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Gruul Manabears Bushwhacker Aggro

Modern Aggro Combo RG (Gruul) Tempo Theme/Gimmick



This deck is built around creatures that refuel your mana upon entering the battlefield like Burning-Tree Emissary and Hidden Herbalists combined with Reckless Bushwhacker and it's older sibling Goblin Bushwhacker.So the goal of the deck is to string together as many spells as one can as soon as possible and hit with a bunch of hasty creatures.

Hidden Herbalists is somewhat hard to use but getting back can be very handy in order to cast another version of itself, a Burning-Tree Emissary or a Strangleroot Geist So even if it doesn't always allow you to play a bushwhacker it can still give you lots of tempo (Revolt is triggered easily through cracking a fetch land) . Burning-Tree Emissary on the other hand is the all-star manabear and really makes the deck possible; It fixes herbalist mana to allow you to play Reckless Bushwhacker, Goblin Guide, Lightning Bolt or another manabear and when you have an extra mana left it can allow you to play Goblin Bushwhacker or Strangleroot Geist as well. Priest of Urabrask is a bit more expensive but can be very handy to fix your mana into the double red you need for Goblin Bushwhacker and just as another 2 power creature that gives you back your mana investment immediately. Of course what gives these cards the biggest power is the synergy with each other where nearly every combination of them can allow you play another one of them and swamp the board very quickly.

Our host of creatures also contains Goblin Guides and Strangleroot Geists as hasty creatures that are cheap and powerful, Foundry Street Denizen which is simply a strong 1-drop and can be excessively good due to Burning-Tree Emissary stringing multiple red creatures and the recently unbanned Bloodbraid Elf as the top of the curve that creates value and is often a huge tempo play on t4 as well as often brings another creature with it. Then of course there are the bushwhackers which have been mentioned several times already, because them giving haste and +1/+0 to everything makes everything just so much better, allowing the deck to dole out absurd amounts of damage very early on in the game.

Finally there's the spells; Lightning Bolt is an obvious choice as it functions greatly both as a removal and as a way to close out games. Lead the Stampede however is played less often but works really well in the deck as it allows you to gather more pieces of the combo and string together an awesome turn whilst also replenishing your reserves and creating value after being slowed down into attrition warfare.


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(7 years ago)

-3 Arid Mesa main
+3 Bloodstained Mire main
-3 Collected Company side
+3 Foundry Street Denizen main
+2 Grafdigger's Cage side
-3 Kird Ape main
-2 Tormod's Crypt side
Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 5 Rares

30 - 7 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.02
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