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Gruul's Closet - A Primer

Modern Midrange Primer RG (Gruul) Tokens



^^ The deck we're currently editing with updated changes already in place ^^

Please note the following about this deck ...

This was an old Standard deck of mine that I developed personally. I loved playing this deck and refined it as much as I could, and I found it, at the time, an interesting sort of mid-range control deck.

I am normally a Commander player right now and am very dedicated to it. That said, I got it into my head I might play a Modern tournament soon. So why not dust off one of my favorite decks and try to update it?

The following is a primer for the original Gruul's Closet deck. I would very much love for people to look it over and offer suggestions on how to improve on the foundation and supporting cards to make a lean MODERN machine that, at the very least, can throw something at some Modern people that they're not expecting.

While I have been updating this deck, I am still actively seeking suggestions for improvements and welcome constructive criticism.

Again, most of this primer refers to the ORIGNAL deck, the card choices, and how to play it ... SKIP down to the end block "So, What's new in Gruul's Closet and how do we pilot it?" in order to see the MODERN playstyle version of Gruul's Closet!

Please join me!

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Do you enjoy ramping into efficient creatures that create card advantage? Do you ever wish you could play more than four of these creatures in your deck and simply decimate your opponent? Do you like combo decks? Do you wish combo decks could duke it out even if they don't hit their combo? Do you like gaining insane amounts of life and tokens? Do you like taking your opponents creatures and/or destroying all of their resources?

If the answer is yes to any of these, please read on.

To be honest, Gruul's Closet is actually nothing seriously new. Many people have played around with Conjurer's Closet. Just reading the card makes you think of all the goodness that can happen with ETB effects, and it has the bonus of getting rid of annoying enemy enchantments on your creatures as well. The problem has always been getting it in play and being able to survive long enough to control the board. This was true with nearly any color combination deck that has tried to put the closet to good use.

Having been tired of my Jund deck, I decided one day to make a fun kitchen table deck to play against my friends at work. The basis would be to basically take the black out of my Jund and replace it with some Closets and some mana ramp. I truly only hoped to get a few fun games out of it, and that I did. In fact, it dominated, and with only two Closets. With a little more tweaking it became even more reliable in the early game where it's weakest, and adding more Closets made the deck much more consistent.

Gruul's Closet is capable of spinning up into quite an unstoppable force in very little time. It is also capable of approaching the opponent from multiple directions, locking them down, and turning the tide when need be through sheer life gain and an armada of creatures. From speedy RDW/RAKDOS/BOROS decks, board-wiping control decks, reanimator/rites decks, to millgro, GC is never out of the game (not counting the rare mana-screws or mana-floods). In fact, thus far in testing, it has winning percentages against every deck it's played. Some at only 55%, several at over 75%.

The foundation of the deck consists of 15 cards.

4 Conjurer's Closet 4 Huntmaster of the Fells   4 Thragtusk 4 Zealous Conscripts 2 Acidic Slime

Yes, I see that in the list above there are 18 cards, yet I said the foundation was only 15.

In reality, the deck actually does function quite well with only 3 Closets, however if you only play 3 then 1 goes in the sideboard in case of artifact hate. If artifact hate is common in your meta, then you MUST have 4 in your main deck.

Also, the Acidic Slime are somewhat optional. There are some great enchantments out there that really slow you down, and completely destroying all of your opponents land (or just denying them an entire color) is pretty much a win condition in its own right ... however, I have found that Acidic Slime is often side-boarded out in favor of better match up cards. On the other side of the coin, side-boarding in an additional two Acidic Slimes may also be necessary at times. So, basically, you either find it's not great, or it's complete awesome sauce. Bonus is that the Slime can get rid of creatures with Deathtouch.

Huntmaster of the Fells   and Thragtusk simply win games, and playing them in multiples on top of bouncing them back and forth from the field can be quite back-breaking for your opponent. Quite obviously, every bounce from the Conjurer's Closet gains you life and a token creature. Multiple Closets in play with a couple of these cards is win wrapped in bacon, smothered in cheese.

