Gruul ZadaWolves (EMN - Retired)

Casual clayperce

SCORE: 244 | 502 COMMENTS | 66400 VIEWS | IN 150 FOLDERS

hamiam says... #1

Sick deck dude! +1

March 28, 2016 2:36 p.m.

clayperce says... #2

Thanks much! Now, if it'll just do as good on an actual table as it does in my mind! :-D

March 28, 2016 2:39 p.m.

hamiam says... #3


March 28, 2016 2:40 p.m.

NotSquishedYet says... #4

fatninja479, it was in here but got cut for the more cost-efficient Rush of Adrenaline; the deck runs Instants like a Storm Count.

March 28, 2016 4:01 p.m.

clayperce says... #5

Yeah, what NotSquishedYet said :-)

Thanks much for wanting to try it out! Please keep in touch on tweaks you make and playtesting results. There are a bunch of folks over at All things Wolven who will be interested as well.

March 28, 2016 5:45 p.m.

CheeseBro says... #6

clayperce: yeah, I forgot that it untapped too...

March 28, 2016 6:07 p.m.

DumbStarbucks says... #7

Awesome deck +1! I'm sure Pack Guardian and Howlpack Resurgence have already been suggested, but I do really think they're solid sideboard cards against control matchups. Flaying Tendrils, Radiant Flames, and Languish might drive you up a wall. Flashing in a Pack Guardian after a sweep could be your best bet against that. Scab-Clan Berserker could work as well.

March 28, 2016 7:48 p.m.

Argy says... #8

Not sure what you've decided to with the spots that Westvale Abbey filled, but I used Blighted Fen.

Blighted Woodland or Blighted Gorge might be interesting for you.

March 29, 2016 3:47 a.m.

Snipperman says... #9

This deck looks supernice, and a right shell for Arlinn Kord as well!But what do you do when your Silverfur Partisan or Zada, Hedron Grinder gets removed?I've got a feeling, that if you play against a non-aggro deck with this, which removes the right creatures, you're not doing very much. I might be wrong, but that's my gut feeling here. Let me know what you think about this and how you solve it. I'm talking about decks like grixis control or BW control (which is surely becoming a deck after rotation I think, with the new removal and new Sorin).+1 for the deck though, really aggro oriented!

March 29, 2016 6:54 a.m.

clayperce says... #10

Howlpack Resurgence had been suggested, and while it's awesome for many Midrange builds, I don't think I have enough three-drop slots (even on my sideboard) for it in this deck.

Pack Guardian though? Hmmm. First, thanks tons, because I hadn't even looked at it yet. I'm sure I don't like the Land destruction piece, but that may be the price to pay for getting SOMETHING back on the board after a sweep. And yeah, I'm not sure whether board sweeps or disruption effects are going to be worse, but either way the deck is going to have some hard match-ups! So bottom line it that's one worth testing for sure.

Thanks again!

Oh that's interesting. I just put in some basics. Between Cinder Glade and Game Trail (and my need for speed), I generally want as as many cards that say Forest or Mountain as possible. But I really need to look at the other Utility lands. Blighted Woodland in particular might find a home, to help rebuild after all my mana dorks get wiped ...


Thanks much for the kudos! Yeah, the deck 100% has to work without Silverfur Partisan and Zada, Hedron Grinder. Especially Zada, since he's going to soak up removal for sure. I actually think I'm pretty good vs. removal, between some decent resiliency in the mainboard and my transformational sideboard (though I'm still tweaking the mix).

Where I'm not good though is vs. disruption (e.g., Duress and Transgress the Mind) and boardwipes (exactly as DumbStarbucks mentioned above).

I'd LOVE any ideas you may have!

Thanks again!

March 29, 2016 7:48 a.m.

Argy says... #11

Just so you're aware, you don't HAVE to discard a land to play Pack Guardian. That's an option for if you want an extra 2/2 Green puppy.

