G/W Aggroic Budget Deck (2nd in FNM)

Standard jerrynickell


Pal00ka says... #1

I am a firm lover of Gods Willing and think almost any deck running white in Standard should seriously consider it in MB. Protection from removal, avenue to lethal damage, heroic trigger, scry-it's a really flexible 1-drop to say the least. I'd cut Chosen by Heliod for a set of it, I don't think Chosen is doing much work here.

I personally think Hero of Leina Tower shines in more green-devotion decks because of all the ramping, and tends to under-perform in decks without. You only have 20 lands, how much can you usually boost her for? She seems more like a late game play, which means early and mid she is a spectator. Every card you have should be working all game unless it's that SPECIAL.

I'd consider -2 her for say +2 Lagonna-Band Trailblazer; Lagonna is a great blocker for aggro and every heroic just makes her stronger, so by mid to late game she could be quite the powerhouse.

November 24, 2014 11:10 a.m.

jerrynickell says... #2

Yea, the Hero was supposed to be in the maybe board. The only issue I have with dropping Chosen by Heliod, is that it draws a card, which I think is super Important for this kind of deck. If anyone has a suggestion for a draw ramp it'd be appreciated?

November 24, 2014 11:39 a.m.

Leonheart210 says... #3

I like this deck idea a lot, wondering if this is more of a semi-overwhelm with numbers type deck or a protect one or two creatures until they become big enough to smash the opponent?My one suggestion would be possibly Reprisal instead of Kill Shot as the meta-game seems to be mostly mid-range with large enough creatures. Even Rabblemaster gets to 4+ power really quick. With the lower land count, every mana source available can be important in a single combat turn.

November 29, 2014 5:50 a.m.

jerrynickell says... #4

Oh, wow I really like that Reprisal. Hadn't done the research for a better kill spell. The idea is to pump one creature unless you get a Phalanx Leader on opening hand, or on the first draw. A Favored Hoplite swinging for 7 damage on turn 2 is enough to kill most anyone by turn 4.

November 30, 2014 4:19 a.m.

Drevin says... #5

Hushwing Gryff is a great card for a side board in a deck like this. First it's a 2/1 with evasion so it's not the weakest attacvk and can do some extra duty in getting damage through. Second its ability to shut down ETBs is great against decks like Abzan where they rely on Siege Rhino for some drain and Wingmate Roc to keep them in the game against aggressive decks like yours. Hushwing is also great against green devotion strategies as they often rely on Hornet Queen to pull out a win for them and the Queen starts to be a bad investment when you are paying 7 mana for one 2/2 flying deathtoucher. I'd also take a look at Glare of Heresy for the sideboard as decks like this can struggle against a resolved and protected Planeswalker like Elspeth, Sun's Champion. When you don't have a beefed up creature the 1/1 tokens can block for days. When you do have a beefed up creature her board wipe will likely take it down. Lastly I'd swap 2 Feat of Resistance for 2 Ajani's Presence. Most of the time the protection in Feat is better than the indestructible in Presence, but there are times, like staring down an End Hostilities, when it's not. You already are main boarding 4 Gods Willing, the 2 pieces of indestructible will likely come in handy.

December 3, 2014 8:35 a.m.

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