
Domri aggro for Theros. Domri Rade is the namesake over Xenagos, the Reveler because the nearly 50% creatures is all for his +1 ability. Ramp into one deadly threat after another for the win. The game plan is as simple as playing creatures bigger than your opponents and sooner. Elvish Mystic and Sylvan Caryatid help make extra mana early to rush the board with some big creatures. The Sylvan Caryatid is also an excellent blocker for all those pesky 2 power aggro cards.

The maindeck is focused on stealing the game early and with aggression, to the extent of the playset of Magma Jet to synergize with Domri Rade. Scavenging Ooze gets better as the game goes on, as he can devour all the creatures killed earlier in the game.

One of the big things this deck excels at is just trying to stick an early threat and ride it home. Landing a turn two Domri Rade or a turn three Xenagos, the Reveler can be the kind of advantage some opponents just won't draw out of; we like taking advantage of this with our mana dorks.

Polukranos, World Eater and Stormbreath Dragon are powerful creatures in their own right, but monstrous gives us a mana-ramp outlet to dump our excess lands and mana dorks into.

The sideboard is largely focused on games when slamming aggro just isn't enough.

Boon Satyr is a fantastic enough card to fill a niche between both roles. The ability to either be a creature or an enchantment can be invaluable flexibility. Doing this at the end of their turn forces control to sometimes tap many lands to counter the Boon Satyr , leaving me my turn to actually play things. Bestow also functions as a pretty devastating combat trick. Blocking with an Elvish Mystic and tapping him plus 4 lands to bestow Boon Satyr , making him 5 power to trade with an opposing Polukranos, World Eater and the only thing I loose is an Elvish Mystic.

Ruric Thar, the Unbowed and Mistcutter Hydra 's make combat a nightmare for blue decks or flash-speed decks, usually. The Bow of Nylea is a good tool against any matches with aggro and / or big creatures. It means my creatures get to kill when they attack, which is a measure of my success or failure. (ex. if my attacks are not making progress nor killing their creatures, I'm screwed). The life padding is about as useful as putting a +1/+1 counter on a creature to make it live or trade.


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Ended up going 3-1 and finishing 3rd out of 23. My one loss ended up getting first so that helped my tie breakers.

Round one was an extremely competitive Hidden Strings heroic variant. It had recently taken first place at the most recent FNM, but I finally put an end to his streak. I won the die roll, and basically whoever was on the play won. I was on the play twice, so I finished 2-1. All of the games were intensely close, but Stormbreath Dragon pulled me through. Also, one of the games was totally turned around with his Young Pyromancer with ciphered Hidden Strings and about 7 tokens were all swept away by an overloaded Mizzium Mortars.

Round two was a really strangely difficult mono white soldiers / humans kind of thing. I was lucky enough to get a Stormbreath Dragon fighting off all her creatures with Domri Rade and basically being unkillable by anything in her deck. I managed to get a Mizzium Mortars overloaded game two for a huge turnaround. Finished 2-0.

Round 3 was the fateful mono white spew weenies all day game. Imposing Sovereign was a huge pain that kept me feeling a turn behind every game. I managed to steal the second game, but the first and the last games were determined by Brave the Elements, which just put games out of reach. Finished 1-2.

Round 4 was a mostly mono black with a bit of blue for ashiok, nighmare weaver. Very tough matchup for me in general, anything mono-black-ish with Desecration Demon and lots of spot removal puts me in a hard place. I took game one by a hair. Basically he attacked for huge, took me to 3. I hoped he didn't have the kill spell and attacked with Scavenging Ooze and Elvish Mystic. He blocks with Omenspeaker, and I bloodrush with Ghor-Clan Rampager and grow the ooze for exactly 5 damage taking game 1. Ridiculous close. Game two everything got killed and I was quickly shut out of the game. Game three, double Stormbreath Dragon put down his Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and eventually his lifetotal. He just couldn't draw the removal in time to deal with them, and with Domri Rade swinging around dragons to clear up his board, he never got devotion or a blocker online.

As always, still trying to come up with ideas for improvements. I feel better with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, as it barely ever offered me much advantage and I would rather have mana color fixing. Always looking for more sideboard answers to mono black and anything running Thoughtseize, Desecration Demon, and the rest. Comments always welcome.

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(11 years ago)

+2 Mutavault main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #59 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 8 Rares

4 - 3 Uncommons

4 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.38
Tokens Emblem Domri Rade, Emblem Garruk, Caller of Beasts, Satyr 2/2 GR
Folders Favourites, Standard, gruul, Standard, badass decks
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