Favorite colors with my personal favorite Gearhulks.
I've been trying to come up with a lot of different deck lists ever since kaladesh came out. These 3 lovely colors kept coming back to me, I wanted to have badass giant mechs crushing my opponentson while I protected them(and myself) with a slew of counter magic and kill spells. So this is what I got.
I'll start with the spells, first up we got radiant flames. We got 3 colors 1 of em is red why not run the cheepest sweeper to deal with all those cheap little weenies that like to clog up boards? Running 3, not sure if I should do a 4 of it drop to 2.Next we got painful truths, again 3 colors 1 is black seems like a good choice to me. Now I really like this as a card draw choice, BUT I'm not 100% sold on it. I love the idea of drawing 3,bit losing 3 life I can't decide if I'll just be helping my enemies close in the victory. Still trying to decide if I should drop these and bring in something else.... which bringshould me to my next card glimmer of genius. I love the scry/draw at instant speed. 4 mana isnt that bad either in my opinion, and it can help out harnessed lighting later on. So let me know here, do yall think I should drop painful truths for a 4 of glimmer? Got anticipate for early card selection, void shatter I feel is the best early "no you can't play that" card in standard right now, harnessed lighting can take out pretty much anything if you have enough energy and if you cast it with zero to start you can still blow a ton of stuff away, unlicensed decentigration is another great 'kill it' card with the added bonus of "take 3 if I have a hulk out" then we have grasp of darkness. Grasp is another card I love, but I'm not entirely sure it's the best choice... but then I don't know what else is really a better choice to just end stuffs life, I mean it hits everything from toolcraft exemplar to looterscooter to avacyn. So I'm just not sure what can take its place.
So on to the creatures.
Thing in the ice cause I have a ton of non creature spells and it flips into a 7/8 with "get everybody else the f**k off the field!" So yeah ill take 10
Then the big boys, (smaller than thing but...yeah you get the point) noxious gearhulk is up first. 6 manna 5/4 with menace, and kills a guy when he comes down and heals you! Love it. Now sure he is a little lacking in the health department, 4 allows him to be firmly grasped or blown away by harnessed lighting if they have an extra energy. But hey, I can't stop loving him.
Torrential gearhulk(aka fatcaster mage, aka snapcaster mech) 5/6 with flash...and says "kill that guy again,or draw those cards again, or counter that shit again!" Yeah he is beautiful and should be in every deck with blue in it.
Last but not least, combustible gearhulk. Now, I do really love this card. But I haven't fully decided if he is worth it in this deck. Now, the possibility of hitting 3 gearhulks on his etb effect and just killing a bitch is a great dream, and it will probably never happen but still nice to think about. But in reality, draw 3 or ping your opponent doesn't seem too bad. But I'm just not sure if he really fits in the deck the way I wish he did.
Anyway that's what I got guys, please let me know what yall think. Any feedback would be well received and appreciated.