Gruul ZadaWolves (EMN - Retired)

Casual clayperce

SCORE: 244 | 502 COMMENTS | 66400 VIEWS | IN 150 FOLDERS

clayperce says... #2

No worries!

July 8, 2016 12:26 a.m.

Murphy77 says... #3

I am missing the combinations that become available with Cryptolith Rite and Vines of the Recluse or Aim High. I actually prefer Ember-Eye Wolf to Lambholt Pacifist  Flip, but both work. I would tend to limit creatures to 3 of each and drop 1 Expedite and Nissa, Voice of Zendikar to add in some Cryptolith Rites and some Aim High or Vines of the Recluse to enable multiple area effects per turn that spawn large numbers of ramped wolf tokens, that might also gain haste.

July 8, 2016 4 a.m.

Murphy77 says... #4

The type of play that I would look for is: Zada, Silverfur and Duskwatch on the field; play Might of the Masses on Zada to generate 2 wolf tokens; tap 5 creatures for 5 mana using Cryptolith Rite; play Aim High on Zada to give everything +2/+2 and untap them, also summon 4 new wolf tokens; play Expedite on Zada to give everything haste; Swing with 4, 11/11 wolves, 4, 13/13 wolves and Zada at 14/14 (as Might of the Masses now ramps off 9 creatures)

July 8, 2016 4:16 a.m.

clayperce says... #5

Yeah, I ran Cryptolith Rite and Vines of the Recluse mainboard for most of last season, and the mana acceleration from Rite + the untap from Vines fueled some unbelievably explosive wins (my best-ever was swinging for 100+ on Turn 5, but at one point in the deck's history Magical Christmasland was no-kidding swinging for 337,183,170 on Turn 4).

I needed to make room for Mirrorwing Dragon though, and Cryptolith Rite was frankly an easy cut. At its worst (especially in a removal-heavy meta), it's just a dead card. And at its best, it's just a win-more.

I'm less sure about Vines of the Recluse though, which is why I've still got it on the maybeboard.

Thanks much!

July 8, 2016 6:48 a.m. Edited.

clayperce says... #6

I forgot to mention: Yeah, I love the late-game value of Ember-Eye Wolf. I lean heavy towards Lambholt Pacifist  Flip though, as she's harder to remove and better with Neglected Heirloom  Flip.

Ashmouth Blade + Lambholt Butcher is just a thing of beauty :-)

July 8, 2016 7:05 a.m. Edited.

AXMANER says... #7

I love this deck and i run it at fnm all the time but just then when i was sorting through it i realised i was accidentally running 5 game trails! oops lol

July 9, 2016 6:37 p.m.

SilentSpook says... #8

Maybe I'm just getting unlucky, but I think the deck could use 24 lands. Other than that, the list looks sweet! I might get this list together to finally use my 2 foil Zadas I pulled lol.

July 12, 2016 1:06 a.m.

qrjusz says... #9

I love the deck. Was play testing it yesterday on Xmage and didn't loose once. I have a question though: what would happen if I used Borrowed Hostility's both effects one targeting the Dragon the other targeting Zada? Would it count as two spells or would it not trigger the effect at all (because of the "Only" clause)?

July 14, 2016 7:44 a.m.

Rasanck says... #10

qrjusz there are some cards that might say "cast a copy of this spell, you may choose new targets" which would be a second spell and then that would work, but the card by itself would be a single spell with potentially multiple targets. However, you can have the borrowed hostility's both effects target zada or target the dragon and they'll work like normal.

July 14, 2016 8:13 a.m.

Vandyel says... #11

What do you think of Ulvenwald Captive  Flip replacing Lambholt Pacifist  Flip to give you a bit of the mana ramp that Cryptolith Rite used to provide?

July 14, 2016 12:22 p.m.

qrjusz says... #12

Vandyel I think the 3 defense of Lambholt Pacifist is important for stopping those early Sylvan Advocates or W humans before they get a ton o +1/+1's. It's also quite useful that Pacifist can attack with a +1/+1 counter from Nissa, boost from Arlinn or Howlpack Resurgence. The Captive can't do all that and dies to practically any removal (even the stupid 2 dmg from Fiery Impulse kills it on the spot)

July 15, 2016 10:56 a.m.

Shimdom says... #13

Harmless Offering is a great way to lose with this deck REALLY fast.

July 16, 2016 7:09 p.m.

onemorevictim says... #14

This deck goes hard with Mirrorwing and Zada. especially Rouge passage and Might of the Masses...and the planes walkers ability...good deck.

July 17, 2016 4:50 a.m.

onemorevictim says... #15

Also...if you had Zada, Hedron Grinder and Mirrorwing Dragon out would an instant or sorcery go infinite?

July 17, 2016 4:54 a.m.

AXMANER says... #16

onemorevictim The Zada, Hedron Grinder + Mirrorwing Dragon combo doesn't actually go infinite because if you look at either of the cards it says that the spell has to target ONLY Zada, or ONLY Mirrowing so it doesn't keep copying.

July 17, 2016 5:53 a.m.

