand since with Night's Whisper we're drawing so much.
February 1, 2016 8:32 p.m.
Fieldsweeper says... #14
Why no shock lands? or the check lands? why use the ones that come in taps unless fewer than three?
March 5, 2016 3:11 a.m.
Fieldsweeper says... #15
And why not serum visions as opposed to see beyond?
March 5, 2016 3:14 a.m.
@Fieldsweeper, the single See Beyond is to draw a card and replace a card without giving away possible information as well as to put Fury of the Horde or something that is too redundant from my hand back into the deck which happens to fight graveyard hate, as well as to simply dig two cards, and gives access to a shuffle as well. I would not and will not run more than 1 ever.
March 5, 2016 3:35 a.m.
Sorry, didn't see the land question.
The land base I use is the way it is for a few reasons.
It's very protected against Blood Moon, knowing your matchups will allow you to pull out blue cards for other probably more relevant cards like Thoughtseize, but still be very probable to get a black source.
More than 3 fastlands can clog the deck, having a land comes into play tapped is not something I really want, noting that all lands do come into play untapped, except for the single Steam Vents to ease blue mana on the few cards that there are, and maybe MAYBE pay the trigger for Pact of Negation if it comes up. Doing lands this way allows me to play less of them and keep slots for more functional pieces, and has never hurt me for Borborygmos Enraged.
Check lands like Dragonskull Summit, are clunky and enter tapped if they don't have a buddy, Shock lands eat up too much life, which is very much a resource, and Night's Whisper eats up the life that would otherwise be used for fetching. The fastlands like Blackcleave Cliffs are the closest to dual lands you can get without wasting life, which you would rather use to survive burn matches or for Griselbrand to keep up to activate, and more often than not, enter untapped.
March 5, 2016 3:55 a.m.
Fieldsweeper says... #19
Oh, good feedback. perhaps you can tell us more about the sideboard and who and what and when to sideboard and what to take out / put in? thanks. looks nice
March 5, 2016 10:33 p.m.
Fieldsweeper says... #20
Like what about artifact hate, or graveyard hate / grafdiggers cage
March 5, 2016 10:53 p.m.
I play as fast if not faster than Affinity, Mainboard, if that's what you mean. And then Through the Breach automatically plays around the other things I traditionally have to play around, as well as Rest in Peace. As far as Relic of Progenitus if your opponent waits to crack it, you can Splice Goryo's force them to crack it, and then since Goryo's is still in your hand you can hardcast it, in response.
As for those other things, Abrupt Decay is very good, to ease the silver bullets. The new card I've had to play around is Hallowed Moonlight, if that card starts to see too much play I may change sideboard strategies again, but have
March 6, 2016 12:38 a.m.
Fieldsweeper says... #22
So what kind of hands would you say are keeps, and mulligans with this, i saw what you wrote but never seems that cut and dry lol
March 6, 2016 2:57 a.m.
Fieldsweeper says... #23
More specifically how you play around chalice for 2.
March 6, 2016 3:21 a.m.
Optimal hand is something that gives a mana source on turn 1, and 2 mana sources on turn 2, or just 3 sources on turn one or two, with at least one of the 3 being black. Then Faithless Looting, Griselbrand, and Goryo's Vengeance, which technically is probably only 6 cards, so it gives flux room of 1. Looting also extends the hand by one, since at least 1 Griselbrand in the graveyard is wanted.
Play vs. Draw also changes how you sideboard and what lines to run as well.
March 6, 2016 3:24 a.m. Edited.
Fieldsweeper says... #25
Cool thanks, so how have yo been doing against the eldrazi?
Dorotheus says... #1
I was playing with Necrotic Ooze for a little bit, I really didn't like it like I thought I would. Taigam's Scheming has been the card to come out to really make things like Lotleth Troll and Ooze fall off.
However I do think that all 3 cards are playable together, but the build is entirely different and in something more like a Gifts Ungiven deck.
March 25, 2015 1:11 a.m.