Modern* VortexSpitFire


stonewall13 says... #1

Currently what you have is grixis control with a random 4 delvers thrown in. The delvers don't synergize with the long games that cryptic command and ancestral visions want to create. If you want to create a grixis control list, cut the delvers in favor of some number of spell snare or mana leak. I would consider cutting the walking ballistas for more counters and kalitas, but I honestly have no idea how those are working. Four does seem a little high though. If you want to make the list more focused on the delvers. I would look to replace the ancestral visions and the cryptic commands with serum visions and some counters, as well as pair down to around 19 lands. (I would recommend finding room for serum visions anyways). Here is my current Grixis Delver List:

February 28, 2017 8:09 p.m.

stonewall13 says... #2

As far as the sideboard goes, I would look to diversify what your board is trying to hit, putting emphasis on your bad matchups (tron, titanshift,etc.). Also make sure that you still hit a wide of decks, as you are playing modern. I would recommend fulminator mage or molten rain coupled with a surgical extraction or two to help hose the big mana matches. The extractions also are collateral against dredge. A one of engineered explosives is useful, and may be worth replacing one of the angers. Negate is a fantastic catch-all. It is good against trond, titanshift, burn, and can be considered against jund/junk. Lastly, a one of izzet staticaster is fantastic in some matchups. I would keep it to one though, because infect and affinity are already good matchups for you.

February 28, 2017 8:19 p.m.

DeJeffreLot says... #3

Get those Ballistas outta here. If you wanna rock Delver you need the playset of Serum Visions and Thought Scours. Drop off that Dismember and a single Fatal Push, you run a metric fuck ton of removal already, instead throw in some Spell Snares or Mana Leaks.

I'd cut down a land and go to twenty lands. Manlands tend to be iffy with the Delver build because you could be spending mana on better things and it doesn't help any of your bad matchups. I'd personally cut both Manalands and add in a singleton Mountain at least.

Sideboard needs a lotta work, first off I'd get rid of Inquisition and the Ghost Quarters. Get some Graveyard hate in there like 2x Surgical Extraction or 2x Nihil Spellbomb. Throw in some land destruction and Tron hate in there like 3x Fulminater Mage or 3x Molten Rain or 3x Crumble to Dust. Finally you wanna toss in a one of Collective Brutality somewhere because the card is good as fuck

February 28, 2017 11:18 p.m.

DeJeffreLot says... #4

good luck dude, I hope you enjoy the deck. it's what I've been on for a good long time now

February 28, 2017 11:19 p.m.

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