Gruul Aggro: Theros Beyond Death

Standard* pistolpeteiii


Frosto says... #1

Nice Build. Gallia of the Endless Dance doesn't really have any good Satyr support at the moment.

January 14, 2020 8:53 p.m.

pistolpeteiii says... #2


True, however it is a great complement to Zhur-Taa Goblin in the 2 CMC slot as another hasty 2/2 with 2 devotion for Klothys, God of Destiny .

Additionally, it allows us to ditch a land and hopefully dig for an Embercleave to play on turn 4.

January 15, 2020 8:48 a.m.

Boza says... #3

I think Galia is a trap - the conditions to attack with so much are very specific. I would go -3 Galia, -4 druid -2 sunder -1 escape for + 4 Lovestruck Beast and 4 Wildwood Tracker and + 2 Collision / Colossus . Additionally, in this setup, Ilysian Caryatid is better than goose.

January 15, 2020 8:59 a.m. Edited.

pistolpeteiii says... #4

Boza thanks for your suggestions!

Thank you again for your suggestions! Like I said I think they might be suited for a similar deck but aren't the exact effects I am looking to pull off with this build. I hope I explained my decision making well enough, feel free to disagree or build one however you see fit!

January 15, 2020 2:30 p.m.

Boza says... #5

This is very reasonable - I am coming from the perspective of a new BO1 Gruul player as well. I had success with a mono green build that included both the Beast and the Tracker, that work well together. Even after that well thought out response, I think that there are some improvements to be made.

I am still not convinced you should care about devotion to the only 2 copies of Klothys. She is not that good as a creature, and if you have enough devotion for her to be a creature, you are probably in a good position. Perhaps, a simple change would be to play Bonecrusher Giant instead of Galia, for better curve considerations and some amount of interaction with the opponent.

January 16, 2020 4:12 a.m.

pistolpeteiii says... #6


Bonecrusher Giant is probably the card I would insert if I find Sunder Shaman and Klothys, God of Destiny , or Gallia of the Endless Dance under-perform. Its tough trying to balance how many copies of each new card to play without actually testing it out, but that's how I made room for Klothys, God of Destiny . Its not that the devotion is the main payoff, but its better if my creatures incidentally turned her into a 4/5 indestructible fairly reliably. I think a Shock to the opponents face most turns is a huge payoff and tried to include some cards that would maximize the god's potential as a big beater.

If there ends up being less Fires of Invention decks, and more Mono- devotion / sacrifice style decks, I'll for sure be adding Bonecrusher Giant to the list.

January 16, 2020 8:02 a.m.

Boza says... #7

Wierdly enough, Shock is exactly the card that can enable you to Shock the opponent with klothys. Otherwise, you are relying on your opponent to do some damage with the God, as none of your cards go to the graveyard themselves.

Once Theros drops on MTG Arena, I will be making this deck, as I have all the pieces and come back with some test results. Good luck!

January 16, 2020 8:21 a.m.

pistolpeteiii says... #8


But Klothys, God of Destiny will provide nice reach in the event of a board wipe, as it can recycle my creatures that died into 2 free damage each. Also any creatures the opponent chump blocked with, or instant/sorcery spells that went to their graveyard turn into fuel for her. Its more about the compounding effect of applying the damage each turn as a way to push 2-6 extra points of damage through in the later stages of the game.

January 16, 2020 8:45 a.m.

Boza says... #9

Tested the above list in 10 best of one games:

  • W versus UR tempo
  • W versus Mono R Cavalcade
  • L versus Mono black Cat devotion (T1 Cat, T2 double oven, T5 Merchant into T6 Merchant)
  • L versus mono R (T4 Torbran with 4 creatures out) L versus mono B (T1 Knight of the Ebon Legion, into T2 Double knight of the legion, into T3 Oathsworn Knight)
  • W versus MOno White Devotion/Lifegain
  • W versus GW Adventures
  • W versus Esper Control
  • L versus Mono Green Midrange (T3 Yorvo, T4 Questing Beast into T5 Nylea)

OVerall, 50% win rate (last match was a disconnect versus Mono Red once again, but I had next to 0 board).

I did not see a single copy of Klothys in any of the games. Gilded Goose underperformed a lot and I always wish it was something else. Gallia was fine, but never exciting. Her ability to discard/draw triggered once in the game - all the other times she was either too small to attack with or I had expensive cards like Questing or Embercleave I did not want to discard.

Current suggestions:

January 16, 2020 6:18 p.m.

pistolpeteiii says... #10


For the games that you did win, did you see cards like Domri, Anarch of Bolas or Escape to the Wilds ? I see the need for more removal, wasn't sure exactly how this would line up in the new meta. Figured cat/oven is a bad match with all the lifegain.

January 17, 2020 7:51 a.m.

Boza says... #11

I have not listed many details on winning games, but they follow the logic of the deck - attacking with a few powerful dudes that the opponent cannot profitably block. The best showing of the deck was versus Mono W and Esper, where a few good midrange dudes were able to steal the game. Mono W could not deal with Questing Beast + Embercleave, which freely attacked versus a large toughness daxos and killed any Ajani's they could play.

I saw Domri once, when it shined - fought with it once and it pumped there creatures, allowing me to attack for lethal.
I saw Escape as well once versus one of the mono-black decks - they made me discard it on turn 4 before I could cast it.

I will try to test the above highlighted changes soon and share the next set of 10 games :)

January 17, 2020 8:34 a.m.

Boza says... #12

Grumgully, the Generous strikes me as a particularly good card, since it gives a counter to any of our creatures. I think that a more midrange-y build with it, Warden of the Chained , Skarrgan Hellkite and a good ramp package might be more successful, but that is reserved for test batch 3.

The big problem cards are the ones that brickwall the attack - Knight of the Ebon Legion is a prime example. A T1 Knight makes it impossible to attack by turn three unless the appropriate creature is drawn with 4 power or more.

January 17, 2020 8:54 a.m.

pistolpeteiii says... #13

Right and for that I really do see the need to include Bonecrusher Giant . I have Domri, Anarch of Bolas as the stand in for Domri's Ambush as I think the upsides of this are better in a mid-range shell, as the fight effect is similar and the static pump + ramp options on him do a good job for playing multiple impact creatures in a turn.

I appreciate you giving me all the feedback, I'm glad this is working out well for you!

January 17, 2020 9:52 a.m.

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