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Grixis Draw and Dead [EDH]

Commander / EDH* UBR (Grixis)


Opponent draws manymany cards.

Let me know please, if you know cards which would fit in this deck.

Edit 2012_05_29:

Wheel and Deal looks good, maybe i find a place for it later.

I just added missing Spot removals like Terror and Global removals like Blasphemous Act. For my safety I included Propaganda. Pit Spawn got replaced by Unscythe, Killer of Kings as they both do the same, but the Scythe is an equipment

Edit 2012_05_31:

Removed Lavaclaw Reaches since its too weak. Added Blood Crypt to replace it.

Replaced Painlands like Underground River with Crumbling Necropolis, Reliquary Tower.

Avatar of Woe out, Prince of Thralls in.

Ghastlord of Fugue out. Dread in for more defense.

Bloodchief Ascension out. Was too hard to activate. Added Hive Mind for more fun :DThinking about Eye of the Storm for more awesomeness, and Drift of Phantasms for more tutoring my Underworld Dreams and stuff.

yay, added Jace Beleren. for more Draw.Added Wheel and Deal too.

Edit 2012_06_12:

Removed all the Stuff which didn't fit in the Theme, like:

Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur huge effect, huge cmc

Obelisk of Grixis replaced by its indestructible counterpart Darksteel Ingot.

Stormtide Leviathan had too high cmc for its abilities.

Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded only milled myself a bit. Too bad for this Deck.

Heartless Summoning was too bad for only a few creatures

Jhoira of the Ghitu - Since most important spells cost have cmc 3 now its useless.

Phyrexian Obliterator out! Pit Spawn is way more scary imo.

Re-added Ancestral Vision.

Added some cool stuff:

Necropotence,... no words. a must-have!

Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind like Psychosis Crawler but with much more flying and drawing :D

Snapcaster Mage re-uses Wheel of Fortune or Winds of Change

More tutoring Stuff:Perplex and Drift of Phantasms for tutoring the most useful cmc3 spells.

Nicol Bolas is the Commander now. Need to cut 4 cards to have this Deck legal....


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

57 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 105
Avg. CMC 3.58
Ignored suggestions
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