That is great if you make it into the late game with lots of useless lands in hand.

March 29, 2016 8:30 a.m.

Argy says... #12

Playtesting against each other's decks may come down to knowing exactly how we would play ours, but not quite sure how the other person would play theirs, especially mulliganimg.

Being Control, I'm very cautious about which cards to play when. I will always hang on to cards that have lots of utility, moreso than cards that can do less, but will destroy something on the field right away.

If I can destroy a Creature with the second ability of either of my Planeswalkers, I will do that as soon as they come out.

I also often Mainphase my Instant destruction.

I play your deck as aggressively as I can. You might adopt a more cautious play style against mine.

I just played two games. In the first one your deck got mana screwed - by the tenth turn you only had two mana out.

I took a picture of the last game. All cards in the Yard and Exile have been cascaded above their corresponding zone.

I hope that is of some help.

Your board:

My board:

March 29, 2016 6:30 p.m.

Argy says... #13

The thing your deck can get away with in regard to mine is Dash Creatures.

They are obviously impossible for anything in my Mainphase to deal with: Sorceries, Auras, Planeswalker abilities.

March 29, 2016 7:03 p.m.

Argy says... #14

Some notes that might help to play my deck:

  • Dead Weight is something I will often cast on a Creature to nerf, but not kill, it.

  • I will use him to destroy Creatures as a priority. As soon as I can emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited I will.

  • With Sorin, Grim Nemesis I will tend NOT to use his ultimate, preferring the card draw and life gain.

March 29, 2016 7:21 p.m.

Axinoim says... #15

What's the reason you picked Lightning Berserker over Zurgo Bellstriker?

Just to be able to chump block with it?

March 29, 2016 7:50 p.m.

Argy says... #16

You can Dash Lightning Berserker earlier and get more value with it later by being able to pump it up.

I feel it's a smart choice.

Hope that was OK for me to say. If not, sorry.

March 29, 2016 11:43 p.m.

Axinoim says... #17


That's what I figured, I'm trying it out in my deck now.

March 30, 2016 12:45 a.m.

clayperce says... #18

Catching up on some comments ...

On Pack Guardian, I had noticed the Land discard is a "may" effect, but I ALWAYS appreciate the cross-check!

On the play testing, you're totally right (especially your point on mulligans ... even doing "free" mulligans, what I thought was a decent hand on your deck was not necessarily even close).
And thanks much for the play tips. I think the only one I totally missed on was Dead Weight ... I was trying to use it as removal. Makes sense though, to use it more like the +1 on Jace, Telepath Unbound. Well, I almost certainly missed on overall tempo too. It's funny, I was very consciously trying to sandbag with your deck and so was playing it about 2x less aggressively than I wanted to. But I probably should have gone ~4x less! :-D
Finally, the screen shots are awesome. That's frankly MUCH more what I thought the matchup would look like. :-( And it's also a pretty glaring reminder of what a deck can do in the hands of an unskilled pilot vs. a skilled pilot!

Finally, you're spot-on about Lightning Berserker. And thanks much. The only piece I'd add to you and Axinoim is that it's also a great mana dork when Cryptolith Rite's in play.

As always, thanks TONS!

March 30, 2016 1 a.m.

Buera says... #19

Wow this deck looks insane, thank you

March 30, 2016 3:27 a.m.

clayperce says... #20

No Buera, thank YOU!

March 30, 2016 3:58 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #21

So i play tested my deck against yours 3 times. going to post each seperately as i write them as i play them.

game one:

  1. Your Opening Hand: Game Trail,Forest,Mountain,Lightning Berserker,Ember-Eye Wolf,Lambholt Pacifist  Flip,Expedite.

  2. My Opening Hand: Game Trail,Game Trail,Cinder Glade,Village Messenger  Flip,Village Messenger  Flip,Howlpack Resurgence - scried a Collected Company to the bottom.

I win the flip.

