Gruuling (First Place @ FNM Three times!!!)
BlatantLizard says... #2
Thanks for your suggestions Eretoryi!! I really appreciate the help. As for your suggestions: Polukranos, World Eater works as a great mana dump and removal spell but I have been debating about using only 3 for awhile and I think you finally pushed me over the edge. Polis Crusher had been good to me as a one-of to run over Courser of Kruphix and dodge Chained to the Rocks. But in other matchups he loses to Siege Rhino, Stoke the Flames, and Tasigur, the Golden Fang, so I think he'll finally get cut. And Burning-Tree Emissary is no longer standard. Otherwise I would definitely be running a playset :P What would you suggest I replace the crusher and Polukranos with?
February 2, 2015 9:17 a.m.
Atarka, World Render and Xenagos, God of Revels Just gonna leave this here...
February 2, 2015 8:12 p.m.
BlatantLizard says... #4
Trust me I noticed that combo... It's disgusting but I just didn't know what to cut. I'll try cutting the Polis Crusher and adding an Atarka, World Render. Do you think I should run two Aelifre?
February 3, 2015 8:52 a.m.
I would drop Polis and at least one Polukranos for two Atarkas. And if you could fit in another Xenagod but not necessary, atarka is a beast by himself. Since he's legendary you don't really NEED four. It's just a bit much unless you're absolutely dependent on him. A t3 Polukranos is really nice but not necessary.
February 3, 2015 9:05 a.m.
BlatantLizard says... #6
Okay I'll playtest with 2 and see how it goes. Thanks!!!
(P.S. Atarka is actually a girl)
February 3, 2015 9:15 a.m.
lowbatteries68 says... #7
Out of curiosity,why no Ashcloud Phoenix? great support in the air and can 1-for-1 most creatures, then comes back as a 2/2. Plus, it flies, so it can get above any big ground creatures.
February 21, 2015 5:33 p.m.
Storm breath as a 4 of main board? Its just that good and that frees up space in the sb for Mistcutter Hydra seeing as the control decks don't run much white unless you're playing an esper or mardu control deck but the big control decks being bug and dimir
February 21, 2015 5:35 p.m.
BlatantLizard says... #9
Thanks for the suggestions guys!!!
lowbatteries68 Ashcloud Phoenix is a card that I considered for awhile but ultimately this is not the right deck for it. In a G/R aggro shell, Ashcloud is perfect. But in this deck, Ashcloud is good in the match ups this deck is already strong against (Dimir/Sultai control, Gruul/Temur aggro) and further weakens my bad match ups (Abzan Control, Boros Burn).
cjk191997 Stormbreath Dragon is indeed an amazing, but the one of in side has proven to be the correct number. As to the playset main, this deck's main focus is to pump out massive amount of mana for Crater's Claws and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. In order to accomplish this, the deck needs to remain heavy green, splashing red. If i go too heavy red, this simply becomes a G/R monsters build, which I tried multiple times with little success.
February 22, 2015 11:08 p.m.
XxHazard001xX says... #10
This is an interesting take on Devotion to Xenagos! I really like it. I'd argue that the life gain land is not needed, you'd be better off with more forests and more mountains, if you do need the dual mana a 1x or 2x of of Mana Confluence may do you some good. Also having only 1 Xenagod is a bit on the low side, at least a 2x of him should be way better. Also with him making giant beatsticks you would appreciate having Nylea, God of the Hunt Having trample and a boost along side Xenagod is just perfect. Here is my take on R/G Devotion.
R/G Beating (Feedback Needed) Playtest
SCORE: 3 | 15 COMMENTS | 569 VIEWSFebruary 22, 2015 11:26 p.m.
BlatantLizard says... #11
XxHazard001xX Thanks for looking at my deck. I'll be sure to return the favor. As to the Mana Confluence, this deck already has problems with aggro, so the last thing I need is to be constantly losing life to my own lands.This deck is more of a G/r devotion than a G/R devotion, splashing red for Crater's Claws, the Xenabros, card advantage on a stick (Shaman), and some sideboard cards. The Nylea, on the other hand, is a card I tried for a while but she never seemed to pan out, constantly showing up when I was already practically guaranteed the win or when had an empty board. At least Xenagod could most make of my creatures a must answer threat on an otherwise empty board. But I love Nylea so much that i'll give her another try. What would you recommend cutting for her?
February 23, 2015 12:52 p.m.
XxHazard001xX says... #12
I'd cut one of the Hornet Queen or Arbor Colossus
I prefer having Arbors only to answer nasty flyers my opponent could have, he is good mainboard but Nylea might be better.
February 23, 2015 2:01 p.m.
To get the max use of atarka, you should try to shove in some dragons
February 24, 2015 8:51 p.m.
I bookmarked this. If u had 2 ugins, how many xenagos would u run?
March 11, 2015 2:22 p.m.
BlatantLizard says... #15
ilJUWOO If you are referring to Xenagos, the Reveler I would most likely keep him at 2 or maybe even lose 1 siege to add in another.
March 11, 2015 4:49 p.m.
What are your thoughts on Deathmist Raptor? Building a similar shell.
April 5, 2015 7:39 p.m.
BlatantLizard says... #17
I'm not sure on Deathmist Raptor Jake1515. On one hand He adds 2 to devotion and keeps opposing fatties at bay. On the other hand, there are many standard exile removal spells and I don't have nearly enough morph/manifest to take full advantage of his ability. I think he is a great card for devotion, but works best in G/W devo where you have both Whisperwood Elemental and Mastery of the Unseen.
Eretoryi says... #1
Dawg, I don't think anyone underestimates Xenagos :P Anyways, congratulations on your tournament!
I'm definitely not great at Standard, but I wonder if you really need four Polukranos, World Eater? It seems like you would see two too often, so maybe try just three. Other than that, is Polis Crusher very strong in your meta? He seems more fit for a sideboard unless you're seeing a lot of enchantments, which you very well might be. You could also consider Burning-Tree Emissary if you haven't already.
Do you have any issues with card draw? It seems like you might run out of steam after a while, but maybe you just win by then, haha.
February 2, 2015 12:35 a.m.