
Instant (4)

Sorcery (4)


Creature (1)

Strategies -

  1. Any creature with Inspire will be able to untap an infinite amount of times with Freed from the Real and Paradise Mantle. This will allow Servant of Tymaret to ping all your opponents to death or Siren of the Silent Song to mill them to death.

  2. You can also start an infinite untap combo using Illusionist's Bracers on Kiora's Follower to untap a 2nd Kiora's Follower and an Inspired creature.

  3. Retraction Helix on Siren of the Silent Song with any untap mechanism (Freed from the Real, Kiora's Follower, Thousand-Year Elixir) will cause permanents to be returned to your opponents hand, and then discarded into the graveyard.

Illusionist's Bracers will double the effect of your creature abilities. Thousand-Year Elixir and Prophet of Kruphix will add additional untaps as well as freedom in timing your important summons.



Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 4 Rares

24 - 4 Uncommons

10 - 4 Commons

Cards 62
Avg. CMC 2.30
Folders Modern Decks, inspirations, BUG, Fun decks, Buy These, analyze, Concepts, Need to playtest
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