G/W +1 Counter Crazy

Standard* Harbynger

SCORE: 41 | 111 COMMENTS | 13744 VIEWS | IN 18 FOLDERS

Harbynger says... #1

Go for it! Just let me know how it performs :)

Do you know how to link a deck? If you want it to be just a link, you do the double brackets just like linking a card and then [end of url for your deck] or if you want to do the link that shows some info, you do [deck-large:end of url of your deck] so for mine I do [deck-large:gw-1-counter-crazy].

September 7, 2015 2:57 p.m.

syandell86 says... #2

Harbynger How has this done at any FNM's?

September 9, 2015 10:17 a.m.

Harbynger says... #3

syandell86 I wish I could tell you :)

I haven't had a chance to go to FNM since starting playing again after a 14 year hiatus from Magic. I'm hoping to get out to one soon though.

September 9, 2015 11:04 a.m.

PlagueRats says... #4

I've played similar decks with competing double mana cards and found I really needed at least 8 dual lands. On a budget you can use the 3-colour tap lands from Khans Sandsteppe Citadel. This deck is going to be slow'ish no matter what so I think it's worth waiting a turn for the right mana.

As long as you can draw and play cards in the right order this deck has some big combos, I like this sort of strategy for a budget deck, because you can potentially beat almost any deck sometimes.

September 9, 2015 11:18 a.m.

PlagueRats says... #5

I think your right to not play Gleam of Authority here, it's best played on a very cheap creature that has some sort of evasion. It makes what ever creature it's played on a BIG target. if your going to risk getting 2 for 1'd, ideally you want to be drawing fire away from your other big threats.

just to correct an earlier commenter, Gleam of Authority does make counters. With a Hardened Scales and any other creature in play it's bolster ability adds 2 counters to the other creature and +2/+2 to itself every turn for one .

September 9, 2015 11:32 a.m.

syandell86 says... #6

What I meant was that the +1/+1 isn't counters.

September 9, 2015 8:48 p.m.

bpin1 says... #7

I'm honestly torn between this and G/W Growing Pains

September 10, 2015 7:32 p.m.

bpin1 says... #8

this is my deck now but majority of it rotates out http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/deck.asp?deck_id=1226512

September 10, 2015 7:40 p.m.

Harbynger says... #9

bpin1 I've been watching a bunch of these kinds of decks, and have discussed on G/W Growing Pains. With a deck going for counters, I'm really not a fan of Warden of the First Tree or Seeker of the Way, and also think Feat of Resistance is superior to Valorous Stance due to protection from color covering all forms of removal and indestructible only covering some. If you want indestructible, I prefer Inspiring Call for sure, due to the two-fer of drawing AND covering all your creatures. I do really like the Gleam of Authority but just haven't found a spot in my deck yet (or purchased any). I also really want some Windswept Heath and Hangarback Walker, but haven't been able to justify the cost to myself yet.

I was hoping to get out to FNM tonight to test it out, but being married with three kids makes Friday nights hard for me :) I do play casual with a group of pretty good players regularly, and this deck performs very well, but I really need to get to a FNM.

September 11, 2015 8:28 a.m.

Harbynger says... #10

bpin1, I also really like the heroic decks, but didn't start playing again until khans, so I didn't have any. I thought about getting some just for your kind of deck, but decided to stick to khans or later.

September 11, 2015 8:29 a.m.

Harbynger says... #11

Took out the Dromoka Captain and pulled a couple Ainok Survivalist from the sideboard. Lowered mana a little as well and put in 2x Gleam of Authority. Then removed 1x of each Winds of Qal Sisma and Inspiring Call from sideboard and added 2x Gleam of Authority there.

I considered taking Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit out... but it pains me to do so. Thoughts on whether I'm better with something else?

September 11, 2015 10:45 a.m.

Noctem says... #12

I would keep anafenza in because she basically requires an immediate response from your opponent or she just helps make your creatures go out of control faster without any direct cost to you. Maybe lower her to 2 so that you can put in other things. The hangarbacks you talked about. I would also remove the Hidden Dragonslayer and put in Den Protector instead. I'm also not super into Ainok Survivalist as a main board card or even sideboard. You need Windswept Heath badly. Salt Road Quartermasters could also serve you well. Try looking at others lists for the archtype you're trying to build. For example:


September 15, 2015 4:46 p.m.

Harbynger says... #13

Noctem, I don't have Den Protector or Windswept Heath in this deck because it's a budget deck. I recently added the Ainok Survivalist in main to take the space of Dromoka Captain, but am looking more for something in the 2 cost slot. I do want survivalist in the sideboard because the meta in my casual group has quite a few enchantments and artifacts.

Salt Road Quartermasters is a good card that I actually originally purchased for this deck, but didn't have great luck with him, but I may give him a try again since I've changed the deck a lot since I had him in here last. The Hidden Dragonslayer fills a 2 cost slot if I'm hurting for creatures early on (which doesn't happen often, but just in case), so I'm having a hard time finding some good 2 cost cards that work well in this deck. I like having the option to use the megamorph to get the extra counters and kill something or drop for a cheap lifelink guy that I can boost later with Feat of Resistance or Dromoka's Command.

I keep an eye on pretty much all the Selesnya +1 counter decks, but I'm going for budget, so most of the things people are using I just don't want to spend the money on. I did get one Hangarback Walker in a draft that I am torn between putting in this deck and my Thopter deck, since I play both pretty regularly and don't really want to keep pulling him out to switch lol.

