Grow Ever Onward

Standard* Arthelo


Derperture says... #1

This is pretty good! Playtesting went well.

April 1, 2015 1:16 p.m.

mardolous says... #2

Cool deck, I am trying to find the best way to use heroic in standard and this is cool! Compare it to my deck: Heroic Boros Dudes (NEED SUGGESTIONS).


April 24, 2015 10:28 p.m.

GuardianZET says... #3

Endless One? Very simple drop that works with +1 counters.

September 27, 2015 3:44 a.m.

Arthelo says... #4

I tend to prefer smaller effects that put counters on things one or two at a time because of Hardened Scales. For example, if I have Hardened Scales up and I play Endless One for 1 mana, he'd be a 2/2 - double my mana investment - but if I play him for 7, he'd be an 8/8. As I pay more into him, he gets less efficient because Hardened Scales only gives me one more counter for each time I put counters on something. Meanwhile, Hangarback Walker would be getting two counters every turn for 1 mana each time.

Endless One is impressive, but he's better suited to a deck that ramps mana than Hardened Scales. I want to play a creature small and then watch them grow insanely powerful through efficient, small effects.

September 27, 2015 8:16 a.m.

bjurewicz21 says... #5

I run a similar build, but with less enchantments. You should not be running Collected Company you will miss quite a bit. In order to make collected company worth it you need to run at least 22 creatures.

October 19, 2015 10:21 p.m.

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