I went 5-1 to get 1st place for the night.
round 1 grixis vs boros aggro = 2-0
game 1 he played some Champion of the Parish and i always had a burn spell ready. we hit the mid game and Master of Cruelties showed his face to the party and got through after a miracle bonfire. next turn i drew a pillar.
game 2 he was a little mana screwed and i played Izzet Staticaster and that pretty much stopped him from doing anything..i dropped Witchbane Orb turn 4 and he scooped due to having 3 Boros Charm
s in hand. that staticaster really stopped him from playing anything..he also had a champion and Gather the Townsfolk in his hand as well.
round 2 grixis vs elf ball = 2-0
game 1 he dropped his usual mana dorks and i responded by killing them all..he only runs 18 lands so i figured he was a little mana screwed.. turn 5 MoC got through on turn 6 followed by a spear in hand..
game 2 was a long, but fun game. he dropped a Geist of Saint Traft and i followed up a Blasphemous Act after choosing to not kill his dorks. next turn i dropped the staticaster and he didnt play anything for a while so i was able to drop nicol bolas and a few turns later it was game.
round 3 grixis vs america control = 0-2
i knew this was going to be a horrible match up for me because my deck isnt really built to play control. to save some time both games end up being the same..he controlled me like crazy and i tried to push through but he had a counter for everything.
round 4 grixis vs g/w tokens = 2-0
game 1 he through out some centaurs and i burned them. i played olivia and it was game shortly after..
game 2 he played a lot more creatures and i was starting to take a beating but a turn 5 Gilded Lotus
into a turn 6 bonfire let me stabilize and i dropped nicol bolas from the top deck and the rest is history.
top 4-- grixis vs azorius control/aggro?? 2-0
game 1 he played some odd flying creatures and pumped them with Favorable Winds. i had the right burn spells and a Rakdos's Return made him top deck the rest of the game..i dropped a Ral Zarek and got to take 4 extra turns. nicol bolas went to work and proved why people scoop if he goes unanswered..
game 2 i got down to 2 life fairly quickly. a bonfire cleared the board into both of us top decking..i got a nighthawk and i pushed through..
finals -- grixis vs america control -- 2-1
same match up that i played up against earlier that night..
game 1 he got mana screwed and i dropped 2 nighthawks and he scooped after only having 2 mana after turn 5..
game 2 i got mana screwed and i scooped after only having 2 mana after turn 5 and he allready had a Ral Zarek and a jace..
game 3 we both got mana screwed which was just odd.. it was kind of fun though because i said screw it and dropped a Snapcaster Mage at the end of turn 3 which made my opponate look at me funny..i missed my mana drop and attacked..he flashed in his snapcaster and blocked. after turn 5 i got my 3rd land into a nighthawk. next turn i dropped my 4th land and Slaughter Games naming Searing Spear because i had a nighthawk on the field and one in my hand so i figured if he didnt have his only means to kill my board i would pull through..a turn or 2 later he played a Think Twice and i flashed in Notion Thief which caused him to scoop..
all in all it was my 2nd time playing this deck in fnm.. i need to tweak it a little to be better against a control match up but i am very happy against the aggro match up.