
Well, an aggressive list featuring creatures with haste (or which are able to gain haste) in addition to spells and abilities which deal damage to the opponent directly. Additionally the deck is able do play the long game via different recursion in form of Haven of the Spirit Dragon and Phyrexian Dragon Engine  .

Mainboard tactics

Starting the game with Turn 1 Elf into Kolaghan Warmonger or Sarkhan, Fireblood is very stong. The Warmonger potentially replaces itself on attack while digging six cards deep to find stronger creatures. The Planeswalker on Turn 2 is scary as it enables the play of Terror of the Peaks or Kura, the Boundless Sky on turn three. Additionally if Sarkhan is left unchecked the ultimate is mostly game ending, especially with Terror of the Peaks or the Dragon Tempest in play. Even without the Turn 1 Elf the deck is able to play relevant cards. Dragon Tempest as the most important one, combined with Kura, the Boundless Sky the ETB turns into "destroy target creature". Kura is also annoying to deal with as it creates a token on death or allows you to search three lands from the library. Especially Haven of the Spirit Dragon allows you to return the dragon later in the game. Mutavault is usefull too as it may help pressing the three damage from Draconic Roar or deal some extra damage with Dragon Tempest.


The Sideboard contains some useful Dragons like Stormbreath Dragon against decks using white removal. I really like the Weathered Runestone over Grafdigger's Cage as it prevents not only creatures from entering from the graveyard and library (Pheonix, Jund Sacrifice) but vehicles too, while escaping Hidetsugu Consumes All  . Additionally it shuts down Collected Company, Storm the Festival and Transmogrify.

Additional ideas

Using Torch the Tower might be a good option too, as big flying creatures tend to be too slow against certain decks. I'm thinking of using Warping Wail against Niv to Light, as the mana base with Mutavault, Haven of the Spirit Dragon and Cavern of Souls supports the colorless mana requirement.


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96% Competitive

Date added 4 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 5 Mythic Rares

24 - 1 Rares

15 - 4 Uncommons

10 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.73
Tokens Dragon 5/5 R, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Goblin 1/1 R, Plot, Spirit */* G
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