Gruul Monsters / Burn

Standard DrFuzzyGloves


usarian5 says... #1

Personally instead of Rattleclaw Mystic I would go Sylvan Caryatid or Courser of Kruphix . They are both more reliable and block more aggro

October 31, 2014 12:34 p.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #2

usarian5 both are also $13-$15 a piece. I can get the whole play set of rattles for 1 of those. This is a semi budget deck.

October 31, 2014 2:23 p.m.

usarian5 says... #3

Valid point. Disregard my suggestion. Love the deck though!

October 31, 2014 2:25 p.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #4

Rattles also give burst mana when morphed. 1 extra for morph then 1 for tapping, so I spend 2 mana get 4.

October 31, 2014 2:27 p.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #5

Thanks usarian5. If you want anything looked at just ask.

October 31, 2014 2:29 p.m.

usarian5 says... #6

Well since you offered..... I've been trying to come up with a very budget standard deck that could do okay. I would love to take one of my heroic builds to FNM but need feedback. Specifically, could you check out A Heroic Budget?

October 31, 2014 2:40 p.m.

HorridBEAST says... #7

I know its already been suggested and rejected, but Sylvan Caryatid is really worth the investment. But even without caryatid I think you should change up your ideal opening. Turn 4 is too long to wait against rush decks especially when you don't have Caryatid to block. Give something like this a try:

1) Forest, Elvish Mystic 2) Mountain, Rattleclaw or Generator Servant 3) Land, Stormbreath or Sarkhan

Get a 4/4 flyer on the field and swinging on turn 3. and with a morphed Rattleclaw you don't even need to worry about hitting your 3rd land drop. You can play any card in your deck on turn 3 with this opening. I run a very similar deck to yours and the entire deck is focused on putting threats on the board turn 3. My favorite play is:

1) Forest, Mystic 2) Mountain, Caryatid 3) Land, Stormbreath or Arbor Colossus 4) Land, Hunter's Prowess on either, Swing 9/9 or 7/7, Draw to full hand

Check it out if you want: Big Bad Monstrosity

November 5, 2014 10:32 a.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #8

usarian5, I don't have Hunter's Prowess on here but I usually do run at least 1 of them. Turn 4 is just if possible, turn 3 genes is is normally what I do, for the 4/4 and a poluk or polis. Provides surprising board presence. With a turn 4 sarkhan or stormbreath. That's ideal but sometimes lightning strike has to happen early to negate a rabble, ect. Last night I had a great opening vs b/u and sniped a prophet of kruphix as soon as it was played, delayed my board prressence but won me the game. Having poluk and genesis for 4 on turn 3 to me as valuable as turn 3 stormbreath. Also considering Archetype of Endurance due to all the bullshit removal in this meta.

November 5, 2014 11:13 a.m.

brikabrak says... #9

I like the list - GR monsters is really fun!

One thing I notice is that barring the mystics and caryatids, your creatures would survive an anger of the gods. Why not adjust a few things and add a few Angers in the main?

December 23, 2014 2:28 p.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #10

brikabrak I've never needed them. I used to side 1 and main 1, but the main one was usually dead draw. So I just pull them in vs aggro now. Has been better from what I've seen.

December 23, 2014 3:19 p.m.

DukeSteele says... #11

More and more Green/Red and Temur decks i see ignore Elvish Mystic entirely, how are you finding the consistency of your ramp without him? Do you have to mulligan alot?

I really like the deck +1

December 26, 2014 2:29 a.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #12

DukeSteele i used Elvish Mystic forever, but just tested the deck for 1 week without him and ill never go back. the ONLY advantage to running mystic is that i can have a potential turn 2 Fanatic of Xenagos. the deck performs perfectly if you hit 4 mana on turn 3. to give you an idea of how it feels, the deck almost always finishes the game on turn 6. you dont really play anything until turn 3.

I dont have to mulligan almost ever. ill keep a hand with Rattleclaw Mystic/Sylvan Caryatid, 2-3 lands, a 4 drop, and a 5 drop. i feel like i maybe mulligan once out of 4-5 games. after that, due to the fact that i didnt mess around with support cards, every single card you draw is either mana, or a way to spend mana to finish a game. it performs hella consistant.

December 26, 2014 2:44 a.m.

DukeSteele says... #13

Thats awesome, maybe you would like to check out my Temur brew, i have considered switching to Gruul but i like Temur Ascendancy and Savage Knuckleblade quite alot!

December 26, 2014 3:19 a.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #14

DukeSteele i would love to use Temur. knuckle, surrak, charm, and ascendancy are all so good. but it makes the deck slower, as in i win on turn 7 or 8 most of the time, and i just cant justify doing that change. i'm even trying this decklist, but swapping Temple of Abandon for Frontier Bivouac, then swapping 3 Fanatic of Xenagos and 1 Polukranos, World Eater for 4 Savage Knuckleblade, then swapping 2 Stoke the Flames for 2 Surrak Dragonclaw, then taking 1 Mountain and 1 Forest out to add 2 Islands as to barely splash in the things i want from it. still slows it down somehow despite the fact that everything opperates at the same speed. theoretically it should work just as fast cause i can haste Savage Knuckleblade on turn 3.

December 26, 2014 3:49 a.m.

DukeSteele says... #15

I actually narrowly lost with my Temur deck against Gruul last week at FNM. But it was very close indeed. We were in a big board stall situation and my Savage Knuckleblade was digging me out of trouble with its card draw via Temur Ascendancy but my opponent top decked a little better than me.

