This G/U Tempo deck aims to accelerate quickly into some heavy card advantage(CA). Mindculling, Acidic Slime, and Quicksilver Geyser are not super efficient on their own, but when dropped on turn 3 (or turn 4 for Mindculling, can control the direction of the game.
Thrun, the Last Troll and Wurmcoil Engine are the main win conditions.
Horizon Spellbomb replaces itself and thins the deck by a land, the mana cost can be split up and I haven't found it to be an issue in this deck.
Vivisection is one card that im wavering on. It generates great CA once you have established a lead saccing a bird or an elf, and even greater CA when you can hit a Solemn Simulacrum. It is however, tough to play on turn 3, and there are usually other better options. Other hand refillers may or may not be better. even Blue Sun's Zenith?
Fireball and Mountain are possible sideboard options due to the high number of landgrabs and mana. This could help recover from fast aggro decks.
Originally White was played, but I found Day of Judgment was not enough for me to keep the colour. If you think there are other cards that make white worth running, let me know.
I'd like to run some low cost bounce if its viable, but Silent Departure feels like the only fit here.
Let me know what you think of the deck, I welcome any suggestions for competitive improvement.