Zealous Conscripts is fantastic against decks that play huge creatures (such as Junk Rites), but it absolutely shines with the Closet. With a Closet already in play, you drop your Conscript down, claim a baddy from your opponent, attack with both, and then bounce your newly-found friend out and back onto your battlefield and gain permanent control for the rest of the game (or until it dies).

The best part of this foundation, minus perhaps the Slimes, is that each of these cards function fantastically on their own without a Closet.

Plus, we need some mana ramp to speed up the foundation...

4x Arbor Elf 4x Farseek

Obviously, Arbor Elf gets you more land, and he works wonderfully with Stomping Ground to get more red if you need it. And if you really need to, use it to untap a Stomping Ground the same turn you put it into play instead of paying 2 life to do so.

Farseek is sweet ... drop an extra basic mountain or you can fetch Stomping Ground with it. Bonus that it thins your deck of land, helping you draw more spells and get to your machine quicker both through mana ramp and card draw.

In order to pilot this deck effectively, your opening hand MUST have one of the following combinations to help ensure victory: - 3 land with one of them providing green and one giving red. - 2 land with at least one Arbor Elf or one Farseek.

Regardless of your other cards, a perfect hand will be 3 land, one Elf, and one Farseek. It's very unlikely you won't be able to do something, and do it quickly, with a set up like this. A turn 3 Huntsman or Thragtusk is just golden ... using recursion via closet on Turn 4 on them is Game Over.

Let us examine what should be placed in the remaining 19 to 22 slots. These are the cards that will actually make or break you.

ANTI-AGRO cards:

Pillar of Flame - Sorcery speed, but for only one mana and able to exile as well, this is a no-brainer.

Searing Spear - I don't need to convince you of anything here.

Mizzium Mortars - Cheap 4 points of damage, and in our ramp deck it is rather easy to overload and clear the board even on turn 4.

Flames of the Firebrand - Great against weenies ... not so great against anything else, but not quite as useless as Mortars when up against a deck with little to no creatures.

Deadly Recluse - Cheap blocker/killer of all things. Perhaps not the greatest card, but he lets you get to your midgame and set up your Closet shop.

Grave Bramble - Stops weenies cold, and zombies are still a thing. Again, maybe not the greatest, but our goal here is not to race against an agro deck, but rather to stall it long enough to put our crippling game winners into play.

Prey Upon - A solid card, but not as good as your red direct damage. That being said, using it in conjunction with a creature you just stole with a Conscript is pretty fun.

Wild Defiance - Agro decks like to nuke your creatures to get them out of the way. WD negates that. This becomes even stronger if you're using Prey Upon as well. However, this is mostly a sideboard card unless you anticipate a lot of Red in your meta.

Agro Cards:

Stonewright - Not the best deck for him, with so many forests, however he's relevant even later in the game for pumping up your creatures.

Young Wolf - Only because of Undying, as he makes a great blocker.

Burning-Tree Emissary - Works great with Farseek for card advantage.

Strangleroot Geist - Undying works great.

Flinthoof Boar - Efficient power and toughness.

Vorapede - I did actually have one of these in the deck when i originally made it, as I absolutely love this creature, however I needed room to add in another Closet ...


Gruul Ragebeast - Might be an option here to get recurring creature destruction that is capable of dealing with a strong midrange deck.

Borderland Ranger - Another card that will thin your deck as an ETB effect, as well as give you a 2/2 swinger or blocker.

This is a work in progress. I'm really looking for help here to develp not only sideboards but strategies against specific decks. Whatever you can post would be great.

At the moment, my personal sideboard consists of the following:

2x Acidic Slime

2x Deadly Recluse

2x Grave Bramble

2x Creeping Renaissance

2x Sundering Growth

2x Flames of the Firebrand

1x Garruk, Primal Hunter

2x Garruk's Packleader

Piloting remains much the same.

During our initial draw, we are looking, at a minimum, for at least one of the following combinations:

  1. The most ideal is 3x Lands with at least one red and one green mana, 1x Birds of Paradise and 1x Farseek
  2. But 2x Land cards, one providing green, and at least 1x Birds of Paradise and 1x Farseek will do us good, too.
  3. The worst we can work with is 3x Land cards with one providing green mana and another providing red.

This will set us up for success in the early rounds.