At the moment i am picking up a few more Gruul cards from my local game store in the hope of trying out the two colour builds :)

December 26, 2014 2:41 p.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #16


the bottom line when it comes to Gruul Vs. Temur is that Gruul is faster. Gruul hits striking status 1 turn faster on average, and thats all it needs to consistently beat temur. there is a guy at the venue i go to that uses temur and he hates playing me. in the past 3 weeks he's won a single hand vs me. thats 6 games won for me, and 1 game won for him. his deck is about as good as temur gets too. the one game he won he was able to stall it out longer than 6, where his card advantage won him the game. a game running more than 7 turns begins to favor temur, but it never gets there it seems like. Temur can fair better vs a larger variety of decks though too, since they utilize counters and Gruul doesnt. i just chose Gruul cause i wanted to hit hard and fast and give them almost no room to breathe.

December 26, 2014 2:57 p.m.

DukeSteele says... #17

That makes sense to me, two colour offers that little bit of extra consistency as well.

At present my Temur deck is only using blue mana for 6 cards. Temur Ascendancy and Savage Knuckleblade - what do you feel Gruul has to offer in terms of card draw or favourable enchantment? Or perhaps as you are not running those sort of cards in your own deck you feel they are counter-intuitive to what Gruul does best?

December 26, 2014 3:02 p.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #18

DukeSteele, i havent had card draw issues at all yet. Courser of Kruphix helps filter lands, and if a game goes on too long ill usually use Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker to really amp up draw. but honestly if the deck wins on turn 6 most of the time (about 80% of games end on turn 6) then just do quick math. start with 7, draw 1 each turn for a total of about 13 cards used. i play a mana dork turn 2, a 4 drop turn 3, a 5 drop turn 4, then usually another 5 drop or 4 with an instant turn 5, turn 6 is normally a big ass Crater's Claws for a typical total of 6-7 cards used. most games i finish with about that many cards. just depends on the ramp i draw, Xenagos, the Reveler can help me push a lot more cards out, and so can Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. if i have both of thos out by chance i can deplete my hand by turn 6, those games are the ones i can pull off a turn 5 win a lot.

December 26, 2014 11:01 p.m.

SnadroWraith says... #19

I really like this deck. I had a turn three Xenagos, the Reveler and a turn four Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker. +5

December 29, 2014 12:20 a.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #20

SnadroWraith yeah, it works like that so often. 4 drop turn 3, 5 drop turn 4, followed by another 5 or 4, then a turn 6 finish with crater's. this deck is more consistent than its temur counterpart mentioned in the description. but i feel the temur form has more potential since its basically the same deck with knuckle instead of fanatic, and surrak instead of stoke.

December 29, 2014 1:28 a.m.

DukeSteele says... #21

I am seriously considering a second Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx in my Temur Deck that has a bunch of Green can really create explosive plays.

Will definately be giving your deck a try, i have all the cards for it i think!

December 29, 2014 1:55 a.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #22

DukeSteele, Stoke the Flames is the only card i'm not 100% sold on, getting it early can be annoying, later in the game however i enjoy it more than Lightning Strike. if you like temur more check out Temur Monsters / Burn. its litterally this deck with these changes:

4 Temple of Abandon > 4 Frontier Bivouac

2Stoke the Flames > 2 Surrak Dragonclaw

4 Fanatic of Xenagos > 4 Savage Knuckleblade

4 Forest > Yavimaya Coast

I also swapped out some side board cards incase they were needed:

1Genesis Hydra and 2 Stoke the Flames > Temur Charm

1Courser of Kruphix and 1 Back to Nature > 2 Temur Ascendancy

i needed to keep the speed of my Gruul deck intact before i could justify making it temur. those changes i just listed are what my current physical in hand deck is. been play testing thsi crap out of it before friday. on paper/in theory the deck should be just as fast because Savage Knuckleblade on turn 3 with 4 mana can be treated as a 4 drop to give him haste and the few games you miss the turn 3 land drop he can still be played like Fanatic of Xenagos. i just miss the scry of Temple of Abandon and i cant find a matchup where i want to side in Temur Ascendancy as there is never a good time to play it. if i replace a creature drop with it on turn 3-5 then i risk not finishing the game turn 6 like i do most of the time. maybe vs heavy control it might be usefull so you can come in swinging and replace the threats they kill.

December 29, 2014 7:15 a.m.

Somnus21 says... #23

December 30, 2014 2:31 a.m.

DrFuzzyGloves says... #24

Somnus21 nope. Fanatic of Xenagos is better if you ask me. he's harder to kill, damage is harder to prevent. rabble dies to anything, and it takes rabble 3 turns to out damage a hasted fanatic anyway. if they pay his tribute that means there is slim pickings for cards that kill him (besides destroy or exile cards). reliability maters more to me. i have seen a rabble last 3 turns 1 time. 1 time in over 3 months of him being legal, loads of games played, 1 time he's made it to turn 3. thats just not good enough for me. fanatic has done way more work for me than rabble when i used him. to me, rabble is crap.

December 30, 2014 7:08 a.m.

Somnus21 says... #25

Yeah, I can see why he isn't that good, just wondering how people jumped out of the "Rabblemaster aggro too stronk" bandwagon. I mean, he does his job if unanswered, but barely any deck has no removal these days, and he's pretty much a walking target.

Almost every R/G deck I've seen has a set of Rabbles, including mine, which actually runs a full set of both Rabble and Fanatic. Interesting to finally find one without one.

December 30, 2014 7:24 a.m.

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