This is a take on Risky Wizards that uses more burn spells instead of card drawing. I feel like this is the best way to use Risk Factor. Opponent either takes the damage now, or lets me draw into 3 cards that will (probably) do even more damage. Other decks have used a lot of card draw spells, so risk factor almost becomes redundant. If you are just going to draw more card draw, well go ahead.
Obviously Guttersnipe isn't a wizard, but he is important in this deck. This deck hopes to finish up quick and the extra 2 damage can turn basically any spell into a finisher. Works the best with Risk Factor as it really puts opponent in a no-win spot.
Running Banefire as a 1-of, mostly used as a finisher and goes nicely with guttersnipe and Adeliz. It becomes super versatile in this deck because it is either 1-mana pump spell for your wizards, an extra shock with Guttersnipe, or a nice top-deck if things go longer. Drawing that with more than 6 lands out is usually a win condition.
Ionize and Disdainful Stroke are really only in to deal with March of the Multitudes in the Tokens decks (as well as the token spells in BW vampires.) These might be a better side-board option but also work nicely against any big spell. Also it is nice to counter Ritual of Soot.
Nothing in this deck costs more than 3 mana so a ritual of soot is pretty bad, but usually I have already dealt enough damage that I can just burn opponent out unless he has some big finishers already on board. I am also pretty land-light, but as everything is cheap it has worked fine. note this deck was built in Arena so the variance with the lands is actually pretty stable. Im usually getting at least 2 every time.
I need help with some sideboard options, suggestions for adding/removing/replacing cards. (also just hearing what others think helps a lot.)