Big Update, looking primarily for Sideboard suggestions as the SB is very scattered right now!
"Let me set the stage for you here.
You're heading to online FNM, you've got your best fancy shirt and sweatpants pairing on, camera at the ready and you feel like a star!
What would be the perfect compliment to such a feeling? The equivalent of bringing a straight-razor to your wrist as a reaction to getting hated out by yet another Celestial Colonnade brew!
That's right! I bring to light my newest creation that has (begrudgingly) nothing to do with walls!
Now you too can use the self-damaging effects of a mana-base that's just a tad too expensive mixed with the aggressive speed of prowess! Who cares about starving orphans? Shocks are big-money and you need them all!
Blend the vampiric vigour of Scourge of the Skyclaves with the 10-gigawatt gliders of Stormwing Entity!
Blow your opponents away with sick plays and make them worry about your situation at home with one turn!
As a special offer, if you order today, we will throw in 9 fetch lands for free!
That's right!
9 more ways to hurt yourself, absolutely free! Everyone will be questioning your mental health and all you can do is wonder where it all went wrong!
Order now with the number 0800-IHATELIFE to get a 50% discount and a personal apology letter from us!
Order today!"
"Scourge And Co is not responsible for any deaths, maiming, wing-tip punctures, electrocutions, self-bolts, random demonic pacts, actual, literal suicide or phyrexian interference while using the deck.
By purchasing the deck you hereby allow Scourge And Co to harvest your land-base after your inevitable death by dismemberment while on 4 life.
No animals that matter are hurt in the creation process of the deck.
Please fetch responsibly."