I mirrored a grixis aggro list from modern and made it as close as I could to current standard.
--Creature Suite--
Monastery Swiftspear - This card can get a good 5-7 damage in if you play it turn 1. Even late game the prowess makes it way worth the card.
Jace, Vyrn's Prodigy - Obviously this card is amazing I previously was running just 3 but the ability to keep hands vs a mulligan and being able to have a consistent turn 2 is worth the 4. It hurts a little the card cant attack.
Abbot of Keral Keep
- I was running 4 at one point. This runs more like a 5 drop as you want to be able to actually use the card you exile.
**Side note- I really wanted to use Abbot I went away from counter spells and chose hand disruption. This works really well with BOTH Abbot AND Jace as both are sorcery speed cards that draw a card.
Monastery Mentor- this card just wins games! The 1/1 prowess monk left over is worth WAY more then a card.
Gurmag Angler - I would like to run 2 but I just cant find the room. If I took out Monastery Mentor then I could probably fit a second in but the card is just to good.
Tasigur, the Golden Fang- running 2 is fine a third I dont think would benefit as you could probably play Gurmag Angler as well.
The creatures end up working as:1 drop - Monastery Swiftspear2 drop - Jace, Vyrn's Prodigy3 drop - Tasigur, the Golden Fang/Gurmag Angler4 drop - Monastery Mentor5 drop - Abbot of Kerral Keep
--Spell Suite--
Anticipate- Its a great card to get the card you need and trigger prowess.
Kolaghan's Command- I went with 4 so I never worry about creatures dying. There are enough creatures that die that this card usually says do something, draw a card out of your graveyard.
- These are incredibly efficient cards. The way the deck tries to win is by card advantage and keeping a good threat on the board.
Fiery Impulse
/ Murderous Cut- efficient removal spells
Treasure Cruise/Painful Truths- These cards are great as 1 of's. You definitely want mass card draw instead of card selection.
Force Away
- its a really nice card to have as it a lot of the time can "draw a card" and its a different way to deal with threats. It has helped me out in a lot of situations that I otherwise would not have been able to deal with.
Suggestions are definitely welcome, please let me know what you think!