Growing the Faith (Selesnya Populate)

Pioneer ShieldOfHolyShadows


aholder7 says... #1

I think you have a good number of token makers here but I'm not sure about the populate cards. Wake the Reflections seems better than root born for speed reasons. I don't think protecting your 4/4 on turn 3 would be as beneficial as just making a spare. But since you probably need more populate in general I wouldn't necessarily cut root born for wake. I'd probably cut spider silk. I don't really see the need for it. Green is the best card for destroying flyers and if you race on the ground then the flier probably wouldn't be an issue anyways but I guess if you play against multiple flyer decks in your meta then it might be reasonable to play it.

September 8, 2016 2:57 p.m.

@aholder7 I'm not really a fan of the sorcery speed populate; it feels like a waste of a card slot. Rootborn Defenses' primary purpose isn't the populate, it's for the anti-board clear/removal to make sure I've always got something TO populate. And yes, the Spidersilk Nets are in there because almost every deck my friends play have some form of flying creatures ranging from mono black vampires to U/W control with angels, plus I like the fact that it's never a completely dead draw and at the very least, it's a +0/+2 boost to a creature of my choice for only two mana that I wouldn't mind having multiple of (unlike Spidersilk Armor which you really don't want to see more than one.)

September 8, 2016 3:50 p.m.

aholder7 says... #3

If flyers are a big issue maybe something like Bower Passage will help more. Basically is 2 mana make everything unblockable. Corrosive Gale/Hurricane also act as effective one sided board wipes.

Sorcery speed vs instant speed is an important point for the populate effects as its possible that they remove your only tokens in response to a sorcery whereas an instant speed would more likely be timed to when your opponent doesn't have a lot of available responses. If that were the only issue id suggest Druid's Deliverance or for sideboard Sundering Growth

But seeing as you're using it for board wipe protection that's different. If spot removal is an issue, Gods Willing or similar cards should be put in but if your expecting wreaths from you opponent then u have a few questions. Is the black vampire deck or any other black deck you're playing against actually playing Damnation or other board wipes? Or simply Languish? Because black doesn't have a lot of great wipes besides Damnation except for cards that use -1/-1 effects which indestructible won't stop. I also don't know too many casual players that shell out the money for a play set of Damnations. UW control however does have a few wipe options. But I can't imagine that you're holding up 3 mana each turn in case they have one. That's basically wasting your time and resources. Against control you need to be as aggressive as possible and try to kill them before they can bring things to the late game.

So either way I'm not seeing Rootborn Defenses as the way to go here. But i guess it could be a matter of play style preference. I'm used to a more competitive and I assume faster format where holding up 3 mana every turn is an easy way to lose.

September 8, 2016 4:50 p.m.

aholder7, Those are some really good points, thank you. You're right about the black deck not having board wipe so I will look more into the spot removal protection. How would you choose between cards like Gods Willing and Vines of Vastwood (or any others I don't know about) when the opponent's using cards like Hideous End and Feast of Blood?

September 8, 2016 7:09 p.m.

aholder7 says... #5

The best way to protect your creatures is with CHEAP protection. Holding up 3 mana is hard. You can't cast advent of the Call of the Conclave until turn 5. So I would make sure to look at 1 mana options (this is mostly in reference to any spells you don't know about). Between the two you mentioned I think vines is better because it's essentially gods willing with the option to turn it into Titanic Growth.

A list of what i think are some of the best 1 mana spells against removal are

Vines of Vastwood

Ranger's Guile

Emerge Unscathed

Apostle's Blessing (because it can be cast for white or green).

Gods Willing

Ajani's Presence

All of these are one mana options that should protect your creatures from removal. But that's a lot of options. Let's narrow it down. Some of these offer protection and some hex proof and some indestructible. But what's the best? Well each of them should stop anything that says destroy target creature. But protection offers the added ability to not be damaged by creatures of that color if you you want to block. Indestructible is also good for blockers for similar reasons. So I think rangers guile is the worst. What about vines? Well it's different because it has versatility like I mentioned before.

Protection vs indestructible. Both stop kill spells but protection can prevent creatures from blocking yours and indestructible will help your creature survive a board wipe.

So I think the best ones for you are

Vines of Vastwood and Ajani's Presence because they can protect and can pump. Versatility is key.

Also another card that could find room in your deck or at least side board. Dromoka's Command

September 8, 2016 7:40 p.m.

Funkfest99 says... #6

I would take Fumigate out of the sideboard and substitute in Hour of Reckoning

December 13, 2016 1:29 a.m.

Funkfest99 says... #7

I've got a very similar deck Populate Deez Nutzz and would highly recommend putting in some Parallel Lives so you get more bang for your buck when you cast a token gen. spell

December 13, 2016 1:32 a.m.

I would love to fit Parallel Lives into the deck, but I'm not sure what I would want to cut out, and it's a bit out of my budget for the moment.

January 18, 2017 10:53 a.m.

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