With the banning of Treasure Cruise, Delver of Secrets
decks have fallen out of favor in modern. Classic Delver is fairly weak to cards like Tarmogoyf, so the popular Abzan deck running Lingering Souls, Tarmogoyf, Siege Rhino, and Tasigur, the Golden Fang makes a pretty tough match up. Well, we can adapt and play too!

We splash black to play Tasigur, the Golden Fang as our very own goyf, that has late game card advantage attached and can even shrink our opponents Tarmogoyf (in the short run). Black also gives us access to cards like Murderous Cut and Terminate.
The great thing about Delver decks is that they are always tuned to the meta. So this is my version of the deck, but depending on the meta around you, card choice and sideboard should vary. Lets get down to the deck tech!

Delver of Secrets
: The deck is called delver for a reason.
Young Pyromancer: This card is perfect. Don't argue.
Tasigur, the Golden Fang: Our very own Tarmogoyf. Although we can't have 2 out because he is legendary, the addition of black as apposed to green is much better.
Snapcaster Mage: Only 3 because of the tasigurs, but still such a good card! Lightning Bolt + Snapcaster Mage
wins games!
Pack Rat: I love pack rat! It wins games unanswered. It isn't so good against decks like affinity, so I have considered putting it in the side, but for now, it's been doing well!
Creeping Tar Pit: In those grindy games it just gets us way ahead. Taps for or , which is good, but it does come in tapped. I was considering running
Faerie Conclave
over it because I can attack quicker and potentially avoid
Tectonic Edge
, but with Lingering Souls around, I couldn't justify.

Serum Visions: Gotta flip our Delver of Secrets
Thought Scour: great interaction with Snapcaster Mage and helps us cast Tasigur, the Golden Fang.
Gitaxian Probe: It's free, gives us information, and works perfectly with Young Pyromancer.

Terminate: There is an argument for Go for the Throat and other easier to cast spells since the "can't be regenerated" clause is not too relevant. I still like one here.
Murderous Cut: Great removal. Catches opponent off guard, and once they see it, you could be running any number from 1-3 so they play around it.
Mana Leak: Good early game countermagic!
Remand: Great tempo advantage, which is what this deck is all about.
Spell Snare: Counters so many relevant spells it's crazy. Also easy to snapback with Snapcaster Mage.
Lightning Bolt: Best card in modern! No questions.
Forked Bolt
: 2 for 1, easy to use with Snapcaster Mage, and can go to the face if necessary. Sign me up!
Before going to sideboards, I would like to say that I have been testing currently, and 18 lands is correct. Many decks play 19 lands and some even 20, but this version plays 4 more cantrips on average, and I believe that justifies one less land drop.
I have not played this deck enough to finalize all side-tech plans agains all matchups, but here is each card and why it is there.
Dragon's Claw: Burn is a shitty matchup, so you need this card to win.
Blood Moon: We may be 3 colors, but the loss of black really doesn't hurt that bad (and we can fetch a swamp if we want). It kills decks, and when we bring in blood moon, we bring it in to win. That's why we play 3 over 2/1
Flash Freeze: Counters Tarmogoyf, Siege Rhino, Lightning Bolt, and lots of other cards!
Dispel: 1 mana counterspells are insane with Snapcaster Mage. This comes in against burn, the mirror, and many other match ups.
Negate: This card answers so many problem cards. The only reason it isn't in the main is because we only want it against decks that run few creatures so it's never a dead card.
Vandalblast: This is here for the overload. It wins games easily. And if we don't hit 5 (which is likely) it still destroys an artifact. I have been considering putting Kolaghan's Command instead because of the flexibility. Returning a Snapcaster Mage with that card is nuts!
Sower of Temptation: Is just a great tempo card. It is great against Rhino, and other guys we want to deal with. If the meta shifts to not have high CMC such as Siege Rhino and Tasigur, the Golden Fang you can run threads of disloyaly instead. It all depends.
Engineered Explosives: This has always been a delver sideboard stable. Destroys tokens and zoo, and is good against other decks as well.
Spellskite: This card is beautiful! It beats burn, twin, and bogles! Eating a removal spell is also great since most of our threats can be removed fairly easily.
All in all, this deck is powerful and fun! Stick a threat and disrupt your opponent while you ride that threat to their demise! Don't be afraid to even finish them off with the best spell in modern...cough Lightning Bolt cough