Guess who's back.....Back again!

Modern blazinazian


Witteee says... #1

Hey, +1 from me. I have been getting grief from everyone i know for the past 8-9 months for playing Seance and they are just finally catching on to just how unreal the enchantment is. I'm glad you see the potential it has, however I think one very key change you need to make is to drop the card:Avacyn's Pilgrim in favor for Deathrite Shaman because it really is THAT good. I think you should explore the options that Black offers you because it seems that the only reason you have black in your deck is for Grisly Salvage which isn't totally efficient. I would also recommend swapping out mulch for farseek so you can ramp instead of tossing your creatures. none of your creatures are very difficult to hard cast, so why would you want to merely Seance the Centaur Healer when you could cast it, sac it for even greater effect, then Seance it again. eventually you will run out of steam because you can only gain so much life before you run out of targets and a Supreme Verdict seems like it would end you.

If youre interested, check out my deck Seance threePOINToh, it is also Junk but I win via overwhelming life loss, because its next to impossible to keep up with the amount of life that decks like yours gain turn after turn. I swing for huge amounts and then double the damage with direct life loss with Jarad. I have top 8'd quite a few times with this and it hold up against U/W flash, bant control, RDW, etc.

Good luck, and +1 for sure, keep it up.

December 2, 2012 3:57 a.m.

blazinazian says... #2

@Witteee Thank you so much for your input. I took a look at your deck and it looks amazing with the amount of damage that it can do. I will definitely use your suggestions. This deck will be constantly updated so I hope you come back to see its improvement.

December 2, 2012 8:15 a.m.

Nyrab says... #3

I'd consider swapping the druids deliverance out for Fog it's cheaper and although if thragtusk hits the field then leaves you will be able to populate against haste-aggro decks it is a waste of a mana.

Also have you considered Vraska the Unseen ? she has a token ability and although it's kind of late game gives your opponents a big worry that is either going to kill their stuff when they attack her, kill their stuff when you -3 her or kill them with assassin tokens.

Treasured Find could be good in this deck too, allowing you to pull seance or other killed key cards back to hand if needed !

Hope these ideas help

December 4, 2012 10:21 a.m.

blazinazian says... #4

@Nyrab Thank you very much for your input. I will think about putting in Fog , but the main reason that I have card:Druid's Deliverance is because of the populate mechanic.

I have thought about Vraska the Unseen , but I don't currently have her in my possesion. Will have to try and find a way to get a hold of her.

Do you think Treasured Find should be in the main board or side board?

December 4, 2012 10:26 a.m.

Nyrab says... #5

I'd mainboard it

And I know that is the idea behind it, but against heavy aggro decks you could be swamped turn 3-4 if you are on the defensive having to spend all the mana you get on druids deliverance then you will not be able to set up any sort of defence. And you have rootborn defences for populate, to say nothing of trostani and the parallel lives.

Growing Ranks may be a good fit as well, but I can't remember what would take effect first, the seance or the growing ranks

December 4, 2012 11:32 a.m.

Nyrab says... #6

I'd mainboard it

And I know that is the idea behind it, but against heavy aggro decks you could be swamped turn 3-4 if you are on the defensive having to spend all the mana you get on druids deliverance then you will not be able to set up any sort of defence. And you have rootborn defences for populate, to say nothing of trostani and the parallel lives.

Growing Ranks may be a good fit as well, but I can't remember what would take effect first, the seance or the growing ranks

December 4, 2012 11:32 a.m.

blazinazian says... #7

@Nyrab I'm pretty sure you are able to stack your upkeep triggers in any way you want. I will definitely think about Fog . Your reasoning behind it is valid. I'm also thinking about putting in Lingering Souls in this deck (maybe in sideboard) to deal with early aggro.

December 4, 2012 12:54 p.m.

Grotski says... #8

Love the Seance populate deck :) a very cool combination! +1

I see a lot of decklists in these colours run things like Disciple of Bolas and Garruk, Primal Hunter , principally for the card draw in order to keep the steam flowing.

Maybe add 1 disciple and 2 garruks if you can find them..? Disciple at least shouldn't be too hard to find / expensive and personally i prefer them over trostani.. They also help you find Seance easier.

I'd maybe rethink Treasured Find as you're exiling a lot of cards in your graveyard with Deathrite Shaman and Seance . I'd recommend the Lingering Souls instead as it's an excellent card in just about any situation.

December 5, 2012 7:41 a.m.

Grotski says... #9

Also wanted to add quickly : you're right for the stacking of abilities regarding your upkeep. As they are both "at the beginning of your upkeep" abilities you get to choose how they go on the stack. If one was at the beginning and the other was just "during your upkeep" i think it would be different but such is not the case.

December 5, 2012 7:43 a.m.

blazinazian says... #10

@Grotski Thanks a lot for the feedback. I was thinking about putting in Treasured Find mainly to get Seance back if I accidentally mill it. I guess it could get a creature back from being exiled by my opponent. As for now, I will be keeping it in my mainboard as a Seance retriever. If you have any other ideas that can perform this same action please let me know.

