Gruul ZadaWolves (EMN - Retired)

Casual clayperce

SCORE: 244 | 502 COMMENTS | 66400 VIEWS | IN 150 FOLDERS

NotSquishedYet says... #1

No offense, Argeaux, but knowing both male and female users, I can honestly say that the majority don't give a damn. Including myself. I have male friends who are 400 pounds of hulking Caucasian muscles. Some of their favorite pastimes include being sassy black girls, referring to me as a fellow black teen. It's funnier than it is offensive, and most strangers agree.

As you may have noticed, most of my comments are structured to be carefully gender-neutral and impersonal so as to hopefully disperse thoughts of personal insult when I am making broad statements. As you may have also noticed, they are overly long and complicated to achieve coherence in accordance to those terms.

I hope you do not mind a more than one sided discussion of your proclaimed profession. I am familiar with bantering debate where argumentative intent is immediately assumed as directed at the opposing point as opposed to the opposition itself, and mean no particular offense.

March 26, 2016 2:42 a.m.

Noctem says... #2

Can we get back to MTG now? I have enough of this kind of nonsense in my every day life...

March 26, 2016 10:32 a.m.

clayperce says... #3

Yeah, I think I also set up a play that required me to somehow draw a couple extra cards along the way too, which is possible but would have thrown off the math! :-D

Yes, please feel free to post other decks here ... I want to get a forum going to talk about all things Wolven, but until then, this is kind of the default location.

I'm LOVING the final spoilers. SO MANY COOL OPTIONS!!!!
And thanks much for the kudos!

I love using inclusive language, and don't mind talking about it. But please, let's talk about it on our walls. Not in my deck comments. Thanks!

March 26, 2016 11:40 a.m.

mavoricke says... #4

Well everyone i would verry much appreciate your help on this deck. Selesnya is laughing AT you NOT with you. its all about some tokens and going super wide

March 26, 2016 11:49 a.m.

Pethrax says... #5

So what is howl pack alpha placeholding? It actually is one of the 60 right now, and you just said it was for the tokens, but what will you be putting in its place? Also, why zurgo??? He just sticks out like a sore thumb in this wolf deck, and I hate that. He serves no purpose other than being a 1 drop, which you've got one already, and a good one at that. I would suggest removing them, getting a full 4 of arlinn, and the last copy of Might of the masses. Makes the deck a bit more consistent imo, plus you are more willing to use an arlinn early knowing you have more than just one left.

March 26, 2016 12:34 p.m.

clayperce says... #6

Howlpack Alpha is just in there until T/O links tokens to cards. Right now, if you Playtest a SOI Wolf deck on T/O, you can't generate tokens unless you add an older token-generating card to your deck. I like Howlpack Alpha better than Sword of Body and Mind or something like that ... since it's the back face of a card, T/O counts it a zero-drop and it doesn't throw off my CMC curve or anything.

Your swaps are great advice for a more Midrage deck, but ass an Aggro deck, I'd much rather have a solid 1-drop than another 4-drop (especially one that will sometimes be stuck in my hand). I also need a critical mass of 1-drop Creatures too, which is why I'm taking a "meh" 1-drop Creature over a great 1-drop spell.

Thanks though!

March 26, 2016 12:47 p.m.

Pethrax says... #7

Ok, missed my point, howl pack is still counted as part of your 60. Remove it, and your deck only has 59 cards. What are you adding to replace it?

March 26, 2016 12:51 p.m.

clayperce says... #8

Um, I think Creature (22) + Planeswalker (2) + Land (22) + Instant (12) + Sorcery (3) = 61 :-)

March 26, 2016 12:56 p.m.

Pethrax says... #9

Woops miscounted the sorceries. My bad

March 26, 2016 1:10 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #10

clayperce Can we talk sideboard? im curious to know your opinion on the cards "moonlight hunt" and "rabid bite". Do you think they are viable sideboard options or more mainboard -- if included at all?

And for discussion, what do you think this deck (and its archetype)'s greatest weakness is, say whats our worst match up? I think we'll fare favorably towards control buuuuut i think we can be out-aggro'd maybe? Im trying to build my sideboard and i like your inclusion of the Hangarback Walker since people will boycott the zada combo Game 2. nice nice.

March 26, 2016 10:38 p.m.

Just realized something great about Hangarback. Kizmetto, you suggested Falkenrath Gorger in the All Things Wolven thread. I commented that it's great to throw off game plans - even if you're not going to use it, it's great for messing up their game plan trying to stop your Olivia Jund Vampires and Madness. Why not run Hangarback and friends game one - then swap to the Wombo Combo game 2? That way they see you're running something totally different game 2, but get it wrong because of the Gorger and get hit in the face by your trump card after they've sideboarded wrong?

It may leave you a bit underpowered and running a different kind of deck, but it'll play hell with their minds and get all the wrong cards coming at you.

March 26, 2016 10:47 p.m.

clayperce says... #12

I really like Moonlight Hunt for go-wide decks, and currently plan to mainboard it (Setessan Tactics is the placeholder). I like Rabid Bite, but it seems more appropriate for a go-tall Voltron build than this one.

