Gruul ZadaWolves (EMN - Retired)

Casual clayperce

SCORE: 244 | 502 COMMENTS | 66400 VIEWS | IN 150 FOLDERS

Nerv says... #1

Oh okay, yea i was asking because I was looking at those and then the deck and didn't see any Geier Reach Bandits and only 2 Confront the unknowns instead of three.

April 22, 2016 10:35 p.m.

clayperce says... #2

Oh derp. Yeah, sometime earlier this week I had bumped Confront the Unknown down to 2x and Expedite back up to 4x. I don't recall what tweak I made when I pulled out the 2x Geier Reach Bandit  Flip.

Incidentally, it hasn't been to an FNM yet. I had pop-up travel last Fri, and then got stuck in an airport this Fri. :-(

April 22, 2016 10:52 p.m. Edited.

Nerv says... #3

Ah okay, yea I havn't taken mine to an fnm yet but I really want to take it to game day but I don't know if it will win me first like my Geldrazi did last game day.

April 22, 2016 11:07 p.m.

snarlmkiv says... #4

Nerv That's the beauty of werewolves. everything's just so exciting and you can never predict how the deck will go.

From experience, it went toe to toe with white weenie and bant company.

April 22, 2016 11:24 p.m.

dmaxskin says... #5

How about Slip Through Space already running cryptologic rite

April 24, 2016 3:47 a.m.

deltacobra says... #6

Hey man figure I return the favour and come look at your deck. A couple things why run Cryptolith Rite it more of a ramp card. I myself had Lightning Berserker in my build as well but took him out for Village Messenger  Flip great one drop he's a werewolf and flips to a 2/2 quite easily on the play. I feel Confront the Unknown not needed with the card draw from Expedite but could be wrong since I hadn't tested it with confront. Also how do u find it with only 3 Zada, Hedron Grinder?

April 24, 2016 9:17 a.m.

clayperce says... #7

I've actually been thinking about Slip Through Space for a while now (I think I first saw it on RUG Wolves by addaff). Early playtesting has been pretty impressive, and between Cryptolith Rite and 2x Shivan Reef, the splash has been much easier than I expected. So thanks!

Thanks much for stopping by! Cryptolith Rite isn't about ramping up to a big beater, it's about accelerated Aggro. I don't think there's any way to get a Turn 4 win without it or something like it. We're chatting about it over on R/G Zada+Werewolves if you want some more info.

If I can find room for Howlpack Resurgence, I'm going with Messenger for sure.

I love the Draw from Confront the Unknown, but it's sooooo slow. I'm really hopeful I can get Slip Through Space to work instead ...

I'm not sure on Zada as a three-of vs. four-of. Because she's Legendary, more than one is just a dead card in hand. Plus, the deck has to be able to work without her. But having the extra one makes the combo easier and provides a little more insurance against removal. I frankly imagine I'll be going back-and-forth as long as she's in Standard!

Thanks again!

April 24, 2016 5:04 p.m.

kehlder says... #8

Going back to your turn 3 and expanding on it, I think you're missing something here in terms of damage.

Turn 3:

Tap lands and Village Messenger/Moonrise Intruder for mana. Cast Silverfur Partisan.Play appropriate land. Tap for mana and cast Expedite, targeting either wolf. Generate Wolf Token and draw a card.Board state: 4 cards in hand; Village Messenger/Moonrise Intruder, Silverfur Partisan, Wolf Token, and Cryptolith Rite on the battlefield.

