Got another win (actually, a split for 1st, read on) with Grixis. This time, I switched out Hypersonic Dragon, Desecration Demon and a couple loose ends for 2x Invisible Stalker and 2x Runchanter's Pike. It provided more consistency and less tap-out-and-hope type plays due to the former creature's large casting costs.
Match 1. Budget Goblins. Got rolled the first game. He had too many tokens out, and managed to get a 2x Annihilating fire (help of Chandra) with 2x Guttersnipe on the Battlefield. Lost cause.
I sided all my token hate in. Staticasters and Rolling Temblors. Games two and three were pretty uneventful I did this.
I won, 2-1
Match 2. GW Aggro. Again, got rolled the first game, this time for no apparent reason other than he had enough stuff to beat me with. Saw a Thragtusk, etc.
Also, Giant Growth. HUH! Game two, I sided in some more hard removal, such as Victim of Night. This helped slow the game down a bit. I was able to either counter or remove his board the entirety of games two and three, while pecking away at his life total with Snapcaster and Rakdos Keyrune.
I won, 2-1
Match 3. Esper Control-Mill. This was the most interesting (and strenuous) matchup. Game 1 was pretty easy. He was in mill mode and let a Runechanter's Pike play without question. I controlled the state as much as I could until I had about 17 cards left in the library. Had him tap out, then I played Snapcaster EOT. Suited up the Pike and swung for 16, then cleaned up with two Pillar of Flame.
Game two, he sided in Rest in Peace. Well played, sir! I still had Runechanter's Pike, which was now essentially dead. I tried for as long as I could, but did not succeed. It was a gruelling game
Game three, I sided out Runechanter's pikes and sided in Annihilating Fire, with hopes I could burn him out fast enough. I succeeded to counter anything important and just beat him with a lone Rakdos Keyrune (see the pattern?) until he died.
I won, 2-1.
Only three rounds in the night, so I ended up splitting the win with the other guy ho went 3-0.