Thanks for the suggestions!

September 15, 2015 10:05 p.m.

Harbynger says... #14

Recently played against some new decks, and I have to say I was pleased with the results.

Took on a RB Minotaur tribal deck, and I took him 2-1. He was fast every game, but he didn't have enough burn to take my managorgers out fast enough, and they grew out of control before he could do anything. His one win though he got out a Berserkers' Onslaught and I had already used a Dromoka's Command and just couldn't keep up with all the double strike and didn't see another command in time to save myself (I had sideboarded out the survivalists for inspiring calls, so I wasn't able to use them either... inspiring call worked well though).

Second deck was a Mono-Black Zombie tribal... and it was interesting, but just too slow. First game he got mana screwed, and second game he had all mana. We played a third game for fun since the first two took about 10 minutes to play, and his deck played a little better, but still just couldn't keep up and I won 3-0. I was worried at first though because he was able to kill my managorgers with removal on both turn three AND turn four.

Last deck I played was a Mono-Green ramp. First game I got mana screwed, which really sucked. Wiped the floor with him the next two though. My first win I got an almost perfect hand and he never had a chance to drop his first bomb. The last game was a little more drawn out, but in the end, I was just able to outpace him with large creatures, and he had no answers for the managorgers.

This was all casual, and really makes me want to try a FNM, I have no idea what the meta would be at my local shops though.

September 15, 2015 10:40 p.m.

syandell86 says... #15

Harbynger I may not know the meta everywhere, but I can guarantee you'll see Abzan, Jeskai, Mono-Red of some kind (burn, aggro, goblins) and I'll go out on a limb and say some people are still doing either U/B control or Sphinx mill.
I'm terrible against U/B control. You have to get really lucky.

You might not get paired against them in the swiss, but they WILL be there.

September 15, 2015 11:31 p.m.

syandell86 says... #16

Side board the Ainok Survivalist and replace it with 2 Ainok Guide. It's a good 2 drop to help fill that slot. I'd say you prob need at least 3 more 2 drops. Maybe replace Hidden Dragonslayer with 2 more Guide and call it good? Hard to say. I don't know how it does for you.

September 15, 2015 11:37 p.m.

Harbynger says... #17

Had a chance to play against a couple more new decks.

U/R Control 2-0: I was really scared of this deck at first, as he just kept nopeing everything I dropped. He got out a Chandra as well and was dinging me every turn to get up to the -7 bomb. I had a managorger out that he didn't get rid of early enough though, and I was able to drop gleam of authority just for the vigilance and kill his Chandra, and then the next turn I scale blessing'd for 9 more counters (I had 2 Hardened Scales out) and swung with a 22/22 for the win! He had me down to 1 life, and I was sure he had me until I drew the scale blessing that last turn. Next game he got mana screwed and it was a quick match. He couldn't keep up with the number of creatures I dropped and I won T6.

U/G Manifest 2-0: I felt bad for this one. I'm not sure if it was the deck or bad luck, but he just couldn't keep up with me and was getting frustrated. First game I won T6 and second game he had a better showing, but still just couldn't keep up. He held me off till T11, but I finally got a Falconer and swung with flying FTW.

September 22, 2015 8:57 a.m.

syandell86 says... #18


September 22, 2015 9:35 a.m.

Harbynger says... #19

Moved in some Rot Shambler to make it easier to digest losing other creatures. He's also 2 cost which is nice.

September 29, 2015 8:23 a.m.

ZaulEnTaro says... #20

I like this deck, although I'd consider removing Scale Blessing. It seems too expensive with too little benefit in my mind. You might also want to consider more creatures since you added Rot Shambler.

I have a similar Counter Culture deck, check it out!

September 29, 2015 11:32 a.m.

Harbynger says... #21

ZaulEnTaro, the Scale Blessing is extremely powerful in this deck. We're talking times when I see 20 or more counters being added with one spell. This is generally a wincon for my deck.

September 29, 2015 1:17 p.m.

ZaulEnTaro says... #22

Thanks for your feedback. I suppose I've never had the case where Scale Blessing would add 20 counters. How many creatures and copies of Hardened Scales were out when you got such a huge gain from it? In my experience, I rarely add more than a handful.

September 29, 2015 2:25 p.m.

Noctem says... #23

I think the premise of adding 20 counters with that spell in a competitive standard, or even FNM, environment is a gross exaggeration of what someone should expect with that card. I mean adding 6 counters with that spell in total across creatures, ok sure. But 20? C'mon now.

September 29, 2015 3:10 p.m.

Harbynger says... #24

T1: Hardened Scales

T2: Hardened Scales and Servant of the Scale

T3: Managorger

T4: Scale Blessing drops additional 12 counters... or Abzan falconer/managorger and servant of the scale

T5: Scale blessing now drops 18 or 21 counters.

I absolutely don't think 20 counters is beyond reason! I have actually gotten 24 counters off it in a game before, so I know it can happen.

September 29, 2015 3:54 p.m.

Harbynger says... #25

Obviously saying 20 counters is a best case scenario... but seeing 10 counters is pretty normal off of it in this deck, and that easily makes it worth a slot. I only run 2 because they are meant to be bombs, but it is totally worth it when you have 4 or 5 creatures and a couple hardened scales... it really is a game ender when that happens.

5 creatures + 2 hardened scales = 18 counters, and if any of those are managorgers, you're adding 3 more.

September 29, 2015 3:59 p.m.

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