AXMANER says... #17

Just a message to clayperce, I have found a combo in a new Eldritch Moon card but I want to run it by you before I actually play it. If you add Geier Reach Bandit  Flip in as well as a few copies of Ulrich of the Krallenhorde and you can instantly flip it into a 14/14 that can fight whatever you want for 5 mana. Then you get a fat old werewolf guy after. Just a suggestion though.

July 17, 2016 6 a.m.

Eleros says... #18

How about some Westvale Abbey  Flip in case of a board wipe and as a potential secondary win-con?

And is Nissa needed for the deck to work or could she be replaced with Hanweir Garrison for example?

July 17, 2016 8:09 a.m.

clayperce says... #19

Finally catching up on comments ...

Thanks much, and oooops on the extra Game Trail! :-)

Thanks much for the feedback on the number of lands. I had it pretty set last season with 22 Lands and a lower curve, and I was hoping to get by on bumping it up to just 23. I've been kind of going back and forth on whether that's enough or if I want 24. So again, thanks!

I'm so glad to hear the deck was performing for you! And yeah, like Rasanck says, if you cast Borrowed Hostility (or any single spell with multiple modes) and target multiple Creatures, Zada/Mirrorwing's ability will not trigger.

In addition to the points qrjusz lays out, longtime readers of this thread know Lambholt Pacifist  Flip as my favorite card in SOI and IMO one of the best two-drops in Standard. So a card would have to be unbelievably good to pull Pacifist out of the deck. And while Ulvenwald Captive  Flip definitely has a place in a Wolven Ramp deck (shamelessly, one like my Eldrazi Wolf build, I think this deck needs the Pacifist much more.


Thanks much for the kudos. And to pile on to what AXMANER said ... like I say in the Strategy and Card Choices section (and above in Post #3): There is no crazy interaction if both Zada, Hedron Grinder and Mirrorwing Dragon are on the battlefield at the same time. The key piece is "Whenever you cast [a spell] that targets only ~ ... copy that spell for each other creature ...". For example, if you cast an Instant or Sorcery that targets only Zada, you copy the spell, targeting Mirrorwing. But since the second spell is copied rather than cast, Mirrorwing's ability won't trigger too.

Yeah, Vildin-Pack Alpha  Flip and Ulrich of the Krallenhorde are really good together. But you end up with a 10/10, not a 14/14. It woks like this: Ulrich ETBs and can target himself, so he gets +4/+4 until end of turn. Then you may transform Ulrich, using Vildin-Pack's triggered ability, which gives you Ulrich, Uncontested Alpha, now a 10/10. But please note Ulrich reads "...or transforms into Ulrich of the Krallenhorde...". So transforming into Uncontested Alpha does not trigger an extra +4/+4 ... that ability only triggers when he flips back.

I ran Westvale Abbey  Flip for a little while last season and liked it OK, but I found that I either had TONS of Creatures available (which made it easy to transform, but kind of a win-more) or I had very few creatures available (which made it really touch to transform, and SO painful when it invariably got hit by a Clip Wings or whatever.

Still though, it's worth a re-look for sure; thanks much!

Thanks again to you all!

July 17, 2016 5:12 p.m.

Eleros says... #20

Thanks for the answer to my first question clayperce , but could I bother you to answer the second one as well? ;P

July 17, 2016 6:36 p.m.

clayperce says... #21

Sorry about that!

Nissa's -2 is super-powerful, and the main reason I run her. I'm not sure how she's going to end up compared with other three-drop in EMN Standard, but I figure I'm going to start with her for this deck. I like Hanweir Garrison though ... I'm brewing a Zada/Dragon deck and I'm trying it (and Hanweir Battlements too) there!

July 17, 2016 7 p.m.

Argy says... #22

clayperce in your description you have written Moonlit Hunt instead of Moonlight Hunt, so it links to a deck, not the card.

Thought you'd like to know.

July 17, 2016 10:14 p.m.

Argy says... #23

On a first test the land is a bit problematic.

I was mana screwed for the first part of the game, then colour screwed for when I got my Dragon in hand.

I was forced to use Lambholt Pacifist  Flip to block, as my Opponent had ramp going on. I think Sylvan Advocate MAY work better here. You'd have to test it, but it was Sylvan I was blocking so I may not have lost my Pacifists.

I think you need more Instants to get value out of Zada and your new Dragon.

I would take out Expedite for Confront the Unknown. If my reading of Zada and Mirrorwing is correct that should both give you a boat load of draw and pump everybody up.

I know these cost more but you are usually going to cast them a bit later in the game, so I would try subbing Brute Strength for Rush of Adrenaline, and Aim High for Vines of the Recluse.

The little bit extra buffs would have given you more traction against Opponent Creatures like Archangel Avacyn  Flip.

I'll link to the deck I was testing against in my next Comment.

July 17, 2016 10:56 p.m.

StuBi says... #24

Cool deck.

July 17, 2016 11:19 p.m. Edited.

Argy says... #25

This is the deck I was testing against: Heavenly High

July 17, 2016 11:22 p.m.

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