Grisel Cannon, ENRAGED! (and my other fun ideas!)

Modern* Dorotheus

SCORE: 125 | 89 COMMENTS | 23699 VIEWS | IN 43 FOLDERS

Seority says... #1

I've been trying to make a cheap reanimator deck using Doomed Necromancer. Would you be able to Goryo's Vengeance a Necromancer, then sac it to get a creature out permanently? Sure, it won't have haste, but it'll be able to stay on the battlefield that way. Just a thought~

August 20, 2016 2:42 a.m.

Dorotheus says... #2

@ Seority you're thinking along the right lines for sure. but Goryo's Vengeance can only target a Legendary Creature and Doomed Necromancer is unfortunately, not Legendary. Also if you sequence correctly, you may have the chance to activate Necromancer at the end of your opponent's turn, so then you could say get out Griselbrand from the yard then going back to your turn would lose Summoning Sickness. Hell's Caretaker is in a similar vein to Necromancer as well, if you want to fool around with those.

August 20, 2016 4:19 a.m.

Dorotheus says... #3

Fieldsweeper I have not been playing since April really. I've been testing and trying to identify how to deal with the majority of the decks that can cause me grief when I have the time, but I've been working every weekend since my last event and I'm doing Community Management and modding for GeekFortress streams, AND trying to have a small bit of a social life when I can.

It's rough. Good but rough.

August 20, 2016 4:26 a.m.

Fieldsweeper says... #4

That is why (in regards to your update) I now have 4 through the breaches and 4 contingency plans also instead of sulfurous springs I am running city of brass. (3)

October 12, 2016 3:17 p.m.

Dorotheus says... #5

I tested with Taigam's Scheming before, but also now that there are 8, could prove useful.

I also didn't state this but I changed the deck for that event knowing that Burn and Jeskai would be there, but it turned out that there were no aggro decks at all.

October 12, 2016 8:31 p.m.

Fieldsweeper says... #6

Now we have to add fatal push and or collective brutality

February 14, 2017 2:39 a.m.

Dorotheus says... #7

Nope. Kari Zev's Expertise with Breaking/Entering Testing it now.

February 14, 2017 2:54 a.m.

Fieldsweeper says... #8

how can you mill yourself? you NEED fury to win usually, mill ur self too much and your screwed,

February 15, 2017 2:06 a.m.

Fieldsweeper says... #9

you cant use the entering part from kari fyi lol, the cmc of it is 6 lol

not to mention what if they have no creature out?

HOLEY SHIT, I checked and you can DAMN you can even cast both lmao.


broken deck, deck is now broke hahaahah

but what about targeting creatures? I mean they def have been using a lot lately but when they see the plan possibly they wait?

what are you taking out for how many of those? unfort that makes grave reliance even heaver, so you need to side out thought the breach, and maybe make a transform sideboard with 4 breached, rituals, and some way to fetch either.

February 15, 2017 2:07 a.m. Edited.

Fieldsweeper says... #10

idk i messed with it, almost seems like a UR deck now.

Sleights, Serums, contingency plans?

some more control and then 4 of each, plus 4 emrakuls. maybe even 4 griselbrands

I see

4 sleight of hand

4 serum visions

4 contingency plan

4 emrkaul aeons

4 griselbrand

4 Yahenni's Expertise

4 breaking entering

4 quicksilver amulets

4 faith looting

4 simian spirit guides

2 negates

2 remands

16 lands

variable spot maybe quicksilver, contigency plansperhaps more control/lands, etc?

February 15, 2017 3:09 a.m.

Fieldsweeper says... #11

SO it turns out forbidden orchard, and Kari expertise is much better lol

February 16, 2017 11:51 p.m.

Dorotheus says... #12

Deck used to run Forbidden Orchard as a way to guarantee Lightning Axe had a target to discard at least.
problem with Expertise is that if they remove the token at all when you cast it, it fizzles it, and that's a difficult place to be in then.

February 17, 2017 4:24 a.m.

Fieldsweeper says... #13

so use yahannis, one extra mana BUT its also a anger of the gods

February 23, 2017 1:55 a.m.

Lord_Khaine says... #14

Upvoted, because this is the crazy stuff I like making opponents cry with.

December 10, 2018 12:37 p.m.

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