We are hoping to drop a turn 3 Huntmaster of the Fells   or Thragtusk with either a Conjurer's Closet or Zealous Conscripts on turn 4 if we're lucky.

The remainder of our time playing in the mid-to-late game will vary from match to match.

Normally, we will attempt to be very agressive. We save our direct damage spells and buffs to clear away blockers and let our attackers through. We won't worry about being attacked, as Huntmaster of the Fells   & Thragtusk can keep us topped up on health quite efficiently, especially via closet bounces.

Save Zealous Conscripts for when our adversary has a creature worth taking. Heck, if we're playing a "best of 3" series, we'd prefer to not even cast a our Conscripts if we can win without them, and save them for the second match for a surprise. That being said, if we can get a massive blow for the kill by getting rid of a blocker, we go ahead and drop our Conscripts and steal the blocker.

With a Conjurer's Closet in play, at the end of the turn we bounce the stolen creature and then it becomes ours for the rest of the game or until it dies. All your toys are belong to us!

Direct damage spells help us deal with smaller agro creatures and blockers. Our damage engine is created by our creatures, not our damage spells. That said, if we can attack cleanly and we have some damage spells in hand to end the game or get it close, go ahead and let it all fly!

Our new addition of Champion of Lambholt allows us to do some neat stuff! Aside from being a creature that can get strong, our Closet encourages it to grow even faster. Using Conjurer's Closet on a Thragtusk creates a 3/3 Beast token when Thragtusk is exiled, that buffs our Champion of Lambholt to a 2/2, and when Thragtusk comes back down our Champion is now a 3/3. Hopefully, if our Champion lasts until our next attack phase, our creatures can't be blocked by 2/2's or 1/1's (so it's great against token decks). Dropping another Thrag, of course, makes her even better.

Of note, we've also added Collision / Colossus to the deck. Six damage to a flyer is pretty hefty, and very helpful for clearing blockers. Often even more helpful is the Colossus side of the card which we can use on a Champion of Lambholt when needed, which will often allow every one of our attackers through unscathed without any worry of blockers, and/or we could end up using it as a finisher card on a final attack.

Acidic Slimes help us control the board state of our opponent. Use them to get rid of anything giving our opponent an advantage, and then if we have a closet in play, we can keep the pressure on via removal recursion. They're obviously quite handy against an enchantment or artifact deck! Now, it may be cruel, but if our opponent is having mana issues, and we can ramp into an Acidic Slime early, we can go ahead and make our enemy's bad day even worse by destroying their land. Conjurer's Closet really ruins their day even further, and we can then proceed to walk our creatures in for an easy win. Even in the late game, keep an eye out for key lands your opponent is using for special abilities or if it happens to be the only source of a certain mana color, since our slime can get rid of them and keep our opponent from casting a double-color spell they seem to be holding. If we're facing a deck where Acidic Slime can get rid of a LOT of permanents, go ahead and sideboard in a couple more!

In this way, with recurring Slimes, Conscripts and direct damage, we can often quickly clear their side of the board and manage it in a Control Deck kind of manner.

If you find the games against your opponent are going longer and he/she is able to slow you down, consider sideboarding in Garruk's Packleader and Light Up the Stage for some card advantage.

Gruul's Closet is mostly a mid-range deck, but depending on your draws it can also behave like control, or even a token/life-gain deck. Enjoy

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy playing around with Gruul's Closet, whether it's on the kitchen table or at your local FNM event.

It really is a rather fun and effective deck!

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Changes, 10 June 2022

Removed: 2x Searing Spear, 4x Forest, 2x Grave Bramble, 3x Pillar of Flame, 2x Mizzium Mortars, 4x Arbor Elf

Added: 2x Collision / Colossus, 4x Karplusan Forest, 2x Champion of Lambholt, 4x Lightning Bolt, 1x Gruul Charm, 4x Birds of Paradise


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97% Casual


Revision 1 See all

(2 years ago)

-4 Arbor Elf main
+4 Birds of Paradise main
+2 Collision / Colossus main
-2 Soul's Fire main
Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

34 - 4 Rares

13 - 6 Uncommons

2 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.30
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Human 2/2 G, Wolf 2/2 G, Wurm 6/6 G
Folders Modern
Ignored suggestions
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