I'll definitely think about Disciple of Bolas . I'm pretty sure I have a couple lying around somewhere. Just realizing that the utility that he gives is amazing.

I think I will put Lingering Souls in the sideboard for now for when I have to deal with aggro decks.

December 5, 2012 10:10 a.m.

Nyrab says... #11

just remembered an absolute MUST for this deck, 4x Abrupt Decay as a sideboard cardif someone plays a card:Grafdigger's Cage or a Rest in Peace against you then you could struggle to counter it.

December 5, 2012 11:18 a.m.

blazinazian says... #12

@Nyrab Oh that's right. Can't believe i forgot that. Thanks a lot.

December 5, 2012 11:23 a.m.

Nyrab says... #13

Mind checking out my vamp deck and giving me some feedback on the mana base? seeing as your deck is a 3 colour too :P

December 5, 2012 11:50 a.m.

I've been running a similar deck, maybe my decklist could help.

December 9, 2012 2:09 p.m.

Witteee says... #15

Hey, I don't remember if you checked out my Seance decks but I've had A LOT of experience. Now i don't run Thragtusk because I kill my opponent before they are relevant, but you mentioned something about not knowing what to go for with Disciple of Bolas .

First off, right away you should tunnel vision on your Thragtusk because casting a 5/3, then sac-ing it to gain ANOTHER 5 life, and draw an additional 5 cards to just to repeat the process? its literally the black version of resto, but when you have the disciple in grave its free to double combo for anywhere from 10-15 cards in hand on your opponents turn. and you still have beast tokens on the field. drawing half your remaining deck and accumulating somewhere in the range of 15-20 life is unheard of, and all it costs is the casting of a single Thragtusk .

If i may, I would suggest dropping the orders, because they eat the spot in you curve for Seance disciple and whatnot. but also to add in Wolfir Silverheart . hes close to the MVP of my deck because he makes things devastating. Imagine seacning a disciple to a soulbound Wolfir Silverheart to draw 8 and gain 8? FOR FREE?!!?!!!?!? jsut drop the treasured find for two silverhearts and I think you'll be happily surprised.

Thanks for the credit, and ONE final thing. 21 land is skimpy. Throw in 1-3 evolving wilds because it lets you get two mana fixing on turn 2 (Farseek as well as searching for that basic you are missing in your opening hand)

December 10, 2012 4:30 a.m.

Grotski says... #16

I feel like Lotleth Troll is very important in this deck as it allows your Seance s to function effectively, currently you're relying solely on Grisly Salvage , which doesn't let you deal with the not-uncastable-but-undesirably-slow fatties in your hand. Maybe a 3/3 split removing the treasured finds..?

All that will let you throw down Craterhoof Behemoth or Angel of Serenity on turn 4 much more regularly.

If you prefer to ramp towards the behemoth than use seance, I'd remove seance altogether and add more mana elves like Arbor Elf , so that you have more creatures that profit from craterhoof's big boost effect (and so that the effect is much bigger)

December 10, 2012 7:43 a.m.

blazinazian says... #17

I have taken both Witteee's and Grotski's suggestion into consideration and here are the changes that I have made.

I took out the Treasured Find and replaced them with Wolfir Silverheart just as Witteee suggested. I literally sat down, thought about it, and asked myself, "Why the crap do I not have this card in my deck?"

After thinking about it for a while, Grotski was right about the Lotleth Troll . With the amount of card draw that I am going to have with Disciple of Bolas , I will more than likely at least a Craterhoof Behemoth or an Angel of Serenity in my hand. So I decided to put 2 Lotleth Troll back in and took out card:Jarad's Orders.

With the 1 card space leftover, I put in an Evolving Wilds as suggested by Witteee.

I think this deck is going to be in its final stages before being built and played at a local FnM. Please playtest it and let me know what you think.

December 10, 2012 9:04 a.m.

Grotski says... #18

Just did a couple of dry runs on tapped out and there's some really fun things you can do with this deck. playing Wolfir Silverheart for free, attacking and then copying him for 3 mana with Rootborn Defenses seems ridiculously good. Dropping Thragtusk in on their turn to block, gain 5 life and then start your turn with a 3/3 is also ridonculous. As is populating Angel of Serenity tokens with Trostani.

The deck seems to work just fine, only way to know for sure is to test it against other players IRL. THe only place it MIGHT be lacking is in removal but with all the trampling worms i think it should be OK.test and enjoy!

December 13, 2012 7:57 a.m.

KaraZorEl says... #19

Why Rootborn Defenses? You want creatures in your graveyard right? I think Mulch would help you more. And populating a Thragtusk token sounds insane.

December 14, 2012 11:38 p.m.