Turn 4

Play any Land that does not enter tapped. Tap lands for mana. Cast Zada, Hedron Grinder.Tap Wolf Token for mana. Cast Confront the Unknown, targeting Zada, Hedron Grinder.Silverfur Partisan triggers, putting 3x 2/2 Wolf Tokens onto the battlefield.Village Messenger/Moonrise Intruder, Silverfur Partisan, Wolf Token, and Zada, Hedron Grinder gain +10 power and toughness(distributed) and you get 4x Clue Tokens.Boardstate (partway through 1st Main Phase): 2 cards in hand; Zada + 6 Wolves/Werewolves on the battlefield; 48 cards in deck; and 2 Creatures available to tap for mana.At this point, all sorts of shenanigans are possible. We can play 1 more Confront the Unknown to generate more creatures and +54 p/t. Now we cast Expedite and end with 13 card draws and 25 creatures on the field 1 of which isn't a wolf, 13 of which have haste and 10 of those not tapped. 35 cards in deck means we can safely cast 1 more Expedite ending with 10 cards in deck(or less depending on how many wolves we play between Expedites). Now our hand can be filled with anything, but we'll go magical Christmas Supreme here and say we have all our cards except a pile of lands at the bottom. On our first Expedite this turn we drew our remaining Silverfurs. We cast those before our second Expedite. Leaves 7 cards in deck at the end of Expedite resolutions. 27 wolves x4 means 108 wolves added at resolution of our last Expedite. 18 mana available from our hasted and untapped wolf tokens. We tap all the tokens to produce that mana and play out our remaining wolves and tap the Haste ones for mana.

We now have 3 mana floating(all green); 130 wolf tokens tokens, 22 of which have haste; 6 wolf cards without haste; 11 wolf cards with haste; and 1 Zada with haste. Our swinging-in power on board is 127. Let's cast 1 Vines to untap everything and pump +34 relevant. Tap everything for 3 G and 31 R. Play an Arlin Kord. +1 her to make a new relevant token that's a 5/6. Play another Vines tap for 35 R. Play the last one. We now have a completely untapped board; 2 G and 62 R mana floating; 236 power on 35 creatures. Play our 3 Rushes. +210 power.

We now have 602,112 wolves (4x Silverfur Partisans gets out of hand quick) and 1 Zada. We have 2 Might of the Masses in hand. We let all the triggers for Silverfur resolve between casting the first and second without letting the spells resolve. 337,182,720 power gets tacked on to our 446 power we had. 447 if our opponent didn't cast any spells by the end of his/her 4th turn. Our opponent takes 337,183,170 total, minus whatever token resistance he blocks with. On turn 4. In Standard.

April 25, 2016 8:53 a.m.

kehlder says... #9

Forgot the floating mana. It translates directly into 59 damage due to the firebreathing wolf.

337,183,229 damage by the end of turn 4. And if there's any spell that gives haste without drawing cards....#REKT.

April 25, 2016 8:58 a.m.

clayperce says... #10

4x Silverfur Partisans gets out of hand quick = my nomination for Understatement of the Week Award :-D

Thanks tons for calculating that out. Wow! I mean, I knew Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder was broken. But I had no idea it was 337-million-damage-on-T4 broken! Again, wow.

And again, thanks tons!

April 26, 2016 6:35 a.m.

taylordick121 says... #11

clayperce can you please explain the zada and silverfur combo to me please i dont understand it.

April 26, 2016 3:05 p.m.

Murphy77 says... #12

taylordick121 It is really quite simple, any instant or sorcery effect that targets Zada is copied to all other creatures. Silverfur summons 2/2 wolf token creatures each time a wolf is targeted by an effect.

Summon as many wolves as possible - summon Zada. Then ramp Zada's power and copy to all wolves, summoning extra wolves for a swarm attack.

April 26, 2016 3:21 p.m.

clayperce says... #13

Sure, you bet! One thing is it's not an infinite combo (like we sometimes use the term in Magic), it's just a really synergistic combo. Here's an example of how it could play out:

  • Say you have Zada, Hedron Grinder, Silverfur Partisan, and a 2/2 Wolf Token on the Battlefield and a Might of the Masses in hand.
  • Cast the Might, targeting Zada.
  • Zada's ability triggers, copying the spell and targeting all three of your Creatures on the Battlefield.
  • The Silverfur "sees" itself and the Wolf Token get targeted by the copied spells, so its ability triggers, putting 2x more Wolf Tokens on the Battlefield.
  • One cool thing is these triggers all go on the stack and will likely resolve even if the Might itself doesn't (due to it being countered, or Zada being removed, or whatever).
  • Aumming for now though that the Mights resolve, they check how many Creatures you control (now it's five), so Zada, Silverfur, and the original Wolf Token each get +5/+5 until end of turn.
  • Swing for 22 with a 7/7 (Wolf Token) + 8/8 (Zada) + 7/7 Trample (Silverfur), while leaving the two new (and therefore summoning sick) Wolf Tokens back to block.
  • Say "GG!" :-D
April 26, 2016 3:44 p.m.

clayperce says... #14

Oops, I should have refreshed before posting. Thanks Murphy77!