My T1: Play Game Trail revealing Cinder Glade. play Lightning Berserker and swing for 1. (19-20)

Your T2: Drew Expedite. Play Game Trail revealing Mountain. play villager swing for 1. (19-20)

My t2: drew Duskwatch Recruiter. Play Game Trail revealing Cinder Glade. play the recruiter and swing for 1. (18-19).

your t2: drew forest. play forest and pacifist. no point throwing berserker at this stage. pass. (18-19).

My t3: drew mountain. play mountain. I pass. all werewolves flip. (18-19)

your t3: drew Cryptolith Rite. play mountain. play Ember-Eye Wolf. Im not sure if i want to attack because i have 3 open mana. we have a 4/4 in Lambholt Butcher but i dont want to lose it. the wolf and berserker can block the menace guy if it swings. Expedite doesnt help me here. I pass. (18-19).

End step: I flash in Howlpack Resurgence.

my t4. draw forest. (ugh). play forest. play messenger. swing with everything for 9. You block with butcher to my howler. They trade. buff Lightning Berserker for 1 and double block with ember-eye to the 3/3 menace. everything trades. 2 damage from villager gets through. (16-19)

your t4: draw expedite. (yikes). cast Expedite on my villager. drew the partisan. (okay. nice. ). play forest. play partisan. pass. (16-19)

my t5: drew mountain. play Cinder Glade. swing with villager. no blocks. (14-19)

your t5: drew mountain. play mountain. play expedite on partisan make a 2/2 wolf and drew Might of the Masses. play second Expedite on partisan to make another token and drew another partisan. tapped 2 forest to play the Cryptolith Rite then tapped the game trail and the two tokens to play the new partisan . swing with partisan A. no blocks. (14-17)

my t6: drew ANOTHER mountain gosh. Two mountains in my hand and staring down a bunch of wolves. need to draw company now please. play mountain. I pass. werewolves flip. (14-17)

your t6: a zada would be great. draw cinder glade. play the glade. i only have one card which is might of the masses, which would be good but it doesnt kill me outright, might be better to save for combat or zada. but we swing anyway for 8. I block Partisan B with the buffed Moonrise Intruder  Flip (3/3). nah the partisan has trample. cast might of the masses on blocked partisan. make a token. partisan b becomes 7/7 and 4 trample gets through with the additional 6 dealing 10 in total. pass. (14-7)

t7: cmon coco!!! draw.....forest. well poop. im on a two turn clock with the current state. play forest. pass.

your t7: drew game trail. swing for 10. (4-7)

my t8: drew forest. scoop.

March 30, 2016 6:18 a.m. Edited.

Kizmetto says... #22


  1. Your opening hand: Forest,Mountain,Mountain,Lightning Berserker,Ember-Eye Wolf,Silverfur Partisan,Expedite.

  2. My opening hand: Forest,Cinder Glade,Mountain,Ember-Eye Wolf,Duskwatch Recruiter,Breakneck Rider,Geier Reach Bandit.

I lost G1 so i'll go first.

My t1: forest. pass. (20-20)

your t1: drew mountain. play mountain. dash in berserker. swing for 1. (19-20)

my t2: drew forest. play mountain. play duskwatch recruiter. pass. (19-20)

your t2: drew expedite. play mountain. play ember-eye. pass. (19-20)

my t3: drew cinder glade. play cinder glade. play Breakneck Rider. swing with recruiter. no blocks. (19-18)

your t3: drew Might of the Masses. play forest. play partisan. pass. (19-18)

my t4: drew forest (screw you too deck). play cinder glade. play Geier Reach Bandit. swing with the rider. block with ember-eye. ember-eye dies.

your t4: drew Vines of the Recluse. play mountain. we wanna save the instants but if we dont cast anything, all my werewolves will flip. play Lightning Berserker for regular cost. pass.