GREAT question on the match-ups. At this point I'm most worried about BW Control, becur they have a lot of disruption options available, and if the deck can't win FAST it's not going to win. I'm feeling better about Aggro though ... I've done some real (well, proxy) games against an Aggro BR Vampire build and it went OK (I lost 2-1 but my opponent is a much better player). Either way though the challenge for us and the deck is the same: We need to go faster :-). I'm really hoping Cryptolith Rite is the card to get it there ...

Thanks for the kudos on the sideboard scheme :-) ... incidentally though, I'm less sure about Hangarback Walker. Because of all the Graveyard interactions, it seems like everyone that can run Exile effects is going to be doing so, which is really bad for the Hangarbacks ...

March 27, 2016 9:24 a.m.

clayperce says... #13

That's a super-interesting strategy, but I would not recommend it early in the season. Games are going to be running very slowly (because of time to think throuh plays/read cards/call judges/etc), and since many more games will go to time, I'd MUCH rather play my best deck Game 1.

March 27, 2016 9:27 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #14

So Cryptolith Rite is just to speed up the mana, is that right? or am i missing something.

March 27, 2016 10:20 p.m.

Kizmetto, it's support for the really mana intensive schemes that come up, and yes - going off a whole turn earlier or, later, all in one turn, is its purpose. So all in all; pretty much. :P It might end up being support for an extra color, depending on tests.

March 27, 2016 11:04 p.m.

clayperce says... #16

Yeah, just like NotSquishedYet says. A mana dork (like I still have described in the deck description) can get Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder out on turn 4, with 2 mana left over for casting Instants. Like I talk about in post #36 above, Vessel of Volatility is even better, and Cryptolith Rite is even better yet (though my math in Port #36 is a little off, the idea is right).

March 27, 2016 11:41 p.m.

It's great for saying, "What mana dorks? They're ALL mana dorks!"

Weird chain of thought there just happened to me. Saying, 'ALL' my first thought was, "Yes. Even Ulamog."

Now that I think about it... you really could run Ulamog. Silverfur might just pump out enough tokens for it, while they're busy smashing Zada in fear.

March 28, 2016 12:15 a.m.

Argy says... #18

If you want to turn more of your Creatures into mana dorks, would Holdout Settlement be of any use?

Using that might free up a space for another card that you are currently using for mana.

A Deathtouch Creature is always lovely in both the early and late game. Would shut down my Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet.

March 28, 2016 2:40 a.m.

clayperce says... #19

If I end up splashing an additional color, I think Holdout Settlement would be great. And maybe even as-is, as a backup to Cryptolith Rite. It's definitely worth testing; thanks!

Yeah, I LOVE Deathtouch. I had Deathcap Cultivator in earlier, but even with Hangarbacks from the sideboard, Delirium was just too hard. Maybe EMN will have something more like Thornweald Archer instead ...

As always, THANKS!

March 28, 2016 7:15 a.m. Edited.

Argy says... #20

I think people are getting too obsessed about trying to get Delerium.

Like Zada, I think it should be viewed as a nice bonus if it happens, but trying to force it is just going to weaken your deck (generic "your").

March 28, 2016 7:34 a.m.

CheeseBro says... #21

I dont feel like Vines of the Recluse is really that good. I think Titan's Strength is better

March 28, 2016 10:04 a.m.

clayperce says... #22

Titan's Strength is a great card, and I love the Scry effect. I prefer Vines of the Recluse though for most Wolf decks, and certainly for this one.

  • We'll see how the meta shakes out of course, but even if it's just BR Vamps, I think most Wolf decks will want some Flyerhate. Maybe even on the mainboard, for the best chance of winning Game 1.
  • I also really like the Untap effect. It's good in almost any deck for a Vigilance effect. And for a deck (like this one) using Creature-based mana acceleration, it's just awesome.

Thanks though!

March 28, 2016 10:24 a.m. Edited.

Ryjo says... #23

I'm not sure if Lambholt Pacifist will help you much. Unless she transforms, she will most likely only be defending unless you cast one of your pump spells on her (or it's cast on her through Zada). I think Duskwatch Recruiter, Kessig Forgemaster, Hinterland Logger, or Quilled Wolf would be better for aggro since they are well costed and can attack more regularly than Lambholt Pacifist. Of those 4, I would go for Kessig Forgemaster since that damage before combat can alter they way your opponent blocks.

March 28, 2016 1:02 p.m.

clayperce says... #25

Yeah, I know Lambholt Pacifist's front face is like the poster child for non-aggro. But it looks like toughness of three is going to be extremely useful in this Standard, so if I swap her out, it'll most likely be for Sylvan Advocate. But (so far anyways), I think her upside is worth having her sit there as a Wall every now and then.

See, she can attack when any Creature I control has power four or greater. We'll see how it works on an actual table of course, but in playtesting, she's worked great with Instants on herself or others, Firebreathing on Lightning Berserker, and even Dog Breath on Ember-Eye Wolf.

Thanks though!

March 28, 2016 1:29 p.m.

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