
This is my current deck that I have been playing recently as of the beginning of March. I am looking for suggestions regarding where this deck should go as DOT comes around the corner.

Lets go ahead and overview each card as it is and why it is in here. For anyone that disagrees with what I am saying please state why. I am always looking to broaden my understanding of what is unknown to me.


Elvish Mystic + Rattleclaw Mystic Both are in for the ramp yet can be used for early/late game aggression. Enchant either of them with a Boon Satyr late game and you get yourself an extra 5-6 points of damage in that your opponent may not have been expecting.

Heir of the WildsDefinitely not a staple but can be damn near annoying for any other mid-range planeswalker you cross paths with. Early game is his forte and late game harass is his passion. 3 makes for the perfect number but 2/4 are negotiable.

Fanatic of XenagosA real understatement is made about this card. Easily a 4/4 at least once he is a real bloodthirsty sadist. If you only get the 4/4 for one turn your opponent may allow that damage through. Very deadly verse control players and puts the aggro players to a halt if they arn't prepared with a Chained to the Rocks or Stoke the Flames. Lower hitting burn can be used if they choose the haste route but typically I see R/W aggro players allow you to get the 4/4 especially when they have so many answers for him. Still, perfect card for the deck and I would take him over Flamewake pheonix any-day.

Goblin RabblemasterHe can end games by himself. Also, Goblin Rabblemaster is the one card in R/W aggro decks that can seal your fate if not dealt with. They have many answers for you but you do not for their creatures. It is through my experience that you should let the seeker of the way live and wait for the Rabbler up until T3-4.

Boon SatyrMust have. Good instant speed creature that is typically used in passive-aggressive scenarios. Vs control make sure to drop end of their turn to free up your Shaman/Surrak T3. If you havn't had the chance to bestow one of these in a G/W manifest matchup before you are in for a real treat. This bad boy dishes out the damage needed for fast finishes against those pesky life-gain players, (especially when latched onto a Stormbreath Dragon.)

ashcloud pheonixThis card is primarily in for the control matchups and should be taken out against most other deck archetypes. I would prefer to pop in one more stormbreath or cut these out completely for 2 more but that will have to wait until another paycheck XD.

Surrak, the Hunt CallerThis guy seems underrated at this point. People don't realize how easy it is to get off his formidable ability and having the ability to give a creature a turn you just played haste is incredibly important in such a fast-paced metagame that has developed in standard this past season. With DOT around the corner I forsee this card being a 2/3 slot staple to deal with the attempts at U/W, Jeskai, U/B revamped control decks, and to out aggro R/W.

Shaman of the Great HuntAnother 4 slot staple in G/R Aggro. He buffs your creatures, gives you a 4 drop with 4 damage hasty, and can help you sustain in long, drawn-out matchups. Easily killed but if he is let through once the game dramatically turns in your favor.


I wanted to be able to keep up with the metagame and I feel like having 4 scry's may even be to much. For now they need to stay because a T1/late game scry can sometimes make all the difference... depending on the matchup. Still feel like a couple more fetches/mana confluence could take their place especially if I decide to throw in a couple Shamatic Revelations. Time will tell.


Lightning StrikeHaving a 2 drop that takes care of all early game aggression is necessary for your deck to stay ahead of your opponents. 3 is good . 4 may be better later on. For now 3 and 4 Crater's Claws are doing their work.

Atarka's CommandIffy about this card. Not to sure how it will play out but I thought might as well take a swing with it and see how it does. Going to replace Crater's Claw for it and test it the first two weeks before pptqs/regionals. So far it seems more of a late game finisher much like Crater's Claw is. Reason I say this is because as Crater's Claw allows you T5-10 to hit your opponent with a potential 9+X+2 damage to their face Atarka's Command can do potentially the same. Distributing counters allows creatures to overcome great enemies in their path or survive harsh burn spells that may otherwise wipe them off the battlefield. With G/W Manifest becoming the deck to beat in competitive T1 standard format the prevention of life-gain could potentially secure you the game. Still need to see how this interacts with Mastery of the Unseen but will post my findings after I consult a judge.


Sarkhan, the DragonspeakerI feel he is my replacement for the lack of Stormbreath Dragon's in my deck. He does the same thing and I even got his ult off a couple times in U/B control matches. I feel a 1 of is perfect and he should at least have a spot in your sideboard.


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Took out ((Polukranos, World Eater)) ((Reclamation Sage)) ((Destructive Revelry)) Put in ((Fated Conflagration)) ((Back to Nature ((Hornet Nest)) ((Mistcutter Hydra))


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 4 Mythic Rares

28 - 4 Rares

6 - 7 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.91
Tokens Emblem Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker, Goblin 1/1 R, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Morph 2/2 C, Satyr 2/2 GR
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