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Grixis Pirate Trickery

Standard UBR (Grixis)



Standard Pirate trickery. Lots of cheap creatures, aiming to be aggressive with the ability to hit almost every turn with additional help from Curious Obsession to buff and help card draw. Combos in the form of Warkite Marauder and Moment of Craving to take out the larger beasts, but still good on their own. ~~Vraska~~ and Tetzimoc as later game finishers (Possibly replace?)

This a the final draft of my first Standard deck build. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions

UPDATE 17/05/18 - Removed Vraskas as i was getting little use out of her. Considering adding a playset of Walking Ballista Further dual lands added for consistences and also considering adding Merfolk Trickster Feedback welcome

UPDATE 29/05/18 - I've updated the deck list to reflect what Im currently playing/own. As i currently dont own any Walking Ballista, this has been dropped to the maybe board. Will i add it? Likely not. Been doing a bit of play testing with proxies and considering the cost/lifespan of the card in rotation i cant justify adding it.

With that said, the latest update to the deck list shown above went 3-0 at the last FNM. Going 2-1 against all my opponents (UG Unblockable Merfolk, Mono Green Stompys and GB Constrictor).

For now im going to see how this play out in further matchups and make small changes to the sideboard.

Let me know what you think!


Updates Add

After a fair few games at Standard Showdown I've made a few changes to help against the likes of rekindling phoenix and other planeswalkers with the addition of Crafty Catpurse and Vraskas Contempt. List has been updated with the cards i own. I'll add any future cards that may need to be purchased to the maybe board.

Thanks for looking.


Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years
Splash colors R

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 3 Rares

19 - 4 Uncommons

7 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.19
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