my t5: drew Village Messenger  Flip. play forest. play ember eye and villager. pass. (19-18)

your t5: drew villager. cast expedite on partisan and make a token. draw forest. play forest. cast villager. cast Expedite on the token to give it haste and drew Lambholt Pacifist  Flip. we both have a decent field and open mana. we have a might of the masses (still no zada). cast pacifist. pass. (19-18)

my t6: drew game trail. activate recruiters ability and look at top 3 for a creature. find Geier Reach Bandit, Collected Company and Atarka's Command. guh that would have been a great next 3 turns. take bandit. rest on bottom. pass. werewolves flip. (19-18)

your t6: drew villager. shoot where is zada?! okay so my opponents field has scary werewolves. i should try and flip them back. swing with everything but the lightning berserker. swinging for 10. i block partisan with howler. block the Lambholt Butcher with the Vildin-Pack Alpha  Flip. i block the token with ember eye wolf. cant block the Moonrise Intruder  Flip. okay combat tricks. cast Vines of the Recluse onto the partisan, generating a wolf and giving it +1/+2 which means it trades with the Alpha. it also untaps? cast expedite onto.. the token i guess. generate a wolf and draw mountain. cast Might of the Masses onto the unblocked creature, making a token, then giving it +8/+8. My Alpha, Intruder and ember eye die. Your partisan and a token die. I buff ember to take down the token too. My Alpha, Intruder and ember eye die. Your partisan and a token die. i take 10. (9-18) good turn. You play villager and pass. Werewolves flip back.

My t7: draw Den Protector. activate recruiters ability. find partisan, breakneck rider and mountain. take the Breakneck Rider. play forest. activate recruiter again. find game trail, recruiter and mountain. reveal another recruiter. pass. flip werewolves. (9-18)

your t7: drew expedite. swing with lightning berserker and the two menace werewolves. double block a menacewolf with howler and alpha, block berserker with neck breaker. pump berserker to a 3/1 to trade with the werewolf. blocked menace wolf dies. i take 2. (7-18)

my t8: draw mountain. play mountain. play breakneck rider for 1R. it flips into neckbreaker due to the alpha's ability. play recruiter for G. transforms into another howler. Morph in Den Protector for 1. play geier reach bandit for R. do not flip. swing for 18 with alpha, howler1, neck breaker and hasty bandit (+1/+0 and trample anthem from neck breaker). lambholt butcher blocks the Alpha. they trade. block the bandit with a token and take 1 trample damage. both die. take 10. (7-8) werewolves flip.

your t8: drew Rush of Adrenaline. play Expedite on the menacewolf and drew might of the masses. ow. gonna play defensively. pass. (7-8)

end of turn i flip Den Protector up and grab bandit back.

my t9: drew forest. play bandit. swing with den protector (which cant be blocked). pass. (7-5)

your t9: draw Rush of Adrenaline. hmm.. all or nothing. swing with everything for 4 damage. i throw the two howlers into the menacewolf and the neck breaker at the token. cast 2 adrenaline onto menace making it a 6/4 and trample. Might of the Masses onto to token to trade up there. everything dies!! (7-5)

my t10: draw forest. play bandit and swing for lethal. (7--1)

your next draw was Arlinn Kord.

that was a good match, very close. But we're both not drawing our main cards coco or zada...

March 30, 2016 7:17 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #23

GAME THREE: Score is 1-1!

  1. Your opening hand: mountain,forest,game trail, village messanger, expedite, arlinn kord. scry expedite to bottom.

2.My opening hand: game trail, forest,forest,ember eye wolf, den protector, collected company. scry atarkas command.

You lost so you go first.

