Thanks so much for the input, both of you! I'm down for either direction with the deck. dotytron, I think mattman856 was trying to go more heavily leaning towards making them have a larger hand size and killing them with cards like Ebony Owl Netsuke, Gaze of Adamaro, Sword of War and Peace, etc. Currently, both work well together in the deck. However, dotytron, I think was more correct in the original theme and it not leaving. The other kind of evolved from the first, if that makes sense.
dotytron, Toil / Trouble was actually in the original standard version of the deck. Decided to take it out because of speed. I'd love to see it come back if there's room for it. Cerebral Vortex I've been having a hard time thinking of where to slot it. I just recently learned of it myself. Removing Damnable Pact is definitely an option (theoretically the same slot). I guess I don't see how it best fits. Where were you thinking. Also, I've never actually heard of Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind until you posted it. Do you think it's too big though for Modern? I'm interested to see what you'd take out and slot in, in general.
mattman856, the Tezzeret the Schemer were really added as replacements to Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas (who I wont lie, I have a soft spot for). But to be honest, it hasn't faired well. I thought it'd be a good addition alongside making Fatal Push a little bit better when I needed it. Disciple of Deceit + Smuggler's Copter works great when it happens. The Kederekt Parasite also offers another early crew member for the vehicles. If it's speed the deck is worried about, it provides something there. I'm all for putting Fate Unraveler back into the board.
Tezzeret the Schemer can definitely come out. He's been meh.
April 27, 2017 4:30 p.m.
Especially with the metalcraft Molten Psyche seems real good.
April 27, 2017 5:12 p.m.
i would out Tezzeret the Schemer as well, t4 if we have the mana we normally wont need ramp, and his other abilities dont feel relevant enough at the point. i would slot in Cerebral Vortex for him personally
i do think Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind is big for Modern, and honestly without wheel cards he prolly wouldnt play well here anyway
as far as Damnable Pact i would keep it, imo it only gets better the longer the game goes on... but if you wanted to remove it i would say Molten Psyche like you said
dotytron says... #1
may i ask what you think the main theme is then i feel like im missing something here honestly curious
April 27, 2017 12:32 a.m.