April 26, 2016 3:45 p.m.

clayperce says... #15

Ok, I'm trying to finalize my sideboard for Game Day, and I'd appreciate your inputs.

Arlinn Kord  Flip, Howlpack Resurgence and Thunderbreak Regent are in for sure. After my opponent experiences Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder I will probably not be able play Zada again, and I need to be able to change the deck up.

Tears of Valakut is in as well. I will need an answer for big flyers, and Tears is awesome (especially because my opponent will probably be expecting Clip Wings).

But what to do about the other 6 slots?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

April 27, 2016 5:11 a.m. Edited.

kehlder says... #16

Not gonna lie, I'm more of a Modern and Legacy player than Standard so I can't give you much advice on meta-gaming. This deck just seems like too much fun to pass up.

As for what to run in sideboard, I'd go with sticking to those Gruul strengths. Burn from Within is great, especially if you're up against zombies, specifically Relentless Dead. Exquisite Firecraft gives you that almost necessary reach against control decks that run Thing. Moonlight Hunt? Yes please! But only because we're moving away from the Zada plan game 2 and maybe 3.

April 27, 2016 8:41 a.m.

AndyReveler says... #17

I really like the thought of Burn from Within as a finisher in your deck with all that extra mana you can produce for stalled boards since you want to side out Zada for an alt win con.

I've also come to love Evolutionary Leap because it's just as aggressive as it is defensive, it would've been amazing when Bile Blight was still a thing, but it can also give a finger up to Reflector Mage as well.

April 27, 2016 1:02 p.m.

Hey have you thought about running any Den Protector's in your deck, either main or side board?

April 27, 2016 2:41 p.m.

Lonebones says... #19

is this version up to date with what your running? a small suggestion how about replacing Ember-Eye Wolf with Village Messenger  Flip? i know some one had already suggested messenger, so i suppose i'm agreeing with them is all.

April 27, 2016 3:04 p.m.

jacobfragoza4 says... #20

My decks been winning a lot it's only wolves or werewolves nothing more but take a peep RG Werewolves it explains why I'm using certain cards that work together but my deck wins pretty quick man hope you like it

April 27, 2016 4:16 p.m.

jacobfragoza4 says... #21

It took you to the wrong like just check on my profile my bad

April 27, 2016 4:17 p.m.

Hippolover123 says... #22

Why is Arlinn sideboard?

April 27, 2016 7:18 p.m.

AndyReveler says... #23

It's for a change in strategies

April 27, 2016 11:59 p.m.

clayperce says... #24

Catching up on comments ...

Thanks much for the thoughts -- on the deck overall and on your sideboard selections!

As always, thanks much for your thoughts too! Especially for the more balanced view of Evolutionary Leap.

Uh, no. :-)
Seriously though, I had looked at Den Protector (along with every other two-drop in Standard), but just didn't seem like a good fit at all for the deck. I'm curious though on what you might be seeing in it that I'm not ...

Yeah, this is my current list.
So I went back and forth on Village Messenger  Flip vs. Lightning Berserker for a while, but I've never actually looked at Village Messenger  Flip vs. Ember-Eye Wolf. My initial thought is now ... going lower to the ground would be nice for Game 1 but probably not for Game 2+. Especially since the Messenger is so weak on the Draw. Though maybe I could swap them out and leave the Cryptolith Rite in ... hmmm ...
Bottom line: Thanks much -- I would never have thought about that swap otherwise. I'll try testing it out!

Sure, I'll check it out.

Short story: What AndyReveler said! :-)
Long story: I LOVE Arlinn; she's the reason I'm even running Werewolves this season. But she really has no place in an Aggro deck. Nevertheless, I was running 3x Zada, Hedron Grinder and 2x Arlinn Kord  Flip in the main for the longest time. It worked pretty well, but I recently decided to go (1) all-in with Zada and (2) faster on Game 1. My original idea was to pull Zada after Game 1 and take the deck a little more Midrange for Game 2+. And she's an absolutely natural fit for that.

Thanks again to you all!

April 28, 2016 2:26 a.m.

AndyReveler says... #25

Gotta love a deck with the ability to switch gears

April 28, 2016 3:26 a.m.

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