Gross Rakdos

Standard mikemega


I prefer Herald of Torment to some of the creatures. I also could see you playing some life gain, like merchants, to make up for it. And I would drop some instants/sorceries for something more along the lines of threats, stuff that have a constant present. Because If you dont get that underworld connections, and you run out of kill before you can get some creature out, thats end game. Also, Life bane zombie can be run main board, because of all the red/green monstrous decks running amuck. they could be used to grab stuff like Ghor clan Rampagers. and other nasties. And, depending on your specific FnM crew, it could be possible to main deck doom blade.

February 20, 2014 12:05 p.m.

mikemega says... #2

@stardustdragonlord Ya, thanks for the input. I've considered Herald of Torment for this deck. I think it would replace Pack Rat , which I am really liking right now. But I'm going for a bit more control-style here. I've piloted aggro decks forever and this is my first attempt at a different style. I'll put some more thought into Herald aka Harry. I love Lifebane Zombie main, that's a good idea - thanks. First I'll probably try to up the kill so I don't run out. Good points there. I really should squeeze in some Merchants - one of the dirtiest cards in standard. Will update list soon.

Thanks again

February 20, 2014 12:50 p.m.

Oh, and something i failed to mention, I'm playing similar control, but with 24 lands. You could drop one land for something.

February 20, 2014 4:19 p.m.

tylerawood497 says... #4

I would mainboard the Rakdos's Return and side board the Slaughter Games . I feel Slaughter Games is an awesome sideboard card you use after you know a person's deck and win con. Then you use it to take those out.

February 21, 2014 3:29 p.m.

I would keep Pack Rat and get rid of 1 Dreadbore and 1 Flesh?

February 22, 2014 2:55 p.m.

Bigbadbear88 says... #6

played it against my deck, Pop a Solly. Yours won from Chandra's second ability bringing out a Demon. Killed the Chandra and Demon with Boros Charm and Chained to the Rocks, played another Chandra got a Mogis from the 0. Killed the Chandra, but had nothing to deal with Mogis when he went creature. Good deck, however it's built much more like mono black than a Rakdos deck. Imo it's not Rakdos unless it has a Rakdos Cackler ! +1

February 23, 2014 7:07 p.m.

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