Grixis Controlled Burn

Modern Dusty8807


feklar says... #1

evil twin would be a solid card for this deck

November 24, 2012 3:22 p.m.

TJMAXAL says... #2

Here is a mon black similar deck. Mental Afliction

November 30, 2012 1:57 p.m.

Orangesilk says... #3

Is Chandra really doing a lot for you? I don't see her doing wonders unless you're already on a good board position and can ensure she won't die right away.

Also, I find the deck has no reliable answer to Entreat the Angels unless you happen to have a lot of mana and mizzium mortars in your hand. And Loxodon Smiter can really turn the discard card advantage into right out card disadvantage. Sever the Bloodline could make nice sideboard material, specially since even without angels, a no questions asked absolute removal is fun.

I love the deck, specially since discarding or countering the Thragtusk are really the only ways to get rid of it efficiently. Your worst matchups will be Selesnya aggro. Bant control and zombies aggro, but this deck will be the bane of all midrange decks everywhere, love it.

You could consider running Vampire Nighthawk in sideboard since the lifegain it gets you really helps you survive the fast aggro decks.

December 3, 2012 8:36 a.m.

Dusty8807 says... #4

Thanks for the comments Orangesilk!

Chandra, the Firebrand actually does quite nicely. I mostly use her ping ability directly, but it occasionally comes in handy for killing small creatures, or in combination with Tragic Slip or Olivia Voldaren . Surprisingly enough, there have been several games where I've gained complete board control and dropped both Liliana of the Veil and Chandra, the Firebrand and just dominated the rest of the game with no creatures. Sure it takes awhile to ping them down and hit with an occasional ult-drop for 6dmg, but it works.

This deck takes awhile to stabilize, but when it does it's hard to deal with. I've won many games at 5 life or less. It makes it nerve-wracking, but fun.

This deck is really designed to run as few creatures as possible. the 4 Fog Bank are even kind of pushing it. Olivia Voldaren and Desecration Demon are meant to be mid to late game drops for game winners once I have the board under control. That being said I had some Knight of Infamy in the sideboard but lost room for them. It was a close tie between those or Vampire Nighthawk in sideboard.

The Loxodon Smiter issue has happened to me only a few times actually and surprisingly enough, I've almost always been able to take care of it within a turn or two (Mizzium Mortars , Liliana of the Veil Sac, Tragic Slip , Olivia Voldaren ping/steal, Mutilate etc).

I actually did have a close match game 1 at FNM against a Selesnya Aggro. The game that she beat me in she TD miracled an Entreat the Angels and you are absolutely right, I have few ways of dealing with 4x 4/4 Flying Angels! >_< However, my roommate plays a lot of G/W aggro as well and I will say the majority of the time against those decks I do pretty well. The key is keeping the board wiped. Take out every single mana-dork you possibly can, even if you have to Tragic Slip for -1/-1. It slows them down and combined with making them discard, it just ruins their game.

I have had trouble against control decks with previous iterations of this deck (B/R Discard: deck:cardboard-disintegration), especially those running Geist of Saint Traft and Invisible Stalker . Luckily last FNM I sideboarded in Slaughter Games for several matches and got lucky enough to draw them. After exiling Geist or Detention Sphere I pretty much just rolled them.

December 3, 2012 10:43 p.m.

Orangesilk says... #5

I guess it really depends on your local meta. I for one love this deck, and play a very similar version, only without the Fog Bank (since I mutilate the poor guys more often than not, and everyone I'd like to block plays Rancor ) and with some blue counters to deal with card:Sphinx's Revelation and Entreat the Angels since I almost always lose if I let those monsters resolve.

But then again everyone here plays either Bant control or Selesnya aggro so those cards are part of my everyday play. So long as you feel comfortable with your setup against your local meta it should be fine.

December 4, 2012 8:26 a.m.

Dusty8807 says... #6

Yeah, I agree about tailoring it around local meta. There is some variety in decks played at our local shop, but you often get $300 FNM decks. I live in a college town.

It took me awhile to actually decide to try this build, I couldn't (and still wonder if I can) justify splashing blue just for 4 wall creatures (Fog Bank ). I would like to utilize the blue more by adding some cards with some draw power, but when I look there really isn't any room to squeeze them in. At least not that I see.

December 4, 2012 9:55 a.m.

Ertl says... #7

I wanted to cry when I read your description. Grixis IS AMAZING at resource denial. Not only discarding, but denying lands and creatures. With Gatecrash, Grixis is very viable in standard. Here is what I run for Grixis at FNM, hopefully it generates some ideas to help with your deck. deck:super-friendly-grixis

February 10, 2013 5:45 p.m.

Dusty8807 says... #8

Thanks for the comment and pointing me to your deck.

I really liked playing Grixis discard, unfortunately though it just stopped working. The first couple weeks at FNM it did really well, but then most people started catching on and loading up on Think Twice or card:Sphinx's Revelation and my win rate went down quickly.

Now with this deck I'm trying to focus on Duskmantle Seer and some burn spells, as with him I got a few players close to finished but was just missing that final push. Also the Nightveil Specter + Chromatic Lantern synergy is really fun. The rest I just want to control and remove creatures.

February 11, 2013 5:11 p.m.

xXxBigExXx says... #9

Consider Victim of Night and maybe Searing Spear if you want more removal options. Searing Spear is one more than Bump in the Night but it allows you to target creatures as well, just a thought. Victim of Night can hit basically anything, Thragtusk and Boros Reckoner to be more precise. If you want even more flexibility with damage try Dimir Charm or Izzet Charm instead of Pillar of Flame. Each are instant speed and more options for you to use unless exiling is that important to you. Do what works for you of course.

March 11, 2013 6:51 p.m.

Dusty8807 says... #10

Thanks for the suggestions xXxBigExXx.

I've actually considered most of those cards as well. I've never really been a fan of Victim of Night, and I think between Dreadbore and Mizzium Mortars I have a decent amount of 2cmc removal. Searing Spear is something I wanted to add, however I was trying to keep my mana curve balance with the 1cmc Bump in the Night and Pillar of Flame was actually substituted directly for Tragic Slip. I found I was sitting with Tragic Slip in my hand at times with no use for it (without a morbid trigger).

Dimir Charm was an addition I just made today by taking out Psychic Strike. I lose a little counter ability, but I hope it gives me more flexibility and helps Duskmantle Seer from being self-destructive.

All great advice. I think I will try squeezing some Searing Spear in if I can.

March 11, 2013 7:31 p.m.

xXxBigExXx says... #11

Could you possibly give me advice on my build. I'm running Grixis myself and need some help finalizing some things. deck:grixis-legion-of-doom-1 is my list. I think the instant speed of Izzet Charm and its other utility options should be given more thought.

March 11, 2013 9:35 p.m.

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