The mana base actually might have too much blue, crazily. It doesn't seem like it, but with all the fetches... I might cut down on a couple fetches and play a Shivan Reef and another Temple, but I like where it is right now.
The amount of lands is actually pretty good. You see a lot of lands, as the games tend to go longer and you have Anticipate to smooth out your draws.
What would you cut for another Silumgar?
July 9, 2015 1:21 a.m.
Birdsturnone says... #3
Idk your list seems pretty tight possibly kolagan the storms fury or a stubborn denial
July 9, 2015 12:31 p.m.
Birdsturnone says... #4
Scratch that even depending on your meta I would take out an icefall regent
July 9, 2015 12:36 p.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #5
I really like the deck!
I playtested a few games against my Jeskai Tempo deck (Jeskai Deck Wins) and found your deck to be lacking in blue mana sources. Both games your deck lost because it couldn't find double blue for Silumgar's Scorn, Dig Through Time, or Icefall Regent.
Counting Polluted Delta you only have 11 lands that produce blue mana. You need 19 sources if you want to cast Silumgar's Scorn reliably on turn 2. I would drop both Temple of Malice for 1 Temple of Epiphany and 1 Temple of Deceit. I would then cut 2 more cards (maybe 1 Icefall Regent and 1 Dragonlord's Prerogative) for 2 Shivan Reef. A control deck like this really needs 26 lands, especially with that many 5 and 6 CMC cards.
July 10, 2015 2:42 p.m.
Crazily enough, in real life testing, I'm ALWAYS flooded on Blue sources and usually struggle to hit the 2nd red source for Anger of the Gods. You're probably right though that it needs more blue.
As for moving up to 24 lands, I think 25 is the most I would play, and I have been considering it for awhile. The reason is that the most expensive card in the deck is DTT, but that has Delve, and after that, it's only three 6 mana spells that you usually only cast to win the game after a huge grindfest. Realistically, you only need to hit 5 lands to cast the majority of your spells.
I'm concerned with cutting an Icefall Regent because I'm afraid it might leave us too low on the Dragon count. However, if I were to cut a Dragon, that would definitely be the one to go.
For tonight, I think I'll make the following changes and see how it goes: -1 Icefall Regent, -1 Bloodstained Mire, +1 Shivan Reef and +1 Temple of Deceit. Hopefully, that streamlines the deck a bit more. We'll find out I suppose.
July 10, 2015 2:56 p.m.
As a side note, the deck actually doesn't care about casting Scorn on turn 2. It would MUCH rather cast Anticipate or Draconic Roar.
July 10, 2015 2:57 p.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #8
In decks with 5 or more 5-drops and no ramp I like 25 lands. Decks with 6 5-drops and 4 6-drops should definitely have 26 lands in my opinion.
I know that you don't need to cast Silumgar's Scorn on turn 2, that was just an example. 11 blue sources is really low regardless.
I hope my feedback has helped, good luck with the deck!
July 10, 2015 3:27 p.m.
Yeah, I'll see how it works out.
If you end up ever playing the deck at a tournament, tell me how it goes... I'm bringing it to SCG Chicago, so I'd like all the feedback I can get.
July 10, 2015 3:30 p.m.
This deck is super interesting and fun. I do plan on editing it on my profile, thanks for the amazing idea!
July 19, 2015 2:01 a.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #11
Congrats on your finish. Do you tend to have mana issues? It seems like 13, 11
, and 13
sources is extremely light considering your spell requirements.
July 28, 2015 1:25 p.m. Edited.
The mana base is definitely something I would change. Shivan Reef was the worst land in my deck, and I wanted more Red sources more often. However, it only really mattered in one match honestly... the other times I was having mana issues was to not drawing lands, but that's a shuffling problem/luck problem.
Or maybe I'm just really lucky in terms of colors.
July 28, 2015 3:22 p.m.
azraelasura says... #13
Congrats on your finish! After playing the tournament, what do you think are the best changes to make to this deck? I ask because I'm using this guide and
to build myself a grixis control deck, and am trying to find the best of both worlds. Thank you in advance for any advice you can give :)
July 29, 2015 12:34 a.m.
I'll post an update soon about what I will change.
One thing to note is that the deck you are looking at is quite different from mine. That deck is a Grixis Dragon deck, in a sense, but mine is MUCH more aggressive. The style I'm modeling off of is a bit like Abzan; remove the early threats and then start slamming haymakers. Use card advantage spells in the end in order to keep ahead of your opponent while keeping on constant pressure.
In other words, my deck plays out much more like a midrange deck than you'd expect... or like an aggressive control deck. The other plays out much more like a normal control deck that simply has more creatures, kind of like Esper.
July 29, 2015 3:19 p.m.
Nice deck! Any deck with Thunderbreak Regent and Icefall Regent is ok in my books. :D
Mizzium Meddler + Thunderbreak Regent is so much fun. Icefall Regent + Mizzium Meddler just as fun.Mizzium Meddler also gets around Exquisite Firecraft. Which both of those dragons fall prey to. Even if it's not counterable, you can still redirect it.
Just fyi, even if you do redirect the spell from Thunderbreak Regent or another dragon while he's out, you can still wait for his trigger to resolve then redirect the spell to Mizzium Meddler.
If you can't tell, I KIND OF like him. He's a good troll and your opponents can't even hate you for it. (OK, maybe they can)
Please provide feedback on my decks:
Red Thopters and Killma dragons (You'll wanna check this one out)
Comments are much appreciated.
August 5, 2015 1:03 p.m.
I've been having great luck with my Grixis deck that's a bit slower, but has more sweeps. I wanted to try a version more like this, but the only cards I don't have are Draconic Roars and every shop around here is sold out of them! It's annoying. I beat a copy of the PT winning red deck with this Slow's Grixis Note everything is safe from my own sweep/aoe spells.
August 7, 2015 3:37 p.m.
Your deck seems pretty sweet, I like it. It's a lot more controlling than mine though, I'm not sure that's where I want to be against the meta overall.
Also, I don't have the money to throw down on a Jace. D:
August 7, 2015 4:35 p.m.
Yeah definitely slower, but has more aggro hate (especially in sideboard) and beats stuff like G/R devotion. Infinite obliteration can ruin some decks too, bye bye all your siege rhinos or DL Atarkas! I did play a version with the thunderbeaks, icefalls, and stubborn denials and it also worked really well, but was missing the roars which seem like a key component for sure. I had 2 Jaces, took 1 out and seem to never draw him for some reason so an anticipate in his place is fine.
Birdsturnone says... #1
I like your deck a lot... It seems really solid the only thing I might recommend is playing another blue source. Have you considered Shivan Reef? Instead of maybe a Temple of Malice. Or a Swamp. I like how many Temples you play it makes deciding what you draw a real threat for the opponent considering you play unexpected Anger of the Gods and the classic CRUX. I might even add in a 25th land considering your curve.Another thing I might experiment with is possibly a second copy of Silumgar, the Drifting Death it's just so good and will be great in up coming Origins Standard considering the speed of some of the decks to come... Yeah so fix that mana base a tiny bit. +1 cool deck
July 8, 2015 9:26 p.m.