A Grixis Control deck revolving around denying your opponent resources and then winning with hard-to-kill win conditions. (Mainboard is tuned towards an aggro meta)
Let's breakdown the deck.
-16 kill spells (mainboard) (counting Cyclonic Rift): Your creatures will die. Frequently. Including your Planeswalkers
-5 Counterspells: 2 are uncounterable as well. I don't want you to have important spells.
-3 Hand Disruption: I tear your hand apart and strip you of your win-cons.
-8 draw power: I need answers, and 1 card a turn isn't enough.
-3 win cons: Keranos gives me advantage and damage, AEtherling is a 3 turn win if they are at 24 life or below, and Elixir of Immortality just gives me them again, or gives me more resource denial.
Pros: Wastes your opponents removal because you have no creatures
-Destroys aggro
-Answers to every creature deck in the format
-Mainboard control hosers
Cons: Gets destroyed by control decks game 1 due to so many dead removal cards
-No major draw power like Sphinx's Revelation
-Land base can be inconsistent
-Life total can get sketchy
-The Burn matchup, though untested, seems awful even after postboard
Matchups: Good against Mono-Back, Mono Blue, most aggro decks, U/W Control, Esper Control, BUG Control, Dredge, and G/R/Jund Monsters, and really anything that relies on winning with lots of creatures
Bad against Burn, B/W Humans, Mono-Black Aggro (untested, just seems bad), Hexproof
Even with America Control (assuming they have a sideboard against the control matchup) and WW (Brave the Elements is harsh)
All in all, the deck is a ton of fun if you enjoy control decks, and is well tuned for a very aggro meta. Suggestions welcome.