Witteee says... #20

I can assure you that you won't be disappointed. Mainly because of what others have been pointing out. I like the progress that you have made with the deck, but the real challenges lie in the early game. Rakdos decks can really punish you and leave you with like 8 life on turn 3 and virtually nothing to do about it. Bant control is equally difficult because as of right now I don't see a way for you to successfully deal with their use of tamiyo and how NASTY her ulti is. it literally becomes, stall for 5 turns, Supreme Verdict , tap down youre guys with Feeling of Dread and dissipate anything that tries to hit the field. Without a consistent way to Make you opponent lose life (not deal damage, AKA Jarad) they overwhelm you, gain more life, and lock you down with being able to cast, then recast, then recast, then recast, then recast and finally recast Feeling of Dread . it officially becomes the most frustrating thing in the world because you can get them to 8 and the next turn they dont kill you, they just stall out, mill you game one and repeat the process so you have a 40 minute game one and no time to finish game two, resulting in a round loss.

If your meta isn't like mine, then by all means, this deck will rock, but gaining a bazillion life against another deck gaining a bazillion life with no way to lower theirs, is not a good time for anybody. One final suggestion I have for the sideboard is simply to remove the Golgari Charm s since you have Sundering Growth for both artifact and enchantment hate, and replace them with vraska or more likely since this deck is costly enough, Appetite for Brains . this will get rid of all the threats that shut your deck down (tamiyo, verdict, jace AOT, your opponent's thragtusk, garruk (both primal hunter and flip garruk) just to name a few.

December 15, 2012 9:36 a.m.

blazinazian says... #21

@Witteee Thank you very much for your feedback. I do have Lingering Souls in my sideboard for something like an aggro deck, but it probably won't save me from the full onslaught. Maybe just enough so that I can get some life back.

I can understand the difficulty against Bant Control. The amount of boardwipes that they have access to is frustrating. Plus, if they miracle a Terminus , there really isn't much that I can do. However, I did think about your Appetite for Brains suggestion. I have seen many times Terminus being hard casted with the amount of ramp that they have. So I definitely think I will put in Appetite for Brains .

I was originally thinking of using Golgari Charm 's regen ability for an extra out against Supreme Verdict . I'm really torn about this. I think that I may cut Sundering Growth instead of Golgari Charm because there is much more utility. Sure I will lose the populate ability, but I think it could work out.

I do like the suggestion about Vraska the Unseen since she can destroy planeswalkers as well. I'm thinking about switching out Sundering Growth for Vraska the Unseen . I also think Selesnya Charm could probably be substituted out for something else. Maybe Appetite for Brains ?

Let me know what you think of these changes.

December 15, 2012 11:25 a.m.

Witteee says... #22

Hey, I like how much thought you put into the deck and thats why I like following your progress. I took a break for a little while, but my comments strictly come from the experiences I have had with my deck. You are right, Terminus is a blow out and you just need to hope that there's a way for you to maximize your potential for sacrificing your creatures instead of losing them to the dark depths at the bottom of your deck.

We have two varying decks where I focus on causing my opponent to lose life most efficiently and you try to race your opponent to a higher amount of life. My deck has pitfalls against zombies and rakdos decks with Falkenrath Aristocrat and the like. I'm sure your deck does VERY well against these decks because of the amount of life you gain, you simply scoff at card:Geralf's Messenger where I just about poop my pants.

Its my belief that in a deck like yours, Selesnya Charm doesn't do the same amount of justice as a Vraska the Unseen . So as it stands now, I like the way your sideboard sits. Its hard to discern your attachment to Lingering Souls and I know just how good they are (especially with Craterhoof Behemoth ) but instead I would try out Rhox Faithmender . Thats a sweet screature I have been toying with recently, and I can only imagine how AWESOME it is with the life you can gain with 4 Thragtusk and 2x card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice. Now, it might not fit, but there is a reason their price has risen 1600% over the past two weeks. Its probably because of people trying to deal with aggro. I would give you SO much breathing room when you play Disciple of Bolas because you can Seance Thragtusk cast Disciple of Bolas with Rhox Faithmender out in play and you gain 20 life right there. If Trostani is out, then you gain 16 when a Thragtusk enters the battlefield and another 6 when you exile it at the end of your turn and you keep the 3/3, as you very well know.

I really can't find anything I would REALLY want to change in your list for the objective of your deck. I look forward to hearing how you fair during your local standard. If you post yours, I'll be sure to post mine haha.

December 15, 2012 6:31 p.m.

blazinazian says... #23

@Witteee Thank you very much for all the help you have given to help make this deck as good as it can be. I understand that there will be certain matchups that this deck will have a hard time with. But that's just how the game is. If there was 1 deck that did well against everything, everybody would run it and the game would be ruined haha. I will definitely post my progress at my FnM. Sadly, I was unable to play this deck this past FnM because I wasn't able to build it. But next week, I will definitely try and make it happen.

December 15, 2012 6:57 p.m.

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