Grixis Control is Supreme

Standard GTKA666


pm54 says... #1

you thought about Turn ? Very versitile. Deals with gods. Deals with anything that gets through. You are wanting late game anyway so you may be able to cast both sides with it.

December 9, 2013 9:07 a.m.

GTKA666 says... #2

I love Turn,but I feel that Far is better in regards to how many cards can sneak by my counters and I don't have downfall in hand to stop them.

December 9, 2013 9:22 a.m.

jjmctitty2 says... #3

jace is your 4 drop draw card spell so inspiration should be Divination or the other 6 drop card spell. I would also put more lands in because you are a control deck and lands are essential to draw in the early game. With Thassa, God of the Sea you can scry them away later anyways.

December 10, 2013 6:19 p.m.

GTKA666 says... #4

Yes jace is a 4 drop, but why tap without the threat of a counter when i can draw at the end of their turn when i may or may not have a counter in my hand? I dont play jace on t4 anyways....this is a draw go deck so i won't run out of cards THAT quickly.

December 10, 2013 7 p.m.

steelking6 says... #5

Just stopping by, and sorry in advance for i dont know much about control... but i would consider putting something in the sb for artifact/enchantment mainly to deal with a Detention Sphere or Pithing Needle that will be coming up for sure seeing that you have 5 walkers and 2 AEtherling . I can think of any cards off of the top of my head but thats my 2 cents.

December 11, 2013 6:48 a.m.

GTKA666 says... #6

Welp Game 2 I am siding the Master of Cruelties for the dragon or the AEtherling (depending on how bold I want to go) and if they want to Pithing Needle my walkers I would let them. They only support my deck and are not the center part of it, my creatures are what I care about and what will ultimately kill my opponent. I do count on enchantments landing, but with the Izzet Charm or the Syncopate no one is getting early devotion against me and if they try to needle me early as well...It won't resolve.

December 11, 2013 7 a.m.

anotherbomb says... #7

I would consider main boarding Anger of the Gods unless you play against a lot of control. Aggro and devotion decks are both very fast/ good and can play more creatures than you can counter, especially without running essence scatter.

I would probably replace Guttersnipe . For three mana he's pretty mediocre and you run a lot of better creatures to kill them with.

Thassa also seems pretty mediocre since you only have two things to turn her on. I'd either replace her with more removal or add Frostburn Weird to help activate her.

You might consider more card draw as well since some games jace will be tied up. Steam Augury might be helpful since it's an instant and goes well with your eot package. I'd replace Ral Zarek for them since I don't think he's very good right now.

December 18, 2013 9:18 a.m.

GTKA666 says... #8

The list you saw before was a very old list I had and didn't bother updating it. Since I updated it what do you think of it now? I mained the Anger of the Gods and went 3 Rakdos's Return and bumped the charm down to 3 from 4.

Thassa, God of the Sea is in there to help cycle out mana if I don't need it and if I activate her, it is a bonus. While Ral Zarek helps me burn stuff on the field and allows me to play him turn 5/6 and have the counter up and ready for my opponents turn. He even helps me get AEtherling out faster.

January 6, 2014 8:02 p.m.

TheOnlyGrubski says... #9

I know Stormbreath Dragon is pro-white with the monstrous ability, but with 9 sorceries mainand more sideboard, have you considered Hypersonic Dragon ? It is also a 5 drop 4/4 with haste that gives sorceries flash. It would enable you to flash in Anger of the gods to save mana for your upkeep. Also, mizzium mortars is always nice and with the dragon, it will have flash. In the end, Stormbreath might have more of an upside, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

January 6, 2014 9:02 p.m.

UggyD says... #10

You have 3x AoG main and 3x AoG side

January 6, 2014 11:09 p.m.

UggyD says... #11 did when I started typing that .. o.O

January 6, 2014 11:10 p.m.

GTKA666 says... #12

heh you were right. thanks for tyring to help me out :P.

January 7, 2014 2 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #13

How has running only 23 lands worked out for you?

January 15, 2014 3:11 a.m.

GTKA666 says... #14

There are a few games where I run short of 6, but those are few and even then those games have been close. It is more of just getting the right mana fix at the start. Once I get 2 U/B and 2 of something with red, then the deck just flys off into answer land. ALl my friends just shake their head and go "how do you have all the answers" and I just say "It is what the deck is designed for, derp." The fining is all it needs to win now.

January 15, 2014 3:52 a.m.

bclare says... #15

Main deck Duress seems pretty bad against aggro / RG monsters. IF you're planning on winning with Aetherling you probably only need 1, especially with Thassa to scry, Jace -2 digging through, and your other draw. Seems very weak against aggro in general (3 Rakdos Returns are great against control, also bad vs aggro), and I agree that 23 lands is low; 24 or 25 will probably let you cast all your spells more consistently. Still, this is about where Grixis should be, I like it

January 15, 2014 5:29 p.m.

GTKA666 says... #16

I am not so concerned over aggro because of all my spot removal and the ability to flash in anger REALLY screws with my opponents heads. I have now only ran into problems with white weenies and hexproof decks. I am putting Glaring Spotlight in my sb over the bombs, but all i need to fend off the weenies is Jace until i get angers.

I need 2 Aetherlings because 4 creatures are more reliable than 3 and. Have never drawn(that can rememeber) both aetherlings. The new set gives me Mogis and he just screams for me to put him in the deck.

January 17, 2014 2:04 a.m.

GTKA666 says... #17

Thank you for you suggestions btw. Duress also allows me to see my opponents hand and see how screwed I am, which is pretty big deal I have learned.

January 17, 2014 2:06 a.m.

bclare says... #18

Glaring Spotlight is a weak card, honestly it's better to just play edicts against hexproof guys. Devour Flesh and Far//Away are both right in your wheelhouse

January 18, 2014 11:18 p.m.

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