Your t1: game trail revealing forest. play villager and swing for 1. (20-19)

my t1: draw Atarka's Command. play game trail revealing forest. pass. werewolves flip. (20-19)

your t2: draw Game Trail. play game trail revealing forest. swing for 2. (20-17)

my t2: drew Cinder Glade. play forest. play ember wolf. swing for 1. pass. (19-17)

your t3: draw Vines of the Recluse. play forest. swing for 2. pass. (19-15)

my t3: draw partisan. play forest. play atarkas command. (drop a Cinder Glade untapped and deal 3 dmg) play Den Protector. (just to flip back the menacewolf). swing for 1. pass. werewolves flip.(16-15)

your t4: draw Vines of the Recluse. play mountain. play Arlinn Kord. +1 onto villager and swing for 3. no blocks. (16-12)

my t4: draw Collected Company. play Collected Company. reveal Village Messenger  Flip and Den Protector. Hit howlpack resurgence, 2 mountains and a cinder glade. swing at arlinn for 4. villager blocks villager and they trade. arlinn is on 2. (16-12)

your t5: draw Rush of Adrenaline. With no creatures, arlinn makes a wolf and flips. pass. (16-12)

my t5: draw mountain, play it. gonna go for another CoCo. reveal and play Geier Reach Bandit and Ember-Eye Wolf. hit arlinn kord, coco, atarkas command and cinder glade. swing ember eyes and den protector A at arlinn and bandit to the face. Token blocks bandit. cast recluse on token so it survives combat. Arlinn and bandit dies. (16-12)

your t6: drew Cryptolith Rite. cast expedite on token. draw Rush of Adrenaline. pass. (16-12)

my t6: drew Village Messenger  Flip. cast it. swing with all but 1 ember wolf and villager for 5 dmg. you block a ember eye and cast recluse on it again to kill it. take 4. (12-12)

your t7: draw ZADA! but we only have 4 mana. we cant protect if if anything were to happen, but at this stage i think its safe to know my opponent doesnt have targetted fight (well... we're just playing mainboard decks.). So we play Zada. pass. (12-12)

my t7: draw cinder glade. play it. i only have partisan in my hand but we're keeping it as a guise. i have no reason to play it at this time. _swing with ember wolf. I can buff it up to a 7/2. So this makes blocking hard. if we take the damage you can cast double adrenaline onto zada for 13 next turn. if we dont block we go down to 6. with the blockers kizmetto has up she can block and take 8 to bring her to 4... _I asked my boyfriend what he would do and decided that he would block with the token. I buff ember wolf to kill the token and pass. (12-12)

your t8: ooch, draw Game Trail. play it tapped. cast cryptolith so the villager doesnt flip. pass. (12-12)

my t8: i also draw Game Trail. thanks rng. i dont play it. play partisan. swing with everything for 5. zada blocks a Den Protector. take 3. i pass.(9-12)

your t9: draw mountain. gosh damn it rng. pass. werewolves flip. (9-12).

my t9: !! draw mountain. swing with menacewolf. pass. (7-12).

your t10. ...forest. sitting duck here. we need partisan next draw or we're dead dead dead. pass.

my t10. a flipping mountain. swing with menacewolf. pass. (5-12)

your t11: Vines of the Recluse. Urgh. Pass. (5-12)

my t11: MOUNTAIN. menacewolf. pass. (3-12)

your t12: Mountain. Scoop.

okay we got real bad draws right when the game was at the climax. reaaaaaaal close games but the buffs are useless without partisan, or without a field. I drew too much land and coco didnt do too great. werewolf vs werewolf is really interesting because we can make each other flip at opportune times and what not. I had a great time deck testing and i hope you can take a thing or two from my write ups. If i made any misplays, please let me know. or what you may have done differently . I tried my best to be unbiased as possible.

March 30, 2016 8:10 a.m. Edited.

Argy says... #24

That was a really interesting write up, Kizmetto. Love it.

I think we need to give a standing ovation to clayperce for an outstanding 80 votes, and the number 1 spot on Tapped.out, for this amazing deck!


I may just build this thing myself. That's saying something because I HATE

March 30, 2016 9:26 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #25

Yes! round of applause! congrats!

thanks Argeaux !

March 30, 2016 9:35 a.m.

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