Kolaghan's Command is not what a control deck really wants to be doing. You're creatures are already well protected, so recursion is not so good, shock is generally irrelevant, discard is fine, but their are betterways to do it, and artifacts aren't that popular. Monastery Siege hasn't worked that well for me, I feel it is better replaced by Anticipate, Which should be a 3 or 4 of. Dragonlord's prerogative hasn't been noticed by people, but it gives you a nearly full grip. I like it almost as much as Dig through time. Negate and Disdainful Stroke are fine choices, and the other competitor for counter spells 5-8 is Silumgar's Scorn, which is only that good if you have a decent number of dragons in your deck. Bile Blight and Murderous Cut should probably be replaced by 2/2 Roast and Ultimate Price for kill spells 5-8. Another card that could be a 1-2 off is Silumgar's Command.
For the sideboard, you should probably drop the second anger. The mana is rough and you don't ever want more than 1. Aetherspouts is fine, but it is only attacking creatures. I would replace them with a Crux of Fate and a Perilous Vault. The mana base is already painful so thoughtsieze is dangerous without lifegain from Jorubai Murk Lurker or Foul-Tongue Invocation. You definitely should be running Dragonlord Silumgar in side too. It should be sided in during EVERY game 2. Empty the pits is unnecessary, probably could be replaced with Tasigur, and murderous cut has better replacements like roast or Ultimate Price.
In the Maybeboard, the only cards really worth considering are Ashiok and Mogis.
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micah1 says... #1
Kolaghan's Command is not what a control deck really wants to be doing. You're creatures are already well protected, so recursion is not so good, shock is generally irrelevant, discard is fine, but their are betterways to do it, and artifacts aren't that popular. Monastery Siege hasn't worked that well for me, I feel it is better replaced by Anticipate, Which should be a 3 or 4 of. Dragonlord's prerogative hasn't been noticed by people, but it gives you a nearly full grip. I like it almost as much as Dig through time. Negate and Disdainful Stroke are fine choices, and the other competitor for counter spells 5-8 is Silumgar's Scorn, which is only that good if you have a decent number of dragons in your deck. Bile Blight and Murderous Cut should probably be replaced by 2/2 Roast and Ultimate Price for kill spells 5-8. Another card that could be a 1-2 off is Silumgar's Command.
For the sideboard, you should probably drop the second anger. The mana is rough and you don't ever want more than 1. Aetherspouts is fine, but it is only attacking creatures. I would replace them with a Crux of Fate and a Perilous Vault. The mana base is already painful so thoughtsieze is dangerous without lifegain from Jorubai Murk Lurker or Foul-Tongue Invocation. You definitely should be running Dragonlord Silumgar in side too. It should be sided in during EVERY game 2. Empty the pits is unnecessary, probably could be replaced with Tasigur, and murderous cut has better replacements like roast or Ultimate Price.
In the Maybeboard, the only cards really worth considering are Ashiok and Mogis.
Also, you should probably add 1-2 more lands.
April 2, 2015 10:27 a.m.