Grixis control V2
SCORE: 1 | 1710 VIEWS
FNM —Aug. 16, 2013
Went 2-2 at an 80 person FNM.
Game one:
Bant hexproof. 2-1.
Round one: Far / Away, Syncopate, and Psychic Strike allowed me to control my
opponent until I played Rakdos's Return for 5 causing him to dump his hand and scoop.
Round two: He resolved a Sigarda, Host of Herons rendering my Far / Away useless. I
could not answer the angel and lost.
Round three: Sided in Slaughter Games to hit tSigarda, Host of Herons but did not draw it. This game went much like the first one. I was able to keep his creature count low. He resolved another Sigarda, Host of Herons but my Master of Cruelties made it so he could not attack. He lost the angel to my master and I won the next turn.
Fay / away and Master of Cruelties were the MVPs in this match up.
Game two:
Naya Aggro. 2-1
Round one: He took a relatively slow hand. I was able to remove his early threats with Pillar of Flame, Mizzium Mortars, Searing Spear and Far / Away. I landed a Vampire Nighthawk and pretty much rode it to victory.
Round two: Got overwhelmed by Ash Zealot, Burning-Tree Emissary, and Loxodon Smiter
and could not draw enough answers fast enough.
Round three: Sided in Rolling Temblor and Doom Blade to remove his threats. He could
not handle the amount of removal and scooped.
Game three:
Jund: 1-2
Round one: He landed a turn 3 Liliana of the Veil and I pretty much got smacked in the face. Could not handle having to discard every turn and he ending up ultimating and I scooped.
Round two: Sided in Slaughter Games, Rakdos's Return and Dreadbore. I had amazing slaugher games draws and was able to strip his deck of pretty much all threats. I resolved a Jace, Memory Adept and milled him out.
Round three: Turn 3 Liliana of the Veil pretty much the same as the first game.
Game 4:
Red Deck Wins. 0-2
My deck showed me no love. I had to mull both games and lost to Burning Earth. Needless to say I
know my deck could have won in this match up but I do need an answer to a resolved Burning Earth.
Ratchet Bomb maybe?