Homebrew Gruul Blitz deck with Quad damage capability. Currently 11-1 in local shop tournaments. 2nd place game day JOU, and three wins.
Combining your standard Mono-Red Devotion engine with an uncommon gruul blitz playstyle. Which I feel is the best way to utilize Prophetic Flamespeaker.
With these two archetypes combined, this deck can present sickening amounts of damage, and lethal as soon as turn 3/4 depending on match/position/draw/sideboard. Turn four Very frequent, if not, crippling the board state.
A typical win would involve Prophetic Flamespeaker with various pumps. Chances are it would be lead into with a Ash Zealot attack previous turn.Ghor-Clan Rampager + Titan's Strength or Giant Growth presenting lethal and card advantage with flamespeaker.
Quite easily hitting lands for value, or hitting a growth/titan on first combat exile trigger.
Many other angles of attack. Dictate of the Twin Gods presenting a lethal 20 with just Prophetic Flamespeaker & Ghor-Clan Rampager. Easily lethal Fanatic of Mogis.. or a very fun Boros Reckoner with the green side of Armed / Dangerous on a heavy board state.
or how about a Burning-Tree Emissary with +1/+1 doublestrike from Armed / Dangerous followed up with any 2 of the 3 pumps. providing 18-20 damage without Dictate of the Twin Gods.
Who knew you could be alpha struck by a vanilla 2/2?
Good sideboard versatility for setting up game plans for either on the play or turn, against control, aggro or removal.
So far the only loss and difficult match up has been against a generic UW control with heavy Azorius Charm / Celestial Flare. The third game in the match being a mulligan to 5 with 4 lands.
This deck excels against ANY aggro deck, aggressive or midrange
A couple potential ideas on the sideboard. May side out Boros Reckoner to bring in against aggro, and keep Mogis's Warhound in its place for more Burning-Tree Emissary synergy and removal backup.
Dragon Mantle seems like a fantastic card in this set up, providing single costing devotion, card replacement, and firebreathing in a nykthos mono red deck... Unsure what to replace.
A lot of the Maybeboard options are for post rotation, however some could definitely fit in right now.
Looking for feedback and input, please playtest!
Also when going for the kill with a Prophetic Flamespeaker dont forget to potentially play a Giant Growth or Titan's Strength for second combat from his first combat exile trigger!