Here we have it - a new kind of control: Option control. It's not actually a new kind of control it's just a fun theme. The deck is kind of like modern hate bears, but without the bears.
Dimir Charm: This card is pretty good, it's first ability counters Scapeshift! yay? The next ability can kill small Tarmogoyf's, Dark Confidants... The third ability gets rid of those pesky useless cards ontop of your library and fuels delve at the same time!
Electrolyze: this card is fun, its ability doesn't work well against any given deck, but the ability to deal 2 damage divided as you chose plus the draw is good.
Grixis Charm: It's first ability can buy you an extra turn of make enchantments die, it's second ability kills a creature, it's third well.... I'm only running one for a reason.
Gurmag Angler: I'm sorry, is that effectively a mana cost? count me in
Tasigur, the Golden Fang: see Gurmag Angler
Izzet Charm: Do I really need explain why this card is good? it cycles through your deck and cheapens delve, counters noncreature spells and kills creatures.
Lightning Bolt: Are you actually reading the description for Lightning Bolt?? Do you not know why it is good? it kills stuff!! Click to see why lightning bolt is good.
Liliana Vess: She's better then you think, fetching any card needed to win.
Mana Leak: A nice, cheap counter. Counters everything they can play on turn one, two, and three. It can't, however counter a 1-drop on turn four. So sad D:
Rakdos Charm: This is one of my iffier plays, it does well against splinter twin and graveyard based decks, as well as affinity, but that's all.
Thought Scour: Draw a card? Feed your delve? too?
Thoughtseize: See Lightning Bolt
You might have noticed the quality of my description getting worse and worse... it's someone else's fault. Also, I like comments, they make me feel good